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1、特种设备安全监察条例规定:锅炉是以水或有机热载体为介质的承压容器,是用火焰加热或用电加热的容器,并以蒸汽、热水或有机热载体的形式输出热量,这里讨论的锅炉是指范围内的锅炉。锅炉在人们的日常生活中有着重要的作用,因其具有工作压力大、高温、运行过程复杂等特点,易发生事故,且呈多样式。所以锅炉质量监督检验是十分重要的安全工作,锅炉安全监督和检查的重要性决定了质量管理工作的重要性。Special equipment safety supervision regulations regulation: in water or organic heat carrier boiler pressure ves

2、sel for medium, is made of flame heating or electricity heating container, and the output in the form of steam, hot water or organic heat carrier heat boiler discussed here refers to within the scope of the boiler. Boiler has an important role in Peoples Daily lives, because of its working pressure,

3、 high temperature, complex operation process, prone to accidents, and the material. So boiler quality supervision and inspection is a very important safety work, the importance of boiler safety supervision and inspection determines the importance of quality management work.1 锅炉检验必要性1 boiler inspecti

4、on is necessary锅炉能否安全的运行关系到人们生命财产安全。锅炉在设计、制造、安装、使用、修理、改造都要产生一些缺陷,部分缺陷在标准范围内,为允许范围,但有些缺陷超出标准范围,需要返修或废弃,一旦流入市场,锅炉运行后严重的可能发生爆管甚至爆炸事故,如果不及时检验、发现并加以消除,最终将会导致设备破坏,严重的可能导致人民生命和财产损失。所以应进一步开展锅炉质量监督检验。Whether a boiler safe operation is related to people life and property security. Boiler in design, manufactur

5、e, installation, use, repair, transformation will produce some defects, some defects in standard range, to allow range, but some defects beyond the standard range, need repair or scrap, once into the market, serious may occur after boiler operation tube explosion accident, even if not timely inspect

6、ion, found and eliminated them, will eventually lead to equipment damage, serious can lead to peoples life and property losses. So should further carry out boiler quality supervision and inspection.2 锅炉检验的具体内容The specific contents of the 2 boiler inspection锅炉使用一段时间后,一定要进行检验。其具体内容主要检验锅炉管理,锅炉本体检验,安全附件

7、、自控及保护装置的检验,辅机和附件的检验,分汽(水)缸、锅炉范围内管道、支吊架的检验,水质管理和水处理设备的检验等。具体内容如下。Boiler use after a period of time, must be tested. Its specific content mainly inspection management of boiler, the boiler body inspection, safety accessories inspection, control and protection devices, auxiliary machine and accessorie

8、s inspection and steam (water) tank, boiler steam-water pipes, within the scope of inspection, quality management and inspection of water treatment equipment, etc. Specific content as follows.2.1 锅炉本体检验2.1 the boiler body inspection检查锅筒接缝处,管端胀接处,人孔、手孔及法兰处,绝热层里面等处,有无漏水、漏汽;打开炉门,观察孑L,检查锅筒底部、水冷壁管,炉管,过热器

9、等有无鼓包、弯曲等变形。Check the seams drum, pipe expansion it, manhole, hand hole and flange, thermal barrier inside the place such as, with or without water leakage, leakage steam; Away L open the oven door, observation, check the bottom of the drum, the water wall tube, tube furnace, superheater, presence o

10、f bulge, bending deformation, etc.2.2 安全附件、自控及保护装置检验2.2 safety accessories, control and protection devices压力表在最高许可工作压力处是否划有红线标记,是否定期检验,有无铅封。压力表是否指示正确,可用标准压力表进行校验, 安全阀需要校验安全阀的开启度和回座压力,运行时才能校验。安全阀校验后应有铅封。水位表是否清晰,两侧水位表指示是否一致,阀门等处有无漏水、漏汽。水位表汽、水连通管是否畅通。照明设备是否完好等。自控及保护装置,检查表计控制装置是否灵敏可靠,自动或手动控制是否能正常转换。Pres

11、sure gauges at the highest permission whether with a red line mark working pressure, regular inspection, with or without seal. Pressure gauge whether the instructions correctly, can use standard calibrated pressure gauge, safety valve need check valve opening and back pressure, the runtime to check.

12、 Relief valve check after seal. Water gauge whether clear, on both sides of the water gauge indicates whether or not consistent, the place such as leakage, leakage of the valve. The water level gauge of steam, water pipe was clear. Lighting equipment are in good condition, etc. Automatic control and

13、 protection devices, check meter control device is sensitive and reliable, and can automatically or manually control the normal conversion.2.3 辅机和附件检验2.3 inspection auxiliary machinery and accessories风机、水泵等及其附件如压力表、温度计,油位指示器等是否齐全;调节闸、控制阀是否严密、灵活;法兰连接处是否有漏风、漏水;设备运行时是否振动。Fan, water pump and its accesso

14、ries such as pressure gauge, thermometer, such as whether the oil level indicator, etc is complete; Adjust the brake and control valves is strict, flexible; Flange connection to see if there is air leakage, water leakage; Whether the vibration equipment run time.2.4 分汽,水”缸、锅炉范围内管道、支吊架的检验2.4 steam, water tanks, boiler steam-water pipes, within the scope of inspection主要检查分汽(水)缸的附件是否齐全。锻压力表、温度计、疏水阀、紧急泄放管等,阀门、法兰连接处是否漏汽、漏水及分汽(水)缸是否经过强度计算等;锅炉范围内的管道保温层是否脱落。支吊架是否牢固或

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