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1、在面谈中问过多的个人问题会导致尴尬的场面。5. Dont just complain about whats wrong with it; suggest some positive ways to solve the problem.不要只是抱怨出了什么问题,提出几个积极的办法来解决一下吧。6. No one in the class could match Johns hard work and commitment to study, which is why the professor liked him.约翰学习的刻苦和专心致志,在这个班里没人能比得上,这也是教授喜欢他的原因。7.

2、The website allows you to take a(n) virtual tour of the well-known city which was there about 2000 years ago.这个网站能让你到大约两千年前的著名城市进行虚拟观光。8. Those who dare not answer questions in a traditional classroom can easily enjoy the benefits of online courses.那些在传统课堂上不敢回答问题的人很容易体会到网络课程的益处。9. He couldnt join th

3、e police because he was below the minimum height allowed by the rules.因为达不到规定的最低身高,他不能当警察。10. Many new opportunities will be opened up in the future for those with a university education.受过大学教育的人在未来会碰到很多新机会。1. After twenty years as a chain smoker, Mr. Nathe has given up the habit.当了二十年飞“大烟鬼”之后,纳特先生已

4、经戒烟了。2. I hope that our talk has given you some insights into the kind of work that weve been doing.我希望我们的谈话已能让你了解我们一直在做的工作。3. It was clear that much of what he said was far from the truth. Anyone with common sense would have a hard time believing it.很明显,他的话大部分都是假的。有点常识的人都很难相信他所说的。4. You have to be

5、patient with small children, since they cannot tell the difference between right and wrong.对小孩子要有耐心,因为他们还不能辨别是非。5. Hard as they tried, the newspaper reporters couldnt get access to the building where the murder has taken place two hours before.这些新闻记者费了很大劲也没能进入两小时前发生该凶杀案的大楼。6. He was so ill that he w

6、as unable to keep up with what was going on.他病得如此厉害,以至于不知道发生了什么。7. The time has come for us to reap the benefits Of the strong foundations we laid in science and technology.我们在科技方面打下了牢固基础,我们获益的时机已来了。8. He wished to have the opportunity to participate in the sports meet.他希望有机会参加运动会。9. Even though the

7、y are poor, they are against the plan to trade land for goods and money.虽然很穷,但他们反对把土地换成商品和金钱的计划。10. Im doing this to create circumstances under which we can communicate with each other easily.我这样做是为了营造一个氛围,能让我们随意交流。1. 对于网络课程,学生不仅可以选择何时何地学习,在回答问题之前他们还可以有时间思考答案。(not only but also)Not only can students

8、 choose when and where to learn for an online course, but they can also take time to think through answers before making a reply.2. 网上学习的想法使她非常兴奋,而他认为网上学习毫无意义和用处。(while)She is excited by the idea of online learning while be considers it meaningless and useless.3. 与英语为母语的人交谈时非常有益的体验,从中我们能学到许多东西。(comm

9、unicate with)Communicating with native English speakers is a very rewarding experience from which we can learn a lot.4. 如今,越来越多的人可以利用互联网查找他们需要的信息。(have access to)Today, more and more people have access to the Internet through which they look for the information they need.5. 他要她放弃工作在家照顾孩子,但是她觉得这个要求太过

10、分了。(give up)He wants her to give up working and stay home to look after the children. She feels, however, that this is too much for her.6. 既然我们已经学完这门课程,就应该多做些复习。(now that)Now that we have finished the course, we shall start doing more revision work.Unit 21. If the bike appeals to you that much, why

11、not buy it? You just got paid yesterday.要是这辆自行车那么吸引你,为什么不买呢?你昨天刚发了工资。2. He managed to hide his identity and moved to a new town where people would not know him.他设法隐蔽自己的身份,搬到了一个没人认识他的新城镇。3. All of your concern was for nothing, because I was safe all night.你所有的担心都是多余的,因为我一整夜都很安全。4. It was worse than h

12、orrible; the smell in the room was so disgusting that it actually made me sick.更糟糕的是,屋子里令人讨厌的气味让我简直想吐。5. I wasnt quite angry, but I was a little upset when my noodles were cooked poorly.我并不是很生气,但是把面条做得这么差劲,让我很心烦。6. Modern music may have a negative influence as well as a positive one on teenagers.现代音

13、乐对十几岁的青少年既有正面的影响又有负面的影响。7. He has made a(n) offensive remark that angers all of us.他那冒犯的话语让我们都很生气。8. On hearing the news, the mother burst into tears and rushed out of the room, followed by a few other people.听到这个消息,这位母亲大哭着冲到屋外,几个人在后面跟着。9. I bought some computer paper, but when I got it home I found

14、 it was the wrong stuff.我买了一些计算机用纸,但是到家的时候才发现东西不对。10. I want you to be very thorough when you look in the park for the missing woman so you wont miss her.我希望你在公园寻找那位失踪的妇女时仔细点,以免错过。11. Sandys father could not stand the offensive music, so he asked her to turn it off/ down.桑迪的爸爸不能忍受这令人讨厌的音乐,所以要求她关掉/调低声音。12. I cant turn the tap off, and theres water all over the floor.我关不上水龙头,地面上全是水了。13. He is busy as usual, giving lectures and wo

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