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新课标高一 Unit 1 relCultural ics 英语教案Word文件下载.docx

1、 an great peple; iprtant events taing plae there)4 In ur pinin, hat are ultural relis?2 Sh se pitures f se faus ultural relis(1) The Great all (2)The Praids in Egpt(3)The Tai ahal (In India) (4) The Sdne pera (In Australia)() The Great Barrier Reef (In Australia) (6)The Big Ben (In England) Step 2 P

2、re-reading1 hat d u thin f the ultural relis?2 Suppse ne f the gt lst, h uld u feel and hat ill u d ith it?(Tr ur best t find it; Prtet the thers in rder that the ill nt get lst; Rebuild a ne ne if e reall ant find it)Tas 1: Fast readingain idea1) h is it alled the Aber R?(It as given the nae beause

3、 alst seven thusand tns f aber ere used t ae it)2) hat happened t the Aber R?(The Aber R as given t the Russian peple as a great gift b the ing)Tas 2: areful readingDetailed infratin (Ex 1≈2 n page 2&3)1 The ing f Prussia h gave the Aber R as a gift t Russia as_Frederi I B Frederi illia I Peter t

4、he Great D atherine II2 The ing f Prussia gave the Aber R t Russia beause_he anted t arr atherine II B he as ind he needed better sldiers D he anted t ae friends3 The Aber R as stlen b_Russian sldiers B Geran sldiers Peple in nigsberg D Peple in St Petersburg4 In 1941, the it f nigsberg as in _Geran

5、 B Russia Seden D Frane The Russians didnt hide the Aber R beause _the ere at ar B the uldnt find a plae the Geran sldiers arrived t sn D n train uld tae it aaT r F questins:( ) 1 The Aber R as nt eas t ae( ) 2 atherine II didnt lie everthing abut the Aber R hen she first sa it( ) 3 The Aber R as ta

6、en t nigsberg and hidden there in 1941( ) 4 The Russians didnt are abut the Aber R( ) The Russians dnt thin the Aber R ill ever be fundTas 3: ain idea f eah paragraphThe Aber R has a strange histr and sething abut its design and buildingThe histr f the Aber R and its funtins in Russiaatherine II had

7、 the Aber R ved t the palae utside St Petersburg and it beae ne f the great ndersThe Nazi Geran ar stle the Aber R in 1941 After that hat reall happened t it reains a sterThe Russians and Gerans have built a Ne Aber R at the suer palae, flling the ld phtsStep 3 ListeningListen t the tape and fll it

8、t read the textStep 4 Disussinhat shuld e d t prtet ur ultural relis?Step Explanatin1 pete: (vt) tae part in a rae, ntest, exa, et(1) pete in 在中比赛/竞争ill u pete in the rae?(2) pete against / ith 与竞争/比赛He is ging t pete against / ith his lassates(3) pete fr 为而竞争/比赛The t teas ill pete fr the hapinship(

9、4) petitr 竞争者 petitin 竞争,比赛 petitive (ad) 竞争性的,比赛性的2 survive: vt & vi 幸存 Frtunatel he survived the traffi aidentaels an survive fr an das ith n aterThe helipter pied up all the _ The praed fr the _ f the sailrs survivr (n) 幸存者 survival (n) 幸存3 reain (1) vi 留下,遗留I ent t the it, but brther reained at

10、he (2) lin-verb 后接n / ad / 介词短语/表位置的adv friend beae a bss, but I reained a teaherThe death f the ld an reained unnnThe prble reains t be disussedNthing reains but t send the invitatin ut (只要就行了)It nl reains fr e t sign the paper that u gave e (某人所要做的只是某事)He bught a ne b ith the _(剩下的) 40 uan=He bugh

11、t a ne b ith the 40 uan _ (剩下的) *-h d u l s upset? -There are s an trublese prbles _reaining t settle B reained settled reaining t be settled D reained t be settled4 the rest 作主语时, 根据指带对象不同,可能是单数,也可能是复数(1) I have finished st f the r, and the rest _ t be dne next ee(2) Se students ent ut, and the res

12、t _ reained in the lassr iagine: vt 想象 n iaginatin(1) u ant iagine h I iss u all(2) e an hardl iagine life ithut ater(3) an u iagine her being a thief? = an u iagine her as a thief?6 state / nditin / situatin(1) e tr t ae urselves get int a _ befre the exa(2) anna is in a pr _ f health, hih rries he

13、r parents(3) His health is in gd _(4) Suddenl he fund hiself in a diffiult _ state 状态, 可数名词; nditin 条, 复数形式表 “环境,状况”; situatin 指处境,局势7 find / find ut / disver(1) Ive _ the b I as ling fr(2) Please _ hat tie the are ing(3) The plie are tring hard t _ abut the aident(4) lubus _ the Ne rld in 1492find

14、ut : 经过努力有意去 “找”, “打听”, “弄清楚” find: “找到,发现”, 强调结果disver: 发现本就存在但未被人所知的事物, 地方,思想等8 gift: 礼物; 天赋He has gt lts f birthda giftsHe is a an f gifts 他多才多艺The b has a gift fr usigifted (ad) 有天赋的9 情态动词+have dne (对过去发生的事实的推测)(1) He paid fr a seat hen he _ have entered free (uld /uld / ust / need)(2) I _ have been re than six ears ld hen the aident happened(shuldnt / uldnt / ustnt / neednt)10 it easil elts

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