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2、校武术教师及武术练习者为研究对象,通过参考文献资料法,实地考察法,数据统计法,逻辑分析法等研究方法,客观地对梅山武术做出了较为全面的考察与分析,针对梅山武术的低迷现状,对不同人群对于梅山武术的看法及认可程度进行了调查和访问,并对采集到的数据进行整理分析,最后剖析了它的发展现状及低迷原因,并在此基础上,提出了相应的解决措施,旨在呼吁社会群众重视以为梅山武术为代表的传统民间武艺,有选择性的继承,取其精华,去其糟粕,并在传承的基础上敢于创新,将中国传统的优良民间武术发扬光大。关键词:非物质文化,认知程度,结构调整,以人为本,活态传承,创新与发展On Inheritance and Developme

3、nt of Intangible Cultural Heritage Meishan surgeryAbstract: Meishan surgery is a popular traditional sport in regional ethnic rural areas of central China s Hunan Province , is a folk boxing complete technical system, its origins can be traced back to the ancient Northern Song Dynasty , according to

4、 legend created by Wen Tianxiang , a very with geographical and cultural characteristics , profound cultural heritage. Its millennium culture has deeply affected the formation of many of the local villagers and the village folk of personality , is a manifestation of one of the main carriers of Hunan

5、 Culture . However, with the migration of the times, the development of Meishan surgery affected by many factors, including improving the living standards of the local villages of material production , changes in villagers ideas , the impact of foreign culture , government policy focus deviation mar

6、tial arts work , and school to the lack of local sports and cultural education , these factors led to surgery and now is the status quo Meishan downturn stages of development . However , this traditional sport Meishan surgery in non-material cultural aspects of modern life that people have a lot of

7、useful value , specifically in health , education, and non-material economy and tourism. In order to make non- material values Meishan surgery to inheritance and development , in my research Meishan surgery as its in-depth understanding and analysis to Xinhua County and suburban county located in th

8、e south, Eastern martial arts school martial arts teachers and practitioners of martial arts study , by reference to literature, field trips law , statistics , logical analysis and other research methods , Meishan surgery to objectively make a more comprehensive investigation and analysis , Downcast

9、 Meishan for surgery , for different populations perception and recognition of the extent of surgery were investigated Meishan and access , and organize the collected data analysis, the final analysis of the current situation and its reasons for the downturn , and on this basis, the proposed corresp

10、onding measures , designed to appeal to social importance that Meishan masses represented by the traditional folk art martial arts , selective inheritance, its essence, to its dregs, and innovation on the basis of inheritance , the fine traditional Chinese folk martial arts to flourish.Keywords: non

11、-material cultural,The degree of cognitive restructuring,people-oriented,Living heritage, innovation and development目录摘要Abstract前言.选题意义.梅山武术的起源及现状综述.研究对象与方法.文献法.实地调查法.数据统计法.逻辑分析结果与分析.梅山武术的特征与价值.梅山武术的发展现状分析.从非物质文化遗产保护下新化县梅山武术的影响因素.结论与建议.改变认识,培养专业人才.以人为本,进行活态传承.发展与传承齐头并进.国家政策法规给予相应的支持结束语参考文献1.前言.选题意义本

12、课题的选题意义为:对于“非物质文化遗产”这个名词,我们不妨将他理解成“活文化”,即需要活人来继承。非物质文化遗产的保护重点在于传承,而传承人的保护则是重中之重,因为传承人实质上就是文化的活课本,而传承的本质内容也就在于文化的延续。在非物质文化遗产背景下,本课题通过对新化县梅山武术现状与发展的调查研究,了解掌握人们练习武术的目的,以及梅山武术发展过程中存在的问题,根据经济文化发展现状,提出对梅山武术发展的改进措施,以便有助于新化县梅山武术的健康良性发展,进而让人民全面认识了解梅山武术,为梅山武术的更好更快发展提供体育科学理论依据。这样有利于传承、保护我国优秀民族传统文化和促进梅山武术适应现代文化发展潮流,使梅山武术能扬长避短,让人们能够充分挖掘其为人类造福的优势所在。同时也为丰富和拓展梅山武术的发展具有一定的理论和现实指导意义,为发展和振兴我国民族传统体育树立丰碑。.梅山武术的起源及现状综述梅山武术的起源最早可以追溯到北宋时期,相传为赵天祥所创,具有很强的渔猎文化特色。 梅山武术中的许多武器往往就是劳动和生活的工具,如常见的梅山武术器械有板凳、方桌、烟斗、尺耙、齐眉棍等。 梅山武术的独家兵器“耙”,就是梅山祖先打虎用的工具,独家双兵器“铁尺”,也是从这类狩猎工具演化而来的;另外,梅山先人把在

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