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人教英语八年级下册Unit 6知识点梳理Word文档下载推荐.docx

1、13. instead of 代替;反而14. turn.into. 使.变成.15. get married 结婚16. the main character 主要人物;主人公17. at other times 在另外一些时候18. be able to 能;会19. come out (书、电影等)出版20. become interested in. 对感兴趣21. walk to the other side 走到另一边去22. a fairy tale 一个神话故事23. the rest of the story 故事的其余部分24. leave sb. to do sth. 让

2、某人做某事25. make a plan to do sth. 筹划/计划做某事26. go to sleep 去睡觉27. lead sb. to sp. 把某人领到某地28. get lost 迷路29. change ones plan 改变计划30. tell sb. to do sth. 叫某人做某事31. in the moonlight 在月光下32. find one s way home 找到某人回家的路33. the next day 第二天34. send sb. to sp. 派某人去某地35. so.that. 如此.以致于.【重点句型】1.So what do yo

3、u think about the story of Yu Gong? 你觉得愚公的故事怎么样?2. It doesnt seem very possible to move a mountain. 把一座山给移掉好像不太可能。3.This is because he can make 72 changes to his shape and size, turning himself into different animals and objects. 这是因为他会根据他的形状和大小,做出72种变化,可以将自己变成不同的动物或东西。4.Sometimes he can make the st

4、ick so small that he can keep it in his ear. 有时候,他能够让他的金箍棒变得很小,以至于可以放在耳朵里。5.Because they were so big that it took a long time to walk to the other side. 这些(山)太高了,他们要花好长时间才能翻越过去。6.Dont eat it until you get to the forest. 你们到达森林之后才能吃。【话题写作】同学们对“愚公移山”的故事一定有着很深的印象吧?请根据本单元所学内容及下面的提示词语,以The story of YuGon

5、g为题,把“愚公移山”的故事用英语简要叙述一下,并谈一谈你从故事中学到了什么。80词左右,开头已给出,不计入总词数。提示词语:90,move themountains, zhisou, die, sons, grandsons, continue, god, be moved, help【优秀满分范文】The story of YuGongOnce upon a time, there was an old man called YuGong. Although he was almost 90, he decided to move the mountains.A clever man ca

6、lled Zhisou said,“you are too old to move the mountains.”Yugong said,“If Idie, my sons still do this, and if my sonsdie, my grandsons continue doing this.”then a god was movedby Yugong, so he sent two gods to help him.From this story, I learn that anything is possible if we work hard.词汇讲解1. missmiss

7、作动词,意为“想念,思念”。例如:Ill miss you when you go toCanada.你到了加拿大以后,我一定会想你。【拓展】(1) miss作动词还有“未击中,未抓住”的意思。I tried to hit the ball but I missed.我努力地想击中球,但却未成功。(2) miss还可意为“未赶上,错过”,是动词。I missed the football match on TV last night.我错过了昨天晚上电视中的足球赛。(3) miss与like; mind; finish; enjoy; practice; be busy; stop; cant

8、 help; give up等词一样后接动词的-ing形式。I dont want to miss seeing that film on television tonight.我不想错过今晚在电视上看那部影片的机会。2. suddenlysuddenly作副词,意为“突然,忽然”,在句中多修饰动词或句子,做状语。I suddenly remembered that I didnt bring my key.我突然想起来我没有带钥匙。It all happened so suddenly.一切都发生得那么突然。3. either(1) either作副词,意为“也不”,用在否定句中。He ca

9、nt play the violin. I cant, either.他不会拉小提琴,我也不会。(2) either pron. (两者中)任意一个。There are many trees on either side of the street.在街道的每一边都有很多树。(3) eitheror为连词短语,连接两个相同的句子成分,意为“要么要么;或者或者;不是就是”。He either stays at home or visits friends on the weekend.在周末,他要么待在家里,要么拜访朋友。They will come either tomorrow or the

10、 day after tomorrow.他们不是明天来,就是后天来。【注意】eitheror连接两个主语时,谓语动词的形式与紧靠谓语的那个主语的形式保持一致,即遵循就近原则。Either I or he is on duty today.今天不是我值日,就是他值日。4. light(1)light作不可数名词,意为“光;光亮;光线”。The sun gives out light and heat.太阳发出光和热。He read the letter by the light of the candle.他在烛光下读那封信。(2)light作可数名词,意为“电灯;光源”。例如;Dont cro

11、ss the road when the traffic lights are red.当交通灯是红色时,不要横穿马路。(3)light作形容词,意为“轻的;浅色的”。Is the box heavy or light?那箱子是重还是轻?I like the light green dress.我喜欢哪件浅绿色的裙子。(4)light作动词,意为“点燃;照亮”。He sat down and lit a cigarette.他坐下来,点了一支烟。5. beat beat是及物动词,有以下用法:(1) 意为“赢;打败;战胜”,后接人或某一团队、组织等,其过去式为beat。I beat him a

12、t long jump yesterday.昨天跳远我赢了他。(2) 意为“打;击”,表示连续不断的打击。 Who is beating the drum? 谁在打鼓?(3) 表示“(心脏)等跳动”。I feel my heart is beating fast.我觉得我的心脏在剧烈跳动。beat和win都有“赢”的意思,但用法不同:beat的宾语为人或相当于人的团体、组织;而win的宾语为比赛或某个项目,过去式为won。Though we were weak, we beat them.虽然我们弱,但我们赢了他们。Who won the first prize in the competit

13、ion?谁在比赛中赢得了一等奖?6. againstagainst是介词,其用法如下:(1)反对,违反。对应的反义词为for,常用于be against sb. / sth.反对某人/某事例如:Are most people against having a part-time job?大多数人反对做兼职工作吗?(2) 和交战(指竞争、比赛等)。Well have a basketball match against the team from No. 2 Middle School next week.下星期我们将于二中的球队举行一场篮球赛。(3) 碰、撞、擦。 Rain beats against the window. 雨打在窗户上。(4) 倚着、靠着。There was a ladder propped up(支撑) against the wall.一把梯子靠着墙。(5) 防备,抗。 She saved money against old age. 她攒钱防老。

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