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北师大版英语六上 期末基础复习知识Word格式文档下载.docx

1、It an orange. Yes, it is. ( No, it isnt )2.蔬菜:(Vegetables) tomatoes (西红柿),potatoes (土豆),beans (豆角),mushrooms (蘑菇),cabbages(卷心菜) cucumbers (黄瓜) ,peppers (辣椒), eggplants (茄子), carrots (胡萝卜), onions (洋葱) cauliflowers (菜花) pumpkin(南瓜) pea(豌豆) leek(韭菜 )What are these those ? Are these those beans?They ar

2、e onions. Yes, they are. (No, they arent .)3. 颜色: (Color) What color is it? What color do you like/ dislike ?red(红色), pink(粉色) , yellow(黄色) , green(绿色) , blue(蓝色), grey=gray(灰色), black(黑色), white(白色) brown(棕色), purple (紫色), orange(橘色) , golden 形容词(金色),gold名词(金色)4. 工作(job /work) What does she /he do?

3、 What do you do?She/ He is a worker. I am a nurse engineer singer dancer farmer worker student= pupil teacher writer waiter lawyer cook policeman policewoman salesman actor actress driver vet manager juggler ( 杂技演员),pilot ( 飞行员),astronaut (宇航员), tailor (裁缝),dentist (牙医) clown (小丑) kee

4、per (看门的人) killer (杀手) painter (油画家) postman (邮递员) artist (艺术家) fireman(消防员)5交通工具:How do you go to school/ work?By: bike bus train car taxi van subway ship jeep trolley bus truck on foot 6. 星期:(week) What day is it today? Its Monday. Monday (Mon. 星期一),Tuesday ( Tue. 星期二),Wednesday (Wed. 星期三),Thursda

5、y(Thur.星期四),Friday (Fri. 星期五),Saturday (Sat. 星期六), Sunday (Sun. 星期日)7. 月份:(month)January (Jan. 一月),February ( Feb. 二月),March (Mar. 三月), April (Apr. 四月),May (May.五月),June (Jun. 六月),July (Jul. 七月),August (Aug. 八月),September (Sep. 九月),October (Oct. 十月),November (Nov. 十一月),December (Dec. 十二月)Whats the d

6、ate today? Its January 1st.When is your birthday? Its January 12th.8、季节:(Seasons)Spring (春), Summer (夏), Autumn (秋)= fall Winter (冬)Which season do you like ?I like spring because its green everywhere.9Animals动物cat (猫), dog (狗),fish ( 鱼),goat (山羊), turtle ( 乌龟),peacock ( 孔雀),lion (狮子),kangaroo (袋鼠),

7、cow (牛),owl (猫头鹰),mouse (老鼠),oyster (牡蛎),frog ( 青蛙),rabbit ( 兔子),sheep (绵羊),panda ( 熊猫),fox (狐狸),donkey ( 驴),horse ( 马), tiger (虎),leopard (豹子),squirrel ( 松鼠),shark ( 鲨鱼),whale (鲸鱼),snake (蛇),bear (熊),butterfly (蝴蝶),monkey (猴子),crab (螃蟹),bird (鸟),elephant (大象),duck (鸭子),deer (鹿),ant (蚂蚁),zebra (斑马),

8、rooster (公鸡),zoo (动物园),insect (昆虫,瓢虫),cage (笼子),nest (鸟巢) 10人称 your你(们)的 my我的 she她 he他family家庭 mother妈妈 father爸爸 sister姐姐brother兄,弟 me我 grandmother(外)祖母grandfather(外)祖父 aunt(婶)姑,姨 uncle叔,伯,舅 mom妈妈 dad爸爸 her她的his他的 friend朋友 boy男孩 girl女孩children孩子,儿童 it它 teacher教师name名字 queen女王11. Numbers: 数字 Whats yo

9、ur telephone number? How much is it? How old are you?(1) 基数词:0 zero 1 one 2 two 3 three 4 four 5 five 6 six 7 seven 8 eight 9 nine 10ten 11eleven 12 twelve 13 thirteen 14 fourteen 15 fifteen 16 sixteen 17 seventeen 18 eighteen 19 nineteen 20 twenty 21 twenty-one 22 twenty-two 23 twenty-three 30 thir

10、ty 32 thirty-two 40 forty 50 fifty 60 sixty 70 seventy 80 eighty 90 ninety 100 one hundred (2) 序数词:first第一 second第二 third第三 fourth第四 fifth第五 sixth第六 seventh第七 eighth第八 ninth第九 tenth第十 eleventh第十一 twelfth第十二 thirteenth第十三 fourteenth第十四 fifteenth第十五 sixteenth第十六 seventeenth第十七 eighteenth第十八 nineteenth

11、第十九 twentieth第二十 twenty-first第二十一 twenty-second第二十二 twenty-third第二十三 thirtieth第三十 thirty-first第三十一 fortieth第四十 fiftieth第五十 sixtieth第六十 seventieth第七十 eightieth第八十 ninetieth第九十 (one)hundredth第一百12. 反义词:what is it like?big -small woman -man round -square thin- thick warm-cool come- go sad= unhappyhappy

12、 tallshortlongshort newold pinkpurple hotcold old youngright-wrong tick-cross fatthin boygirl thisthat thesethose 1.same different 2.newold3.old young 4.short long5.bigsmall 6.tallshort 7.yesno8.openclose9.hotcold 10.herethere 11.sit stand 12.updown13.thinfat14.fathermother 15.rightwrong 16.blackwhi

13、te17.thisthat18.thesethose19.boygirl 20. grandfather grandmother21.manwoman22.husband wife 23.aunt uncle 24.brothersister25. heshe 26. leftright 27. go come 28. nurse doctor 29. good bad 30. minus plus 31. his her 32. busy free 33. hand foot 34. legs arms 13. 天气状况:(weather) Whats the weather like to

14、day ? Its windy . sunny (晴朗的), cloudy (多云的),rainy (夏雨的)snowy (下雪的),windy (多风的),foggy(大雾的),stormy(暴风雨的)weather (天气),cold (冷),hot (热),warm (温暖的),cool (凉爽的),rain (雨),snow (雪),wind (风),fog(雾)sun(太阳),storm(暴风雨)report (报告),14形状circle圆 heart心形,心脏 rectangle长方形,矩形 square正方形 triangle三角形 diamond(菱形)oval(椭圆)star (星形)15地点场所:(Places )school (

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