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1、DCRC经理由总经理担任The The companys companys GM serves as the GM serves as the DCRC managerDCRC manager 另设副经理1名、主管1名O One deputy manger and one DCRC ne deputy manger and one DCRC supervisorsupervisor新车回访专员(1名):销售后的3日DC、40日DC、维修后保养提醒及解决新车投诉 DC specialist for new cars(1 person)DC specialist for new cars(1 pe

2、rson):respon:responsible sible for contactfor contactinging the new the new customers in three days and in forty days.customers in three days and in forty days.S She also remindhe also reminds s the customers the customers ofof the car maint the car maintenance enance and dealand deals s with the co

3、mplain with the complaintsts about new carabout new cars s.维修回访专员(4名):维修后的3日DC及投诉的解决 DC specialist for maintenance(4 persons):responresponsiblesible for contactfor contactinging the the customers who repaired thecustomers who repaired theirir carcars 3 days agos 3 days ago in our company and deal wi

4、th in our company and deal with anyany complain complaintsts about about the maintenancethe maintenance.预约专员(1名)90日未回厂客户联系、预约 one person one person is is responresponsiblesible for reservation and contactfor reservation and contactinging the customers who the customers who hahaveve never come bacnev

5、er come back k in ninety ninety days.每位DCRC专员每日轮流照顾休息区客户 EachEach D DCRCCRC is is taktakinging care of the customers in care of the customers in the resting placethe resting place in turn.设施、设备installmentandequipment拥有可独立办公的两间办公室Therearetwoseparateoffices拥有DCRC专用电话线2条Therearetwospeci

6、altelephonelinesforDCRC五台专用电脑FivespecialcomputersforDCRCDCRCDCRC的主要工作的主要工作main workmain work客户关怀客户关怀 Care for the customerCare for the customers s回访回访 DCDC预约预约reservation reservation 问题的解决及预防问题的解决及预防Settlement and prevention of Settlement and prevention of the problemthe problems s对其他部门的支持对其他部门的支持Su

7、pport to other departmentsSupport to other departments保持良好的顾客关系保持良好的顾客关系Keep good Keep good relationship with relationship with customerscustomers一、客户的关怀Care for the customerCare for the customers s我们将宽敞明亮的休息室进行了分区:影视区、上网区,还专为吸烟人士准备了吸烟区,为儿童准备了娱乐区;TherestingplaceisdividedintoTVarea,Netsurfingarea,smo

8、kingareaandamusementareaforchildren提供当月的杂志、当日的报刊以及福特新车的资料;Offerthemagazine,newspapersandtheinformationaboutthenewcars.每日提供三种不同的饮品,并在夏季提供冰冻的雪碧及可乐。Offerthreekindsofdifferentdrinkseveryday,andoffericydrinksinsummer.我们在休息室准备了万能手机充电器、针线包、毛毯以备车主所需,提供象棋、围棋、扑克等娱乐用品,并为儿童准备了智力玩具。We prepared the all-powerful c

9、ellular phone charger,thread to wrap in the resting place woolen blanket with have the car owner need,provide the amusement things,such as Chinna chess and poker.etc.,and prepared the intelligence toy for the child.二、与销售的互动supportforsalesdepartmentl妥善保管新购车客户档案并保证它的正确性。Keepthenewcarcustomersinformati

10、onandmakesureoftheircorrectnessl与新购车客户联系,进行回访。DC for new customersl查询40天前购车的客户是否回厂做第一次免费换油,并与其联系。Check whether the customers who bought their cars 40 days ago had come back for free replacement of oil,and contact them if necessaryl 解决新车客户的抱怨或投诉。Settlement of any complaints from new customersl 配合销售销售

11、部门开展各项宣传活动及车展,开发潜在客户提供给销售部门,提高新车销售机会。Cooperate with sales department for various promotion activities and car exhibits,develop potential customers for sales department and enhance the opportunity for new car salesl 每周出具新车回访报告并做出改善计划,以提高销售满意度。Submit weekly report for new car DC and make action plans

12、for improvement in order to increase the customerss satisfaction rate.三、与服务的互动supportforservesdepartmentl与前台接待、车间班组形成一对一负责制。Onetoonecooperationwithreceptionistandmaintenanceworkerl维修后的回访DCaftermaintenancel询问当日保养客户的月平均行驶公里数,推算下次保养时间,录入维修回访表中。Inquireaboutthemonthlyaveragerunningdistanceofeachcustomers

13、carfromthecustomerswhoaremaintainingtheircarsinourcompany,forecasttheduetimefornextmaintenanceoftheircarsandkeeprecordoftheseinvestigationresultsl解决维修客户的抱怨或投诉。Settlementofanycomplaintsaboutthemaintenancel配合参加服务部的各项活动,以提高客户回厂率。Cooperate with service department for various activities in order to encou

14、rage the customers to pay more frequent visit backl 每月与服务部门开会讨论上月的满意度情况,并作出改善计划,以提高服务满意度 Monthly meeting with service department to discuss the satisfaction rate of customers in the previous month and make action plans for improvement四、预约reservationl从DMS中筛选90日未回厂客户进行主动接触,尽量与客户达成下一次维修保养的预约;Actively s

15、elect customers who have never come back within 90 days from DMS and try to make reservation for their next maintenancel 及时通知服务部门和其它部门准备接待预约客户。填写欢迎看板;Timely inform the service and other departments for receiving reserved customers.Put slogan on the welcome board.l 与预约客户保持联系,提醒准时到达,根据需要调整预约时间,充分发挥预约的功能。Keep in contact with reserved customers and remind them of the appointments,adjust the reservation time if there is any change,make full use of the reservation functionl 监控预约成功率,每日统计进厂台次与预约数,以提高预约比例,缓解维修接待压力。Monitor the success rate of the reservation,keep record of

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