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1、n.+y构成形容词 blood-mud-sun-cloud-rain-wind-taste-dream-ice-greed-fat-fog-3.burst vi.vt.(burst-burst-burst)使某物爆炸,胀破,爆破,破裂burst in/into a door/room/building 突然进入门/房间/大楼1.他没有敲门就突然进入房间.He burst into the room without knocking at the door.The plane crashed and burst into flames.2.飞机坠毁起火了.All of them burst ou

2、t laughing/crying/singing.3.他们全都突然笑起来/哭起来/唱起来.=All of them burst into laughter/tears/songs.burst into sth.=burst out doing 突然起来burst out+v-ing :suddenly begin doing sth扩展扩展:burst into leafburs into flower长出叶子长出叶子开花开花n.a burst of.一阵一阵.a burst of laughter/thunder/applause(欢呼)欢呼)4.But the one million p

3、eople of the city,who thought little of these events,were asleep as usual that night.think little of these events 对这些情况几乎没有怎么对这些情况几乎没有怎么去考虑、没当一回事去考虑、没当一回事think little of think nothing of think badly/poorly/ill of think well/much/highly/a lot/a great deal of 对对看法不好,评价很低看法不好,评价很低不不重视,忽视重视,忽视认为没什么认为没什么

4、对对重视重视/高度评价高度评价1.校长对你的进步评价很高校长对你的进步评价很高。The headmaster thought highly of your progress.think of 想起,考虑想起,考虑2.To tell you the truth,I _ Tom,who is very lazy and never knows what to do.think poorly of 5.It seemed as if the world was at an end.世界似乎到了末日。世界似乎到了末日。as if=as though 好像好像 引出方式状语从句引出方式状语从句 She

5、spoke to me as if she knew me.她她和我说话的神情,好像她早就认识我和我说话的神情,好像她早就认识我 似的。似的。as if 在表语从句中相当于在表语从句中相当于that:It seemed as if/that the meeting would never end.看看起来会议没完没了。起来会议没完没了。1)虚拟语气(说话者主观想象或夸大的比喻)虚拟语气(说话者主观想象或夸大的比喻)2)陈述语气陈述语气,时态一致时态一致When a pencil is partly in a glass of water,it looks as if it were broke

6、n 当铅笔一部分放进水里,看起来好像折断了似的。当铅笔一部分放进水里,看起来好像折断了似的。(虚拟虚拟)It looks as if its going to rain 看样子天要下雨了。看样子天要下雨了。(陈述语气陈述语气)(是事实或可能性很大是事实或可能性很大)as if 后的从句可用两种语气后的从句可用两种语气 an end=finished 结束,终结(作表语)结束,终结(作表语)We were very happy when the work was at an end.Compare:at the end of by the end of in the endat the

7、end of“在在尽头;在尽头;在末末”by the end of “到到/截止截止末末”;主句一般用完成时主句一般用完成时in the end 意思意思“最后、终于最后、终于”=at last/finally 1.Wash your hands _ the the end of2.How many English words had you learned _ last term?by the end of3.He tried various jobs and_ became a the endbring/put an end to 使终止使

8、终止come to an end.结束结束end up with 以以.而告终而告终其他词组:其他词组:The job came to an end last month.Her sudden arrival put an end to their meeting.她的忽然来到使他们的会议终止了。At the dinner we usually begin with soup and end up with fruit.在宴会上,开始的一道菜通常是汤,最后的一道是水果。7.In fifteen terrible seconds a large city lay in ruins.在可怕的15秒

9、钟内,一座大城市就沉沦在一片废墟之中。lie(lay lain)处于某种状态;躺,平躺,平卧 平放1.The whole factory has lain waste for many years.整个工厂多年来一直荒芜在那里。2.He let the farm go to ruin.他让农场败落了。go to ruin=fall into ruin 衰落衰落,败落败落lie/be in ruins 成为废墟成为废墟in ruins 荒芜的荒芜的,成为废墟成为废墟,一般用作表语或状语一般用作表语或状语An earthquake left the whole town in ruins.His

10、career is in ruins.1.The city _ (成为废墟)成为废墟)after the war.lay/was in ruins口诀口诀:规则的规则的“撒谎撒谎”,不规则,不规则的的“躺躺”,躺过,躺过就就“下蛋下蛋”。(lie当当“说谎说谎”用,它的过去式用,它的过去式和过去分词都为和过去分词都为lied,而当,而当“躺躺”用时,它的过用时,它的过去式为去式为“下蛋下蛋”即即lay)中文中文 原形原形过过 去去 式式过去过去分分词词现在现在分分词词说明说明放置放置产产卵卵laylaidlaidlaying及物动及物动词词躺躺;位于位于lielaylainlying不及物不及

11、物动词动词说谎说谎 lieliedliedlying不及物不及物动词动词8分数的表示法分数的表示法分子分母基数词序数词分子大于一,分母用复数分子大于一,分母用复数三分之一三分之一one-third五分之三五分之三 three-fifthstwo and three-fifths?a quarter?Two thirds of the land is covered by forest.2.One fifth of the students in this class are girls1.三分之二的陆地为森林所覆盖三分之二的陆地为森林所覆盖这个班里五分之一的学生是女生这个班里五分之一的学生是女

12、生3.More than 61%of the surface of the earth _ covered by water.4.Seventy percent of the workers in this factory _ young.isare口头翻译口头翻译:李平的弟弟年纪太小而不能参军。Li Pings brother is too young to join the army.=Li Pings brother is not old enough to join.听到这个消息他紧张地说不出话来。听到这个消息他紧张地说不出话来。Hearing the good news,he was

13、 too nervous to speak.In the farmyards,the chickens and even the pigs were too nervous to eat.9.tooto 太太以至于不能以至于不能(表否定表否定)“tooto”结构之前带有结构之前带有only,but,never,not,时,时,是强调是强调肯定肯定的表示法,译作的表示法,译作“非常非常”“十分十分”“实在实在”真是太真是太”等等I am only too happy to teach you.我我非常高兴教你们。非常高兴教你们。He is but too glad to do so他他非常喜欢这

14、样做非常喜欢这样做You can never be too old to enjoy a song.我们绝对不会老得不能享受歌曲带来的欢乐我们绝对不会老得不能享受歌曲带来的欢乐Tooto.结构中带有表示结构中带有表示心情心情或或描绘性描绘性的的adj/adv时也表达肯定含义时也表达肯定含义Eg.ready,eager,satisfied,kind,willing,anxious etcShe is too ready to help other.他乐于助人。他乐于助人。I am too eager to have a world trip.我很想去环球旅行我很想去环球旅行10.hurt injure wound 指肉体上,也可指精神上的指肉体上,也可指精神上的伤害也可指伤害也可指“疼痛,痛苦疼痛,痛苦”指由于意外或事故而受伤指由于意外或事故而受伤指外伤,如枪伤指外伤,如枪伤,刀伤刀伤,剑伤剑伤,尤指在战斗中受伤尤指在战斗中受伤1.He fell off

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