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1、英语中最常用词缀Affixes Most Frequently Used in EnglishnAn affix(词缀)is a letter or group of letters,for example un-or-y,which is added to either the beginning or the end of a word in order to form a different word.nAn affix includes prefix(added to the beginning of the word,前缀)and suffix(added to the end of

2、 the word,后缀).nWhen a prefix is added to a word,the word often has a new meaning.For example,unhappy,dishonest,incredible.nWhen a suffix is attached to a word,the word often has a new part of speech(词性).For example,friendly,quickly.前缀1.mono-(在元音前为mon-)uni-(在元音前为un-):#one,single 一,单arch统治者 monarch n.

3、君主 monarchy n.君主制gam婚姻 monogamy n.一夫一妻制logue说话 monologue n.独白ton声音 monotonous a.单调的 -life/rhythmgraph写 monograph n.专著oxide氧化物 monoxide n.一氧化物 carbon-poly卖 monopoly n.垄断 monopolize v.垄断-the market n一、表示数量的前缀(prefixes indicating figures)nuni-nChina Unicom/Mobile/Telecomnunify v.使统一 unify a country nun

4、ification n.统一 nunique a.独一无二的,独特的(a unique stamp)nunity n.一体 family unity 家庭和睦nform形式uniform a.一致的;#n.制服n bricks of uniform size大小一样的砖n police uniform警服 n school uniform 校服nlateral边unilateral 单边的a unilateral decision 单方面的决定,di-,ambi-:#twoncycle 圈,环 bicycle,bicyclist,go cycling,cyclist nlatera

5、l 边 bilateral agreement/treatynmonthly a.一月一次的,n.月刊nbimonthly a.两月一次的,n.双月刊nlingual语言 bilingual education 双语教育nenn年 biennial conference 两年一次的会议nann年 biannual 一年两次的 a biannual eventngam婚姻 bigamist重婚者ndi-noxide氧化物 dioxide n.二氧化物 carbon dioxide 二氧化碳 nlemma见解,主张 dilemma n.进退两难的窘境 nHe was faced with the

6、dilemma of whether or not to return to his country.nambi-nval价值 ambivalent a.心情矛盾的(既爱又恨的)n ambivalence n.心情矛盾 She remained ambivalent about her marriage.gu引导 ambiguous a.模棱两可的 an ambiguous answer ambiguity n.模棱两可 n3.tri-:#threen angle角 triangle 三角形 a girl in love triangle with Tom and Jack triangula

7、r 三角形的ncycle圈,环 tricycle 三轮车ntriple a.三倍的 triple jump 三级跳n v.增加三倍 The company tripled its profits last year.nlateral边 trilateral 三边的n4.quadri-(元音前为quadr-):#fournquadrangle 四角形nquadrennial 四年一次的 the quadrennial Olympic Gamesnquarterlyn5.deca-:#ten deci-:#one-tenth n decade 十年 three decades n The past

8、 three decades have witnessed a huge change in Chinese society.n decimeter n.分米n decibel n.分贝 n n6.centi-(元音前为cent-):#one hundred(th)ngrade 级,度 centigrade百度制,摄氏npede足 centipede蜈蚣ncentimeter 厘米ncentury percent ncentennial 百年的 The centennial Olympics was held in Atlanta.n7.kilo-,milli-(元音前为mill-):#one

9、 thousand(th)nmeter 米 kilometer千米,公里 kmngram克 kilogram公斤 kgnwatt 瓦特 kilowatt 千瓦 nvolt伏特 kilovolt 千伏ncalorie卡路里 kilocalorie千卡nmilligram 毫克nmillimeter 毫米nmillennial 千年的 millennium 千年nMany people refer to the year 2000 as the Millennium.n8.mega-(元音前为meg-)兆nhertz赫兹 megahertz兆赫nbit比特,字节 megabit兆比特 128 mb

10、二、表示空间方位的前缀(prefixes indicating spatial position)n1.上 over-,super-,sur-,nover-在上noverall a.总体的,全面的 n -improvement in the management novercome v.克服-the difficultiesnoverflow v.溢满 The river overflew its bank.noverhead a./ light n A plane flew overhead.noverlap v.重叠 overlapping investment noverloo

11、k v.忽视 Such mistake is often overlooked.n 俯视 overlook the whole citynoverpass n.天桥 a pedestrian overpass人行天桥n注:#nover-还有excessive(“过度的”)意思noverwork v.劳累过度n The farmer workers are overworked but underpaid.noversleep v.睡过头 He was late for work because of oversleeping.noveremphasize v.过分强调n The importa

12、nce of learning English can never be overemphasized.noverestimate v.高估 underestimate v.低估nsuper-在上,超过nstructure 结构 superstructure上层建筑nvise 看 supervise 监督nsuperficial a.肤浅的 I have only a-knowledge of law.nsuperior n./a.上级(的)my immediate-我的顶头上司n He works well with those-to him in the company.nsuperior

13、ity n.优越性 complex优越感 inferiority complex 自卑感nsuperman n.超人nsupermarket n.nsuperstar n.nsonic 音的 supersonic a.超音速的 a-planensupernatural a.超自然的 forces/powers/eventsnsur-在上,超nface面 surface 表面 the of the earthnname名 surname 姓(=family name,last name)npass过 surpass超过 ones expectationsnplus加 surplus a.剩余的

14、value剩余价值n n.顺差 trade 贸易顺差n2.下 sub-,under-,nsub-:#undernsubway n.地铁(英国人用underground)nmarine 海洋的 submarine n.潜艇nconscious有意的 subconscious n./a.潜意识(的)nstandard标准的 substandard a.低于标准的 (nonstandard a.不标准的)nscribe写 subscribe订阅 to a magazine nmerge融合 submerge v.淹没 be submerged by the floodnsubmit vi.屈服 su

15、bmit to sb.n vt.提交 submit a report to sb.nsubordinate a.下级的;#从属的 nsubstitute n.代替者 a for sb./sth.n v.代替 He substituted for the injured player.nsubtract v.减去 Subtract 3 from 9 and you have 6.n (加 add;#乘multiply;#除divide)nsuburb n.郊区 in the of the city n (同义词 outskirts,但是搭配的介词不同 on the outskirts of th

16、e city)nunder-在下;#不足nunderline vt.在下面划线 the underlined wordsnunderdeveloped 不发达的 countries不发达国家 欠发达国家 less developed countries nundergraduate n.本科生 nundergo vt.经历,遭受 a major operation nunderlying a.潜在的 an meaning 内在的含义nundermine vt.暗中破坏 she tried to our friendship.nundertake vt.承担 the impossible mission nunderwear n.内衣,衬衣nunderneath prep.在下面 put your name the address.n3.前 fore-,pre-,pro-cast投 forecast n./v.预测,预报 weather,the futuretell告诉 foretell v.预言 foretell the futuresee看见 foresee v.预见,先见 foresight n.先见forem

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