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1、找出寻找;找出 removefrom 从从取出取出 Lesson 49 The end of a dream 美梦告终美梦告终 New words and expressions tired adj.厌烦的厌烦的real adj.真正的真正的owner n.主人主人spring n.弹簧弹簧mattress n.床垫床垫 gust n.一阵风一阵风sweep v.扫,刮扫,刮 courtyard n.院子院子smash v.碰碎,摔碎碰碎,摔碎 miraculously adv.奇迹般地奇迹般地unhurt adj.没有受伤的没有受伤的 glance v.扫视扫视promptly adv.迅速

2、地迅速地NEW WORDS AND EXPRESSIONS1.tired N&Vv(使使)疲倦,疲劳疲倦,疲劳Sth tires sb 使某人疲倦使某人疲倦Eg:Working all day tires tired of sth/sb/doing sth对感觉厌倦Im tired of staying at home and doing nothing.我厌倦我的男朋友了我厌倦我的男朋友了I am tired of my boyfriend.我的妈妈厌倦和我爸爸吵架了我的妈妈厌倦和我爸爸吵架了My mom was tired of quarrelling with my dad

3、.be tired from doing.因感到累be tired out 筋疲力尽Im very tired from running as fast as I can.After the long walk,I was tired out.包了一天的饺子让我很累包了一天的饺子让我很累I was tired from making dumplings the whole day.在去北京长途旅行后,他精疲力竭在去北京长途旅行后,他精疲力竭He was tired out after his long trip to Beijing.2.real adj.真正的(强调东西不是假的)true a

4、dj 真挚真挚,真诚真诚,符合标准符合标准(强调符强调符合某个标准合某个标准)real man 真人真人true man 男子汉,好汉男子汉,好汉不到长城非好汉不到长城非好汉He who has never been to the Great Wall is not a true man.3.owner n.所有人,物主on ones own独自的(alone)He spent the Valentines Day on his own.He spent the Valentines Day alone.他独自去了上海他独自去了上海He went to Shanghai on his own.

5、我自己买了辆奔驰我自己买了辆奔驰I bought a Benz on my own.4.gust n.一阵(阵)风一阵(阵)风a gust of rain 一阵暴雨一阵暴雨a gust of anger (一阵一阵)无名火无名火 wind n.风的总称风的总称(风力比(风力比gust强)强)breeze n.微风微风gale n.大风,(突发的)一大风,(突发的)一阵风阵风 新官上任三把火5.sweep(swept,swept)n.扫刮扫刮 vt.扫,打扫扫,打扫她每天早上都打扫地板她每天早上都打扫地板/房间房间She sweeps the floor/the room every morni

6、ng.vt.(风)吹;刮(风)吹;刮 席卷席卷 sweep sth.away 把把刮走刮走 The newspaper has been swept away by the wind.6.courtyard n.院子院子court n.院子,庭院;法庭院子,庭院;法庭yard n.院子院子backyard n.后院后院frontyard n.前院前院7.smash v.碰碎碰碎,摔碎摔碎 vt.&vi.打碎,摔碎,(使)碎裂打碎,摔碎,(使)碎裂The cup smashed on the floor.smash sth to pieces 把把摔成碎摔成碎片片The bed was smas

7、hed to pieces.8.glance v.扫视扫视glance at 扫了一眼(有意识地看)扫了一眼(有意识地看)The old man glanced at the boy.glare at 怒视怒视(生气的生气的)stare at 凝视着凝视着 gaze at 盯着盯着(无限神往无限神往,羡慕地看羡慕地看)glare at怒视Stare at凝视gaze at盯着(无限神往,羡慕地看)1.She _at her beautiful new diamond ring.2.He _over the letter he had just received.3.I told my son

8、to stop _at that fat woman;it wasnt nice.4.The woman_ at the man after he shouted rudely at her.gazedglancedstaring glared 9.hurt V.(hurt hurt hurt)1)v.伤伤 Have you hurt yourself?Does it hurt?痛吗痛吗?2)v.伤害感情伤害感情 (尤指思想、心灵尤指思想、心灵)You hurt my heart.I feel hurt.我感到受了伤害我感到受了伤害.hurt ones body3)adj.She is hur

9、t.She is unhurt.10.promptly adv.迅速地迅速地promptlyat once,immediately Review她没有受伤她没有受伤这个老人扫了一眼那个男孩这个老人扫了一眼那个男孩这张床被摔成碎片这张床被摔成碎片她每天早上都打扫地板她每天早上都打扫地板/Comprehension questions1 Who saved up for years?A young man in Teheran did.2 What did he save up to buy?A real bed.3 Why did he want one?He was tired of slee

10、ping on the floor.4 Did his bed have springs and a mattress?Yes,it did.5 Where did he take his bed?On to the roof of his house.6 Why did he take it there?Because the weather was very hot.7 How did he sleep at first?Very well.8 What happened on the third night?A storm blew up.9 What swept the bed off

11、 the roof?A gust of wind did.10 Where did it land?In the courtyard below.11 When did the young man wake up?After the bed had struck the ground.12 Was he hurt?No,he wasnt.13 What about the bed?It was smashed to pieces.14 Was the young man still on the mattress,or on the ground?On the mattress.课文逐句讲解课

12、文逐句讲解1.Tired of sleeping on the floor,a young man in Teheran saved up for years to buy a real bed.德黑兰的一个年轻人由于对睡地板感到厌倦,于是积蓄德黑兰的一个年轻人由于对睡地板感到厌倦,于是积蓄多年买了一张真正的床。多年买了一张真正的床。(1)tired引导的分词短语省略了开头的引导的分词短语省略了开头的being,其作用,其作用相当于原因状语从句:相当于原因状语从句:As he was tired of。sleeping为动名词,作介词为动名词,作介词of的宾语。的宾语。(2)save up为固

13、定短语,表示为固定短语,表示“储蓄储蓄”、“攒钱攒钱”:I want to get married in one or two years,so Im trying to save(some money)up.我想一两年之间内结婚,所以我在设法攒钱。我想一两年之间内结婚,所以我在设法攒钱。(3)to在这里用于表示目的,相当于在这里用于表示目的,相当于in order to:I got up early to have a swim.为了游泳我起了个大早。为了游泳我起了个大早。2.For the first time in his life,he became the proud owner of a bed which had springs and a mattress.他平生第一次自豪地拥有了一张既有弹簧又带床他平生第一次自豪地拥有了一张既有弹簧又带床垫的床。垫的床。Spring作名词我们知道有作名词我们知道有“春天春天”的意思。的意思。If Winter comes,can Spring be far behind?(冬天来了,春天还远吗?)(冬天来了,春天还远吗?)Spring作名词时还有作名词时还有“发条、弹簧发条、弹簧”的意思。课的意思。课文中就是这种用法。文中就是这种用法。Mattr

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