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1、作兴趣,从而提高英语写作水平。课程教学目的课程教学目的2011年年2月月20日日实用英语写作网络教程实用英语写作网络教程 第二讲第二讲 阐述性阐述性议论文议论文 第三讲第三讲 对比性议论文对比性议论文 第五讲第五讲 应用文写作应用文写作 第四讲第四讲 图表写作图表写作 第一讲第一讲 解释性议论文解释性议论文英语写作讲座目录英语写作讲座目录 第六讲第六讲 论文写作概述论文写作概述 写作写作第一讲:解释性议论文第一讲:解释性议论文主讲:戚元方2011年年2月月20日日实用英语写作网络教程实用英语写作网络教程 一、解释性议论文解释性议论文 解解释释性性议议论论文文一一般般用用于于解解释释和和分分析析

2、社社会会现现象象或或社社会会问问题题。要要求求考考生生对对某某种种社社会会现现象象产产生生的的原原因因,重重要要性性及及其其可可能能造造成成的种种影响或应采取的措施或发展趋势进行分析和议论。的种种影响或应采取的措施或发展趋势进行分析和议论。Paragraph 1 Paragraph 1 phenomenon phenomenon (现象现象)Paragraph 2 Paragraph 2 reasons;effects;importance reasons;importance (原因原因,影响影响,重要性等重要性等)Paragraph 3 Paragraph 3 suggestions;co

3、mments;trend suggestions;trend (措施措施;看法看法;趋势等趋势等)2011年年2月月20日日实用英语写作网络教程实用英语写作网络教程I.I.Phenomenon(现象)(现象)II.Reason II.Reason(原因)(原因)(原因)(原因)III.Effect III.Effect(影响)(影响)(影响)(影响)IV.View IV.View(观点和看法)(观点和看法)(观点和看法)(观点和看法)V.Importance V.Importance(重要性)(重要性)(重要性)(重要性)VI.Suggestion VI.Suggestion(建议与措施)(建

4、议与措施)(建议与措施)(建议与措施)VII.Benefits and drawbacks(VII.Benefits and drawbacks(利弊)利弊)利弊)利弊)VIII.Trend VIII.Trend(趋势趋势趋势趋势)实用英语写作八大功能实用英语写作八大功能 功能写作法功能写作法2011年年2月月20日日实用英语写作网络教程实用英语写作网络教程解释性议论文01Directions:Write an essay on the topic“Job Problems for College Graduates”based on the following outline given i

5、n Chinese.1.目前大学毕业生就业形势比较严峻目前大学毕业生就业形势比较严峻2.存在这种状况的主要原因存在这种状况的主要原因3.如何缓解毕业生就业问题如何缓解毕业生就业问题现象现象+原因原因+措施措施写作题材:贴近学生生活,社会热门话题2011年年2月月20日日实用英语写作网络教程实用英语写作网络教程解释性议论文(现象)The The job job marketmarket in in our our country country is is getting getting increasingly increasingly tighttight over recent years

6、.over recent years.Topic sentenceEvidence as a supporting sentence A survey A survey revealsreveals up to 20%of college graduates are unable up to 20%of college graduates are unable to find jobs when they are leaving find jobs when they are leaving schools.What What are are some some of o

7、f the the factors factors involvedinvolved and and what what measures measures should should be be takentaken to to cope cope with with this this problem?problem?(50 words)(50 words)Language Notes:A survey reveals;Statistics show;According to a recent countcope with;deal with;handle;tackleWH questio

8、n as a preview2011年年2月月20日日实用英语写作网络教程实用英语写作网络教程1.No one will fail to notice the fact that getting increasingly popular(prevalent)in our society over recent years.3.The last decade has witnessed the boom of adult education in our country.4.Nothing is more serious than the youth unemployment prob

9、lem at present in our society.5.As a product of modern technology,Internet is now widely used in different fields of our country.英语中表示现象的句型what+when+where2011年年2月月20日日实用英语写作网络教程实用英语写作网络教程 A couple of factors,both individual and social,account for the employment problem.The expansion of college enrol

10、lment results in the oversupply of graduates in certain majors.Another reason is related to the students attitudes towards employment.Consequently,the competition in these cities job markets becomes more intense.(66 words)Topic sentenceReason 2Supporting sentence to reason 2CommentMany graduates put

11、 earnings and working conditions above anything else.They aim at well-paid positions in large corporations in big cities.解释性议论文(原因)Reason 12011年年2月月20日日实用英语写作网络教程实用英语写作网络教程 英语中表示原因的句型1.This phenomenon can be accounted for(explained)by a couple of factors,both inherited and environmental.For one thin

12、g,For another,(Above all,)2.This change(preference,argument,problem,view,increase)can be explained(accounted for)by a couple of factors.First,Besides,Moreover,3.The reasons behind this phenomenon are complex but generally they can be summarized into three.To begin with,Next,Last but not least,2011年年

13、2月月20日日实用英语写作网络教程实用英语写作网络教程 To solve the youth unemployment problem needs time and dedication.great importance to this problem and create more job opportunities by injecting more funds into the job market.For the graduates,they should take a proper attitude towards the employment by neither overesti

14、mating nor underestimating themselves.(52 words)For the government,they should attach Suggestion 1 to support topic sentenceSuggestion 2 to support topic sentence解释性议论(措施)Topic sentence2011年年2月月20日日实用英语写作网络教程实用英语写作网络教程1.Reversing this trend needs time and dedication.One way we should take into accou

15、nt is Another way to be considered is The best way to is 2.Prompt measures(steps;action)should be taken to deal with(cope with;tackle)this problem.First,Second,Finally,3.It is due time for us to make joint(all-round)efforts to cope with .In addition,Moreover,英语中表示措施的句型2011年年2月月20日日实用英语写作网络教程实用英语写作网络教程Directions:Write an essay entitled “A Fever for CivilServants”based on the following outline given inChinese with no less than 150 words.1.很多大学生热衷于考公务员很多大学生热衷于考公务员2.分析其原因分析其原因 3.我对此现象的看法我对此现象的看法Phenomenon+reasons+view解释性议论文02现象现

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