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1、Cattlemen”5、团体客人的称呼、团体客人的称呼Page 8n“How are you today,Mr.?”n“Very well,Thank you.And nyourself.Sir?”6、见面时的寒喧、见面时的寒喧Page 9n“Yes,Sir/Madam.”n“May I help you?”n“Ill be with you in a moment,Sir/Madam.”n“Sorry to have kept you waiting,Sir/Madam.”7、应答客人呼唤的词句、应答客人呼唤的词句Page 10n“Certainly,Sir/Madam.”n“Ill go

2、and get it right away,Sir/Madam.”n“Yes,Sir/Madam.”n“Immediately,Sir/Madam.”8、可以供应客人之要求时、可以供应客人之要求时,应答应答Page 11n“Sorry,we have Run out of .”n“Im terribly Sorry.We dont have .”n“Awfully sorry.Sir/Madam.We have sold out .”n“Im Afraid We do not have .”9、不能供应客人之要求时、不能供应客人之要求时,应答应答Page 12n“If you wait a m

3、inute,Sir/Madam.Ill try to find out.”n“Yes,Certainly.Allow me.”10、一时未能肯定是否能供应客人之要、一时未能肯定是否能供应客人之要求时求时,应答应答Page 13n“My Name Is .Call me any time.Im very glad to be of service.”11、自我介绍、自我介绍Page 14n“My pleasure”n“Youre most welcome”n“Glad to be of service”12、当客人向你道谢时、当客人向你道谢时Page 15n“Thats quite all ri

4、ght.”n“It doesnt matter.”n“Its Nothing.”13、当客人向你道歉时、当客人向你道歉时Page 16n“Imsorry.”14、让路给客人、让路给客人Page 17n“Certainly,Sir/Madam.Let me help you.”n“Go ahead please.Youre welcome.n“Yes,of course.Allow Me.”15、客人微询你的同意可否拿走某物件、客人微询你的同意可否拿走某物件时时Page 18n“So sorry we cant do that.Its against our rules.”n“Im terrib

5、ly sorry,we are not permitted to do this.”n“Im afraid its against company policy.Im so sorry.”16、当不能答允客人的要求时、当不能答允客人的要求时Page 19n“No,thank you.Youre very kind.”n“Its awfully kind of you.But no,thank you.”17、当客人由於客气而给你赏物时、当客人由於客气而给你赏物时Page 20n“No.Im sorry.”n“Im afraid thats not so.”n“Im afraid not.Unf

6、ortunately.”n“Not really.”n“No,Sir/Madam.It is not.”18、婉拒客人的要求时、婉拒客人的要求时Page 21n“Im sorry.Sir.Im being called away.Have a pleasant day.Sir/Madam.”n“Good day,Sir/Madam.”19、中断与客人谈话时、中断与客人谈话时Page 22n“You too,Sir/Madam.”n“And you,Sir/Madam.”n“The Same to you,Sir/Madam.”20、若客人客气地先和你说、若客人客气地先和你说“有个愉快有个愉快的

7、周未的周未”的时候的时候Page 23n“Please take your time,Sir/Madam.Theres no hurry.”21、客人因他的缓慢、客人因他的缓慢,拙劣而面露尴尬拙劣而面露尴尬时时Page 24n“Excuse me for interrupting.”n“May I take up a few moments of your time?”n“May I Speak to you for a moment,Sir/Madam?”22、要打断客人的谈话时、要打断客人的谈话时,应说应说Page 25n“Sorry to have kept you waiting.Il

8、l see to it right away.”23、当客人催促你时、当客人催促你时Page 26n“Here is your .Sir/Madam.”24、向客人展示单据等物时、向客人展示单据等物时Page 27n“Good morning/Afternoon/evening.nThis is .My name isn .May I help you?”25、接听电话时、接听电话时Page 28n“Thank you for telling us,Sir/Madam.I assure you it wont happen again.Ill speak to our manager abou

9、t it.Please accept our apology.”26、接受投诉或批评时、接受投诉或批评时Page 29n“Im terribly sorry.There could have been some mistake.I do apologise.”n“Im sorry,Sir/Madam.Ill look into the matter at once.”27、处理错误或达失时、处理错误或达失时Page 30n“Im sorry.I dont understand.Ill get you the manager.”n“Im sorry,I dont understand.Can y

10、ou please show me?”28、当你听不懂时、当你听不懂时Page 31n“Go straight ahead.”n“Turn left/right at the first corner.”n“Go up the escalator.”n“Go down to the lobby.”n“Sorry,Im not sure.If youll wait a minute.Ill be glad to find out for you.”29、为客人指示方向、为客人指示方向Page 32n“Could you(Sign here),please?”n“May I ask you to(

11、return in 5 minutes)Sir/Madam?”n“Could I Have(your name)Sir/Madam?”n“Please(come this way)”30、请客人作某种事情时、请客人作某种事情时Page 33Chapter2.GeneralEnglishConversation第二部分第二部分基本会话基本会话Page 34nVOCABULARYWelcome 欢迎 friend 朋友 farewell 告别Identify 识别 definitely 肯定 safe 安全的Enjoy 喜欢 pleased 高兴 sure 当然trip 旅游 weekend 周末

12、 again 再look forward to盼望 satisfaction 满意UNIT 1:GREETINGS&FAREWELLSPage 35Good morning.Good Afternoon.早上好。下午好。Good evening.Welcome back.晚上好。欢迎回来。Hello.How do you do?你好 你好吗?How are you?Fine,thank you,and you?你好吗?很好,谢谢,你呢?Good-bye.Good night.再见。晚安。PHRASES ON THE JOBPage 36It was nice to see you again.

13、很高兴又见到你。Have a Have a good evening.See you later.晚上愉快。回头见d weekend.Have a safe trip.周末愉快。一路平安。Have a good day.Hope to see you again.祝您愉快。希望再见到您。Thank you for coming.(Thanks for coming)感谢光临。Look forward to seeing you again.盼望再见到您。Page 37Staff:Good morning.Mr.Smith.How are you today?Guest:Good morning

14、,Jane.Im fine,thanks,and you?Staff:Im fine,too.Are you checking-out today?Yes,I think so.Staff:Did you enjoy your stay here?Yes,I did.TALKING TO THE GUESTPage 38Staff:I hope our service is to your satisfaction.Guest:Sure.Im very pleased with everything here.Staff:Thank you.I wish you a nice trip hom

15、e and look forward to seeing you again.Guest:Thank you.Ill definitely come to the Renaissance next time Im in Tianjin.Page 39nVOCABULARYIntroduction 介绍 happy 高兴 spell out拼写出来meet会见 glad 高兴 first name名pleased 高兴 nice 很好 last name 姓Certainly 当然了 pleasure 高兴 enjoy 喜欢UNIT 2:INTRODUCTIONSPage 40My name is John Smith.我叫约翰.史密斯Its nice to meet you.很高兴见到您。Im glad to meet y

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