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1、half bath pass sample chancepalm calm father ChicagoNo.3 X-A coffee water hot shop bottle rocket impossibleEspresso espresAmericano ,mrknoFlat white Caff Latte k:fei l:teiCappuccino ,kptin Mocha mk No.4 t-d元音之间,清音浊化better lettercity littleprettydirty总结英式发音与美式发音比较 r卷舌音smartA:-Q chance X-A hot t-d bet

2、ter五大发音秘诀长元音拉长i:双元音饱满Au 短元音短促,有力i连读comeonin略读、咬舌头简单句S+V I doS+V+O I love youS+LV+P You are beautifulS+V+O1+O2 I give you a ringS+V+O+C You make me happyS=subject V=predicate O=object LV=link verb C=complement 词性和句子成分名词代词形容词副词动词主语谓语宾语定语补足语状语表语疑问句 一般疑问句一般疑问句 助动词+主语+谓语+句子其他部分?系动词+主语+句子其他部分?用yes/no 回答。D

3、o/Can you speak English?Are there any books on the table?特殊疑问句特殊疑问句who/when/where/which/how+助动词+主语+谓语+句子的其他部分?who/when/where/which/how +系动词+主语+句子的其他部分?Who was the first man in space?谁是第一个去太空的人?What do American prosecutors do?美国检察官的职责是什么?Where is the luggage pickup spot?/where do I pick up my luggage

4、?行李提取处在那里?/我在哪里取行李?助动词:do dose did系动词:be(am is are)been(was was were)牛刀小试 This is a photograph(ftgrf 照片)of our village.Our village(村庄)is in a valley(山谷).It is between two hills.介词短语 The village is on a river.Here is another photograph of the village.(of)My wife and I are walking along the banks of t

5、he river.We are on the left.There is a boy in the water.(There/here be 句型)He is swimming across the river.(be am is are+doing)Here is another photograph.This is the school building.It is beside a park.The park is on the right.Some children are coming out of the building.Some of them are going to the

6、 park.a song of the younger world,which is the song of the pack.口语实战之国际旅行口语实战之国际旅行International travelling International travelling 口语实战之国际旅行预定机票 Flight Ticket Reservation reserve,储存,保留检票登机 Check in and Board在飞机上 On the plane行李提取 Retrieve the Luggage fetch back again;restore to a better state (Colli

7、ns Gem English Dictionary)通关检查 Security CheckFlight Ticket Reservation 机票预订1.Excuse me,could I make a reservation for flight F1231 to Brunei(Negara Brunei Darussalam)?劳驾,我可以预定去文莱的F231号航班的飞机吗?Yes,which day do you want to book?好的,您想定哪天的票?2.Will you be traveling first class or economy?One-way or a roun

8、dtrip ticket?您要乘坐头等舱还是经济舱?单程票还是双程票?Economy and one-way ticket,please.经济舱,单程 Are there any discount tickets available?有打折机票吗?Sorry,there are no discounts.很抱歉,没有折扣。牛刀小试C:Good morning,the China Airlines.What can I do for you?K:Yes,I d like to make a reservation to New York tomorrow.C:We have Flight 800

9、8 tomorrow.Just a moment please.Let me check whether there are seats available.I am sorry we are all booked up for flight F8008.K:Then,any alternatives?C:The next available flight leaves at 9:00 a.m.on Tuesday.Shall I book you a seat?Er its is a direct flight,isnt it?Yes,it is.You want to go first c

10、lass or economy?早上好,中国航空公司。我能为您做些什么?我想订一张明天飞往纽约的机票。我们明天有F8008次航班。请稍等,我查一下是否有座。非常抱歉,已经预定满了。那还有别的吗?这周二上午9点有一班,需要我为您订个座位吗?哦 是直航对吗?是的,您想订头等舱还是经济舱?牛刀小试K:I prefer first class,whats the fare?One-way is$856.K:OK,Ill take one.K:我想订头等舱的机票。多少钱?单程票是856美元。好的,我订一张。Check in and Aboard 检票登机1.Where is the check-in?I

11、t is right down that hallway.在哪里办理登记手续?就在那个过道下面。2.Here is my ticket and passport。这是我的机票和护照。3.Where is security located?It is right around the corner.在哪里安检?就在那个角落里。4.Where is terminal 1?Its just down this way.1号航站楼在那里?沿着这条路走下去就行。Is this where I check in?Yes,it is,sir.K:Alright,here is ticket.C:Show m

12、e your passport,please.K:Here you are.C:Thank you,sir.Do you need directions to your guide?No,thanks.C:Dont forget to show your ticket to security.K:I wont.Do I check my bags over there?Yes.Have a nice day!这里是检票的地方吗?是的,先生。好的,这是我的机票。请把你的护照也给我看一下。给你 C:谢谢你,先生。你需要我给你指一下登机门的方向?。不用了,谢谢。别忘了把你的机票给安检人员看一下。不会

13、忘的,我要在那里安检我的包码?是的,祝您顺利。On the plane1.Will the food be served?会提供食物码?2.Do you have pillows?你们由枕头吗?3.Where is bathroom?卫生间在哪里?4.What can I do if we have turbulence?tbjl()ns如果遇到湍流该怎么办?Just remain seated until the turbulence passes.请坐在座位上等湍流过去就行了。Do you mind If I trade you for the window seat?P:No problem,man.Go ahead.K:Thank you.S:Would you like any refreshments before we take off?Yes please.Could I have a bottle of water and a bag of cookies please?S:All right.Here you go.K:Tha

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