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2、iodental):下唇与上齿接触形成阻碍,包括fvo齿龈音(alveolar):舌尖与上齿龈之间形成阻碍,包括tdsznlro后齿龈音(postalveolar):舌尖与后齿龈之间形成阻碍,包括 tdo腭音(palatal):舌头前部与硬腭之间形成阻碍,包括jo软腭音(velar):舌头后部与软腭之间形成阻碍,包括kgo声门音(glottal):声带暂时合拢产生的声音,包括h元音按照舌头的位置和嘴唇的形状分类 根据舌头的哪个位置最高,英语的元音可以分为前元音、中元音和后元音o前元音(front vowels):i:ieo中元音(central vowels):o后元音(back vowels

3、):u:o此外,英语中所有的前元音和中元音都是非圆唇音(unrounded vowels),除:之外的后元音都是圆唇音(rounded vowels)215ophonemes(音位):a smallest unit of sound in a language,which can distinguish two words.音位是语言中能够区别意义的最小单位,它不是一个特定的语音,而是一组语音特征的抽象集合体。Minimal pairs(最小对立体):word forms which differ from each other only by one sound.the two words

4、are said to form a minimal pair.Minimal pair refers to two words in a language which differ from each other by only one distinctive sound and which also differ in meaning.最小对立对指的是两个语音群(通常是单词)中的语音除了一个音不同,且不同的音处在相同的位置上,其余的成分完全相同,因此这两个语音群形成最小对立对。bear-pear pit-put Allophones(音位变体):The different phones w

5、hich can represent a phoneme in different phonetic environments are called the allophones of that phoneme.(The variants of a phoneme)音位变体是一个音位在特定的语音环境里的具体体现,同一个音位在不同的语音环境里体现为不同的变体 example:单词leap和peel中的l有清晰音和模糊音之分。如果从语音学角度来说,这是两个不同的语音,而从音系学角度来说,这是同一基本实体的两个变体234oChomskys Standard Theory consists of ph

6、onological(音位部分),semantic(语义部分),and syntactic component(句法部分).o句法部分(句法部分(syntactic component)包含基础部分(base)和转换部分(transformational rules)。基础部分的功能是生成深层结构,转换规则负责把深层结构转化为表层结构。o音位部分(音位部分(phonological component)对表层结构从语音上作出解释,过程是用调整规则把表层结构中的词汇表现转化为音位表现,再用音位规则转为语音表现。音位规则的作用:增添特征,改变特征,插入音位(如复数时),省略音段等等。Phonolo

7、gical component processes the surface structure so that a phonetic interpretation is yielded.o语义部分(语义部分(semantic component)负责对深层结构从语义上作出解释。Semantic component processes the deep structure so that the semantic interpretation is yielded.235oTransformation cannot change meaning but has such functions as

8、 deletion(省略),copying(复写),addition(添加)and reordering(重排)。237o主位(theme)和述位(rheme)韩礼德认为一个句子除了按照句法结构划分为主语、谓语等以外,还可以从语言交际功能的角度对话语进行语义上的切分。Our team(T)won(R).主位主位是交际双方已知的信息;述位述位则往往是说话人要传递给听话人的新信息,是对方所不知道的信息。The rest(T)he spent on chemicals for his experiment(R).oTheme:the point of departure and goal of di

9、scourse equally present to the speaker and to the hearer.oRheme:the very information that is to be imparted to the hearer presentde by the theme.239oGottlob Frege proposes the theory of reference(参照)and sense(意义).oReference refers to the objects designated.Reference deals with the relationship betwe

10、en the linguistic elements and the non-linguistic world of experience.oSense refers to the additional meaning.Sense relates to the complex system of relationships that hold between the linguistic elements themselves,which is only concerned with intra-linguistic relations.249oContextual features dete

11、rmine or influence the interpretation of utterances.254oPoliteness principle is a series of maxims,which Geoff Leech has proposed as a way of explaining how politeness operates in conversational exchange.Face refers to a speakers sense of linguistic and social identity.oTact maxim 策略准则oGenerosity ma

12、xim 慷慨准则oApprobation maxim 赞扬准则oModesty maxim 谦虚准则oAgreement maxim 赞同准则oSympathy maxim 同情准则oTact maxim minimize the cost to others while maximize the benefits to others 使他人受损最小,受惠最大。oGenerosity maxim minimize the benefit to self 使自身受益最小 maximize the cost to self 使自身受损最大 e.g.You must come and have di

13、nner with us.We must come and have dinner with you.oApprobation maxim 赞扬准则 Minimize dispraise of others Maximize praise of others 尽量缩小对别人的贬损 尽量夸大对别人的赞扬。oModesty maxim 谦虚准则 Minimize praise of self Maximize dispraise of self 尽量缩小对自身的赞扬 尽量夸大对他人的赞扬oAgreement maxim 赞同准则 Minimize disagreement between self

14、 and others Maximize agreement between self and others.oSympathy maxim 同情准则 Minimize antipathy between self and others.Maximize sympathy between self and others.262oMode of discourse(话语方式)refers to the linguistic reflection of the relationship the language user has to the medium of transmission.270o

15、Aptitude test(素质测试):to measure the learners aptitude or natural abilities to learn languages.oProficiency test(水平测试):to discover what the testee already knows about the target language.oAchievement test(成绩测试):to assess how much a learner has mastered the contents of a particular course.oDiagnostic test(诊断测试):to discover mainly what the testee does not know about the language.

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