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1、不能见到的不能见到的;不能接近的不能接近的;难懂的难懂的;难解的难解的 The village is inaccessible by car in winter.冬天时该村车子开不进去。冬天时该村车子开不进去。His busy schedule make him completely inaccessible to his student.他的时间排得很满,学生根本无法和他接触。他的时间排得很满,学生根本无法和他接触。inaccessible,access,have access tovary:change vt.改变改变;变换变换;修改;使多样化修改;使多样化;使变使变化化 Reaction

2、s vary.反应不一。反应不一。Opinions on this matter vary.在这件事情上意见各不相同。在这件事情上意见各不相同。vary从从.到到.不等不等;在在.到到.之间之间变动变动The prices vary from 5 to 100 Yuan.价格从价格从5到到100元不等。元不等。uThe advantage of Maglev Well it sounds high-tech,a floating train.They do offer certain benefits over conventional steel rail on steel

3、 wheel railways.The primary advantage is maintenance.Because the train floats along there is no contact with the ground and therefore no need for any moving parts.As a result there are no components that would wear out.This means in theory trains and track would need no maintenance at all.The second

4、 advantage is that because maglev trains float,there is no friction.Note that there will still be air resistance.A third advantage is less noise,because there are no wheels running along there is no wheel noise.However,noise due to air disturbance still occurs.The final advantage is speed,as a resul

5、t of the three previous listed it is more viable for maglev trains to travel extremely fast,i.e.500 km/h or 300 mph.Although this is possible with conventional rail it is not economically viable.Another advantage is that the guide way can be made a lot thicker in places,e.g.after stations and going

6、uphill,which would mean a maglev could get up to 300km/h(186mph)in only 5km where currently takes 18km.Also greater gradients would be applicable.uThe disadvantages with Maglev There are several disadvantages with maglev trains.Maglev guide paths are bound to be more costly than conventional steel r

7、ailways.The other main disadvantage is the lack of existing infrastructure.For example,if a high speed line between two cities is built,then high speed trains can serve both cities but more importantly they can serve other nearby cities by running on normal railways that branch off the high speed li

8、ne.The high speed trains could go for a fast run on the high speed line,then come off it for the rest of the journey.Maglev trains wouldnt be able to do that;they would be limited to where maglev lines run.This would mean it would be very difficult to make construction of maglev lines commercially v

9、iable unless there were two very large destinations being connected.u城际列车是直达型火车,如上海到北京的城际列车是直达型火车,如上海到北京的Z字头列车,运行中一字头列车,运行中一站都不停靠。国内正在建设高速铁路,这种铁路运行方式就会站都不停靠。国内正在建设高速铁路,这种铁路运行方式就会采取城际列车的优点,实现大中城市之间快速连接。采取城际列车的优点,实现大中城市之间快速连接。u火车是常规型列车,如上海到成都,中间停靠很多城市车站。火车是常规型列车,如上海到成都,中间停靠很多城市车站。u轻轨是城市内部轨道交通,运送能力较小,车


11、悬浮于铁轨之上的列车,每趟海有磁悬浮,它是车体在运行中悬浮于铁轨之上的列车,每趟列车的车厢节数较少,运载能力比地铁和轻轨都小,但是运行列车的车厢节数较少,运载能力比地铁和轻轨都小,但是运行速度最快,最大时速达到速度最快,最大时速达到400公里公里/小时,如果上海到杭州磁悬小时,如果上海到杭州磁悬浮建成后,照此速度只要浮建成后,照此速度只要20多分钟就可以到杭州西湖赏景了。多分钟就可以到杭州西湖赏景了。1.super power 2.economic growth 3.domestic sector 4.various services 5.calm and comfortable

12、 possible services 7.on board flight 8.available 9.confirmed booking 10.concerned destinations Listening:Listen to the following passage and tryto fill in the missing words in the blanks.Situational Dialogues Dialogue I Renting a CarNotes to Dialogue 1rent:n.a payment made periodically by a tenant to a landlord or owner for the occupation or use of land,buildings,or by a user for the use of other grant(a person)the right to use ones property in return for periodic payments n.租金租金,房租房租,出租物出租物 vt.租用租用,租出租出 Reduce rent a

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