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1、考试之前我感到很焦躁。Ifeltverynervousbeforethetest.Ialwaysfeelnervousbeforeexams.演讲之后我感到很焦躁。Ifeltveryupsetafterthespeech.我走进他的办公室,感到非常紧张。我走进他的办公室,感到非常紧张。I felt nervous when I went into his office.sympathetic adj.simpetikbe to/towards sb.同情同情Feel sympathetic towards the beggar.一个有同情心的朋友一个有同情心的朋友a sympathetic f

2、riend sympathy nsimpi I have much sympathy to you.我很同情你。我很同情你。complaincomplain(of/about sth)to sb.(对某人对某人/向某人抱怨向某人抱怨)我向老板抱怨我的工资。我向老板抱怨我的工资。I complained of/about my salary to my boss.他总是在不停地抱怨!他总是在不停地抱怨!-What was the weather like on your holiday?-I cant complain(=It couldnt be better.)Complain that 抱

3、怨抱怨(后面可以加从句)后面可以加从句)He complains that his family is poor.lcomplain vil(1)抱怨,发牢骚,诉苦(常与of,about连用):lShe is always complaining.l她总是发牢骚。lDont complain about/of the weather.l别抱怨天气。l(2)控告,抗议(与of,about连用):lThe people in that district complained to the police about the noise from that factory.l那家工厂噪音太大,当地的人

4、们已向警方投诉。lMary complained to the Jacksons about the rubbish they had thrown everywhere.l杰克逊一家乱扔垃圾,玛丽已向他们提出抗议。Wicked adj指人或者是人的行为不道德的,邪恶的A wicked deed A wicked lie Wicked weather It is wicked of sb to do sth.It is wicked of you to hit your dog.lwicked adjl(1)邪恶的,坏的(道德上):lDont believe him.He is a wicke

5、d person.别相信他。他很坏。lShe saw a wicked smile on his face.l她发现他脸上带着恶意的微笑。l(2)淘气的,顽皮的(尤指小孩):lDont be so wicked,Tom.l汤姆,别这么淘气。l(3)(天气)恶劣的:lFew people walked about in this wicked weather.l很少有人在这么恶劣的天气四处走动。containv.包含,内装(强调用容器装)container:集装箱,容器contain:用容器装,盛放杯子里装着水。杯子里装着水。/袋子里有书。袋子里有书。The cup contains water

6、.The bag contains books.区别:include:包括(抽象的)例句:Ihateeveryoneincludeyou.Contain 含有,该内容是整体中不可分离出来的Our classroom can contain 500 students.Include 包括该部分是整体中的一部分,可以分离出来的There are 50 students in our class,including me.honesty n.诚实诚实诚实至上。诚实至上。Honesty is the best policy.plsin.保险单保险单政策;方针政策;方针honest(adj.)To be

7、 honest,you are great!honestly(adv.)Honestly,he is not that good!老实说,我不相信他老实说,我不相信他感叹句lWhat+a/an+adj.+可单+主语+谓语动词What a pretty girl she is!What+adj.+可复+主语+谓语动词What pretty girls they are!lWhat+adj.+不可数名词+主语+谓语动词lWhat clear water it is!lHow+adj./adv.+主语+谓语lHow pretty the girl is!把下列句子变成感叹句把下列句子变成感叹句把下列

8、句子变成感叹句把下列句子变成感叹句n n1.This is a wonderful garden!1.This is a wonderful garden!n nWhat a wonderful garden this is!What a wonderful garden this is!n n2.He is causing a lot of trouble!2.He is causing a lot of trouble!n nWhat a lot of trouble he is causing!What a lot of trouble he is causing!n n3.It is

9、a tall building!3.It is a tall building!n nWhat a tall building it is!What a tall building it is!n n4.You are a lazy boy.4.You are a lazy boy.n nWhat a lazy boy you are!What a lazy boy you are!n n5.They have a large room.5.They have a large room.n n What a large room they have!What a large room they

10、 have!n n6.They are helpful people.6.They are helpful people.n nWhat helpful people they are!What helpful people they are!n n7.This is an interesting film.7.This is an interesting film.n nWhat an interesting film this is!What an interesting film this is!n n8.It is a pity that you cant come.8.It is a

11、 pity that you cant come.n nWhat a pity that that you cant What a pity that that you cant come!come!l1.It is quite a nice present._ _ nice present!l2.We have fine weather today.l_ _ weather we have today!l3.Its sunny today._ _ sunny day it is today!l4.The children are working hard.l_ _ the children

12、are working!l5.She played basketball wonderfully.l_ _ she played basketball!l6.He is good at singing._ _ he sings!l7.He was doing well in dancing.l_ a _ dancer he was!l8.Tom coughs badly._ _ _ cough Tom has!l9.The fish is very lovely._ _ the fish is!l10.They live a happy life today.l_ _ _ life they

13、live!n nI I entered entered the hotel managers the hotel managers office office and sat down.sat down.n n n n sit sat satsit sat sat n n并列句并列句并列句并列句 一、英语并列句讲解 含有两个或两个以上的独立分句的句子叫做并列句。这些独立分句处于平等、互不依从的并列地位。英语并列句不能只用逗号隔开(较短的句子例外),而要用分号或并列连接词连接,连词前可用或不用逗号。例如:Tom went to college but jack joined the army.汤

14、姆上了大学,但杰克入伍了。二、一些常用的英语并列连词1、and表示平行、顺接、递进等。He closed the window,turned off the light and left the room.他关上窗,熄了灯,离开了房间。(顺接,先后顺序)Its big and ugly.它又大又难看(平行)She did the work and do it well.她做了那项工作,而且做得很好。(递进)2、but与yet表示转折或对照(但是、然而)Its true that he is young,but he is experienced and responsible.诚然他很年轻,但是他既有经验,又认真负责。He is poor,yet he is clever and noble-hearted.他很穷,然而人却很聪明,心地又善良。3、for表示原因或理由(因为)It must have rained,for the gro

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