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1、Definition of globalizationGlobalization is a process of interaction and integration among the people,companies,and governments of different nations.全球化是一个由不同国家的个人、公司、政府相全球化是一个由不同国家的个人、公司、政府相互混合和相互影响的过程。#互混合和相互影响的过程。#Globalization:#Making the World SmallerGlobalisation could involve all these things

2、!#Three components of globalizationThe economic globalizationThe political globalization The cultural globalization1 The economic globalizationWith the development of science and technology,the economic globalization had been born and now it is developing in a rapid speed.The performances of the eco

3、nomic globalization1)Production globalization2)The globalization of trade 3)Capital globalization (资本全球化)An example of economic globalizationEconomic organizationsEuropean UnionNorth American Free Trade Area Economic globalisationhas resulted in manybusinesses setting upor buying operations inother

4、countries.Companies that operate in several countries are called multinational companies.(跨国公司)(跨国公司)Top 10 multinational companiesWal-Mart(沃尔玛沃尔玛)Exxon Mobil(埃克森美孚埃克森美孚)Royal Dutch Shell(皇家壳牌石油皇家壳牌石油)BP(英国石油英国石油)General Motors(通用汽车通用汽车)Toyota Motor(丰田汽车丰田汽车)Chevron(雪佛龙雪佛龙)Daimler-Chrysler(戴姆勒克莱斯勒戴姆

5、勒克莱斯勒)ConocoPhillips(康菲康菲)Total(道达尔道达尔)2 The political globalizationPolitical globalization is evident in the growing importance of international organization.These organizations are transnational and enable states to take concerted action without sacrificing national sovereignty.政治全球化是显而易见的越来越重要的国际

6、组织。#政治全球化是显而易见的越来越重要的国际组织。#这些这些跨国跨国组织使各组织使各国家国家采取协调行动采取协调行动而而没有没有牺牲牺牲国家主权国家主权。#WTOUnited Nations World BankSome political organizationsWorld Government Organization Coordinating Council(WGOCC)世界政府组织协调理事会 Arab Summit Conference 阿拉伯国家首脑会议 Group of 77 七十七国集团 World Health Organization 世界卫生组织Association

7、of Southeast Asian Nations(ASEAN)东南国家联盟 中国加入中国加入WTO 2001-12-113 The cultural globalizationCultural globalization is the process where by information,commodities and images produced in one part of the world enter into a global flow that flattens out cultural differences.文化全球化是一个通过信息、商品和图像在世界的一部分产生进入全

8、球流动,并减缓文化差异。#The cultural globalizationThe Confucius Institute is a leading group of China national office for teaching Chinese as a foreign language all over the world,it sets up by the promotion of spreading Chinese culture and ancient Chinese literature search educational and cultural exchange.孔子

9、学院是中国国家孔子学院是中国国家对外汉语教学领导小组办对外汉语教学领导小组办公室在世界各地设立的推公室在世界各地设立的推广广汉语汉语和传播中国和传播中国文化文化与与国学国学的教育和文化交流机的教育和文化交流机构。#构。#Nowadays,globalization affects all the aspects of Chinese peoples life,such as food,clothing,housing,and transportation.1、FoodAs everyone knows,they are very popular in China now,especially

10、in the group of young people.2、Clothing Now,more and more foreign clothing brands have entered the Chinese market,like Armani(阿玛尼),Louis Vuitton(路易威登)and so on.3、HousingNowadays,many-storied buildings become the world housing.(广州中信广场,391米,)(上海世茂国际广场,333米)(武汉国际证券大厦,331米)In addition,many buildings in

11、China are constructed with the foreign architectural style,for instance,Minmetals Hastert(五矿(五矿哈斯塔特)哈斯塔特),which will be created as the first national tourist resort town of Austria style.(第一个奥地利(第一个奥地利风格的国家级旅游度假区)风格的国家级旅游度假区)4、TransportationAt present,many foreign car brands have entered the Chinese market,such as Benz,Volks and TOYOTA.According to the China Automobile Industry Associations statistics(中国汽车工业协会的统计数据),63%of the people who want to buy a car tend to buy foreign brands in July,2012.When you want to buy a car,which brands will you choose?#The local brand?#The foreign brand?#

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