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1、I am a queen.Im very beautiful.Where is Mirror?Mirror,Mirror is on the wall,whos the most beautiful?M:Snow White is much more beautiful than you!Hunter,go to kill Snow White.H:Yes,my queen.S.W:Help me,help me,please,please!I am tried and hungry,oh,there is a little house,I will eat a little and lie

2、down.D:1:Look,somebody ate my food 2:Somebody drank my water 3:Someone is sleeping now 4:What a beautiful girlD:How do you do?S.W:My name is Snow WhiteNice to meet you!D:Nice to meet you,too!D6:Welcome to our house!D7:Would you like to live here?My pleasure,thank you very much!Lets go out for our wo

3、rk,bye-bye,Snow White.From then on,Snow White kept the house.On the other hand,the bad queen took out the mirror and asked.Q:Mirror,mirror on the wall,whos the most beautiful?What?Snow White is not dead?Hahaha,I got a good idea!The queen made a poisonous apple and dressed herself like an old woman.S

4、he came to the house.Q:Apple,apple,beautiful apple,S.W:Hello,Good morning,grandma!Pretty girl,would you like an apple?Oh,yes,thank you,grandma!The girl is dead!Ha ha ha When the seven dwarfs came from work.They were greatly surprised to see Snow White dead.Snow White,Wake up,wakeupAlthough Snow Whit

5、e had been dead a long,long time.She looked as if she was living.She looked as white as snow,as red as rose.One day,it happened a prince came to the seven dwarfs house.When he saw Snow White,he fell in love with her.P:A beautiful girl!She shall be my queen!Wake up!Wake up,my queen As soon as the prince kissed Snow White,Snow White came to her life.S.W:Thank you for your help!P:My pleasure The prince took Snow White to the palace.Their wedding was held with great show.感谢大家的收看!演员表:白 雪:蒋思思(女主)皇 后:关 萌(女主)王 子:刘 祺(男配)魔 镜:王紫函小矮人:孙 钗 孟如莎 张梦慈 杨如琰 赵宇航 张少聪 史 帅猎人:闫士硕旁白:王晴

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