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1、Lets be good friends!4Fundamentals of RoboticsExamplesRobot HuBoPUMA 560Watch a video of BigDogPUMA 560 Precise Universal Machine for Assembly An industrial robotRobot HuBoA mobile robotDesigned in USAMade in ChinaCan play games,dance and singWatch vedio BigDogMade by Boston Dynamics Co.US.A militar

2、y robot which has amazing mobility and adaptability.It can climb up 35 slopes,carry more than 40 kg equipment.Impression:Kinem.+Dynam.+?9Chapter 5 Robot Control5.1 Basic Principles of Robot Control 机器人的基本控制原则机器人的基本控制原则 The issue of robot control is closely related to robotic kinematics and dynamics.

3、(how learn?).From the point view of control,The robotic system is a representative redundant,multi-variable and nonlinear control system in nature,and a complex coupling dynamic system.Every control task it self is a dynamical task.机器人学基础105.1 Basic Principles of Robot ControlClassification of Contr

4、ollers non-servo controlservo controlposition/speed feedback controlforce(torque)controlHybrid F-P controlsensor-based controlnonlinear control5.1.1 Basic Control Principles 5.1 Basic Principles of Robot Controladaptive controlhierarchical controloptimal controlfuzzy control neurocontrol other intel

5、ligent controls 115.1.1 Basic Control Principles Industrial robot controller can be divided into single-joint(link)controller and multi-joint(link)controller.Robot control depends on its head,that the development of the processor.Various control methods can be used according to the actual working co

6、nditions.5.1 Basic Principles of Robot Control5.1.1 Basic Control Principles12主要控制变量(Control Variables)Control variables of joints of a manipulator5.1 机器人的基本控制原则13控制层次 Control Levels Level 1:Level of AILevel 2:Level of control model Level 3:Level of servo system5.1.1 Basic Control Principles5.1 机器人的

7、基本控制原则5.1.1 Basic Control Principles Robot control is the control of bidirectional equation:末端执行装置的状态是由任务轴的许多参数表示的,它是机器人运动模型矢量X的分量。要控制矢量X 随时间变化的情况,即 ,它表示末端执行装置在空间的实时位置。只有当关节移动时,X 才变化。用矢量 表示关节变量与受控量关系关节变量,即 至 。各关节具有运动学模型C1至C6,这些模型构成关节矢量 ,并由各传动电动机的力矩矢量 经过变速机送到各个关节。在电流或电压矢量 提供的动力作用和微处理机的控制下,这些电动机产生力矩 。

8、15控制层次 Control Levels 1st Grade:Artificial Intelligence level2nd Grade:Control model level3rd Grade:Servo system-level5.1.1 Basic Control Principles5.1 Basic Principles of Robot Control5.1.2 Examples of Servo-control System 伺服控制系统举例伺服控制系统举例Servo driven system of hydraulic cylinder165.1 机器人的基本控制原则Ele

9、ctro-hydraulic servo control system175.1.2 Examples of Servo-control System5.1 机器人的基本控制原则18Manipulator consists of a series of links,whose dynamic characteristics are highly non-linear.We need to build up the mathematical model to control the motor-driven manipulator.Two assumptions in the designing

10、 of model:The manipulator is an ideal rigid body without friction and gap.Only one degree of freedom for each link,either translation or rotation.5.2 Position Control of Robot 机器人的位置控制机器人的位置控制5.2 Position Control of Robot195.2.1 Modeling of D.C Control System 直流传动系统的建模直流传动系统的建模nTransfer function and

11、 equivalent diagram 5.2 机器人的位置控制根据电力传动原理可求得下列传递函数:根据电力传动原理可求得下列传递函数:电动机的开环传递函数,见式5.16电枢控制直流电动机的传递函数(1),见式5.23 21Speed regulation of DC motor5.2 机器人的位置控制5.2.1 Modeling of DC Control System22Basic control structures5.2.2 Structure of Position Control 位置控制的基本结构位置控制的基本结构5.2 机器人的位置控制23Servo controlstruct

12、ure of PUMA5.2.2 Structure of Position Control5.2 机器人的位置控制24Servo control structure for PUMA robot5.2.2 Structure of Position Control5.2 Position Control of Robot25Servo control structure for PUMA robot5.2.2 Structure of Position Control5.2 Position Control of Robot265.2.3 Position Controller of Sin

13、gle Joint 单关节位置控制器单关节位置控制器nStructure of Position control system5.2 Position Control of Robot27Transfer function of a single-joint controller5.2.3 Position Controller of Single Joint5.2 Position Control of Robot285.2.3 Position Controller of Single Joint5.2 Position Control of Robot29Determinate Para

14、meters and the Steady-State Error(SSE)Steady-State Error(SSE)5.2.3 Position Controller of Single Joint5.2 Position Control of Robot5.2.4 Position Controller with Multi-Joint 多关节位置控制器多关节位置控制器30Lagrangian dynamic equation5.2 Position Control of Robot5.2.4 Position Controller with Multi-Joint5.2 Position Control of Robot315.2.4 Position Controller with Multi-Joint 多关节位置控制器多关节位置控制器32Compensation of Coupled Inertia 耦合惯量补偿5.2 Position Control of Robot335.3 Hybrid Position/Force Control of Robots 机器人的力和位置混合控制5.3.1 Schemes of Hybrid Position/Force Control 力和位置混合控制方案力和位置混合控制方案Active Stiffn

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