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1、e.g.Our work will end in March.We will/shall be returning to New York.我们的工作我们的工作3月结束月结束,之后我们将回之后我们将回到纽约。到纽约。2)表示已经决定或安排好的要发生的动表示已经决定或安排好的要发生的动作或事情作或事情;表示按预测将来会发生的表示按预测将来会发生的事情。例如事情。例如:1)表示在将来某一时间点或某一时间段表示在将来某一时间点或某一时间段(可能可能)正在发生的事情。常与特定的正在发生的事情。常与特定的时间状语连用。时间状语连用。e.g.At nine oclock tonight I will be

2、 doing my homework.3)将来进行时常用的时间状语有将来进行时常用的时间状语有soon,tomorrow,this evening,on Sunday,by this time tomorrow,in two days,tomorrow evening等。等。She will be coming soon.她会很快来的。她会很快来的。Ill be meeting him sometime in thefuture.将来我一定去见他。将来我一定去见他。例如:By this time tomorrow,Ill be lying on the beach.明天此时明天此时,我正躺在海

3、滩上呢。我正躺在海滩上呢。用动词的正确形式完成句子。1.By the middle of this century,more people _(live)in cities than in the country.2.Ten years from now,people _(wear)smart clothes.3.No one _ ever _(live)on Mars.will be livingwill be wearing willbe living4.Humans _(live)on another planet five billion years from now.5.I hope

4、 scientists _(find)a cure for cancer.6.A Chinese astronaut _(reach)Mars by 2050.注意注意:用于将来进行时的谓语动词必须是可延续用于将来进行时的谓语动词必须是可延续性动词性动词,短暂性动词则不可短暂性动词则不可,如上面如上面5,6题。题。will be livingwill findwill reach1.At this time tomorrow _ over the Atlantic.2.A.were going to 3.B.well be flying4.C.well flying 5.D.were to f

5、ly2.What do you think our teachers _ at this time tomorrow?Having a meeting.A.will be doing B.will do C.are doing D.are going to do3.By this time tomorrow,I _ on a beach in Hawaii,enjoying beautiful going to lie lying C.will lie D.will be lying4.By the time you arrive home,I _,so

6、please dont make any noise when you come in.A.shall have been sleeping B.shall have slept C.shall sleep D.shall be will the world be like in the future?Put the words in order and write questions.What are you going to do when you leave school?W

7、hat will you be doing in ten years time?3.years/What/will/be/job/doing/ten/you/in/time?2.going/What/you/leave/you/to/do/when/are/school?Function:Talking about the future.在英语中在英语中,表达将要发生的动作或事表达将要发生的动作或事有不同的表达方式。如一般将来时、一有不同的表达方式。如一般将来时、一般现在时、现在进行时等。它们所表达般现在时、现在进行时等。它们所表达的意思有所不同。具体用法如下的意思有所不同。具体用法如下:1“

8、will+动词原形动词原形”结构表示在将来某结构表示在将来某个时间要发生的动作或存在的状态个时间要发生的动作或存在的状态,常与表示将来的时间状语连用。常与表示将来的时间状语连用。e.g.They will come back next week.The project will be completed in a month.2“be going to+动词原形动词原形”结构表示结构表示打算在最近或将来要做的事打算在最近或将来要做的事;或表示或表示根据已有的迹象推测很可能要发生的根据已有的迹象推测很可能要发生的事情。事情。e.g.Look!Its going to rain.They are

9、going to stay for two days.3 一般现在时可以表示按计划或时刻表一般现在时可以表示按计划或时刻表要发生的事。这一用法只限于某些瞬要发生的事。这一用法只限于某些瞬间动词。间动词。如如:arrive,begin,come,finish,get,go,leave,meet,return,sail,spend,start等。e.g.When does the summer vacation begin?My train leaves at ten oclock.4 现在进行时也可表示最近将要发生的现在进行时也可表示最近将要发生的 动作动作,一般与时间状语连用。此用法只一般与时

10、间状语连用。此用法只限于部分动词限于部分动词,如如:arrive,begin,come,go,leave,start,stay等。e.g.The plane is arriving soon.Where are you going tomorrow?Were visiting friends tonight.I cant go out tonight,my cousin is coming for dinner.Read the extract from The City of the Future and answer the questions.What will the city of

11、the future look like?No one knows for sure,and making predictions is a risky business.But one thing is certainthey are going to get bigger before they get smaller.1.Which sentence talks about a certain future?2.2.Which sentence talks about a prediction?The second sentence talks about a certain futur

12、e(with the going to future)The first sentence talks about a prediction(with the will future).Match the sentences A-F with the meanings 1-6.A We arrive in Beijing on Tuesday at eight in the evening.B Were visiting friends tonight.C Look-its going to rain!D Im going to study engineering at university.

13、E I wont be here in twenty years.F these predictions will come true if technology continues to develop.1 an intention2 a future which you can“see”now3 a timetable4 an arrangement for the near future5 a future time reference in a conditional sentence6 a prediction Answers:A-3,B-4,C-2,D-1,E-6,F-5Work

14、in pairs and try to underline the most appropriate form of the verb.Answers:251.will be likewill be like2.are you going to doare you going to do3.does the plane arrivedoes the plane arrive4.are going to haveare going to comingis coming6.will ringwill going to studyis going to study

15、8.will gowill go1.At this time tomorrow _ for New York.A.were going to fly B.well be flying C.well fly D.were to fly【解析解析】时间状语时间状语at this time tomorrow提示提示,此处可用将来进行时表示将来某时此处可用将来进行时表示将来某时正在发生的动作正在发生的动作;其余各项仅表示将其余各项仅表示将来某时将做某事。故选来某时将做某事。故选B。2.Why dont you put the meat in the fridge?It will _ fresh for several stayed B.stay staying D.have stayed【解析解析】stay作作“保持保持”解时属系动词解时属系动词,不可不可用被动语态用被动语态,排除排除A;系动词没有进系动词没有进行时态行时态,排除排除C;“will have stayed”强调肉放入冰箱后的结果强调肉放入冰箱后的结果,从上文从上文看看,未放入冰箱未放入冰箱,故选故选B。3.His mother had thought it would be good for his character to _ from home and ear

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