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1、文本分析的内容是什么?听力和阅读的文本分析有什么不同?文本分析的目的帮助确定教学目标帮助确定教学内容帮助确定教学方法听力文本的分析问路用语问路用语指路用语指路用语What else?There is a big bookshop over there,just along Xi Changan Jie,on the right,opposite the bank.地点的表达语音:连读、失去爆破听力文本的分析语言主题语用会话技巧语音、语调词汇、语法语境交际的真实性语言行为交际功能文本分析文本分析Setting 交际交际TouristIs language use appropriate?Is t

2、here nonverbal communication?Who is it?Male or female?Old or young?From which country?Are there culture differences?真实性问题真实性问题听力文本分析Module 4 Life in the future教师询问学生未来学校是什么样子的真实性何在?阅读文本分析您分析哪些内容您分析哪些内容?这个材料您的分这个材料您的分析结果是什么?析结果是什么?For reference语言:Welcome toWere standing opposite From here,The best wa

3、y to is by boat.On your rightNext toTurn left into Kings StreetThis is where阅读文本逻辑分析逻辑:以导游的视角介绍旅游路线视频+动态路线路+跟着导游出发、坐船、回到起点。通过阅读文本前后比对(修订前)Welcome to this short tour of London.In this square we are standing in the middle of London.Opposite is the National Gallery,a museum with lots of famous painting

4、.Go along the red street to Buckingham Palace.The Queen lives here.Turn left and go to the Houses of Parliament and Big Ben.Opposite you can see the London Eye.It takes you 135 meters above the River Thames.You can see most of London on a clear day.When you are tired,the best way to see London is by

5、 boat.You can get the boat near Big Ben.As you go along the river,the London Eye is on you right.Get off the boat at Tower Bridge.There you can see the Tower of London next to the bridge.The Tower of London is the citys oldest palace.It is 900 years old.Take the boat back along the river.Get off the

6、 boat and go past the station and walk along the street.Opposite is the old fruit and vegetable market.They dont sell fruit and vegetables now.There are stores and restaurants,and lots of street musicians.Turn left into Kings Street,and go past the church.Youre now back where you started,at the squa

7、re.Now you finish your tour.前后对比Welcome to this short tour of London.In this square we are standing in the middle of London.Opposite is the National Gallery,a museum with lots of famous painting.Go along the red street to Buckingham Palace.The Queen lives here.真实,现场感强,符合语用要求阅读文本分析(修订前后)视觉化视觉化修订前后对比

8、First,Goldilocks wanted to sit down because she was tired.The two big chairs were uncomfortable.She didnt like them,so she tried the smallest chair.It was nice,but Goldilocks was very heavy and she destroyed it.She was unhappy and tired.She walked into the bedroom.There were three beds.She didnt lik

9、e the two big beds.The smallest bed was very comfortable.Very soon she was asleep in it.The three Bears returned.They looked at the bowls and the chairs.Baby Bear cried,“Theres nothing in my bowl and my chair is in pieces!”He was very unhappy!Next,the Bears looked in their bedroom.They didnt notice

10、Goldilocks at first.Then Baby Bear pointed at the little girl in his bed,and cried,“Look!Theres the naughty girl!”Finally,Goldilocks opened his eyes.The three Bears were around her,so Goldilocks jumped out of bed and hurried out of the house without her basket.She didnt return to the forest again.如何

11、理解所传递的深层含义本模块听力和阅读文本传达了什么深层含义?如何理解其深层含义?语言以外的其它内涵语言以外的其它内涵图式、认知、文化等图式、认知、文化等听力文本Dong Changan Jie,Xi Changan JieExcuse me!Thank you.Thanks a lot.Youre welcome.Have a nice day.地名的翻译问路的礼貌如何有效交际阅读文本的含义口头旅游路线介绍旅游路线设计的人文思考(中间坐船一段)多思考多思考语言语言之之外的内容不同文本含义不同。不同文本含义不同。有文化认知(Tour of London,Body Language around

12、the world),阅读图式(篇章结构、逻辑)(My life in Quincy)、感知世界与生活(Goldilocks and the Three Bears)如何设计多层次教学活动教学目标是什么?影响学生听力和阅读的因素有哪些?听力和阅读理解的表现形式是什么?活动设计应该遵循的原则文本教学分析文本教学分析听力文本教学分析教学目标是什么?影响听的因素有哪些?教材的设计能否满足教学目标达成的要求?教学目标分析听:听:能够听懂他人的问路能够听懂他人的指路说:说:能够问路能够给问路者指路影响听力的因素语言?词汇句法语音?背景图式话题:问路需要空间智能您如何看待教材中的听前活动包含新的语言现象而

13、这些都是接下来听力所涉及的新的语言现象对话语音语调不真实对话语音语调不真实选真实的问路视频选真实的问路视频如何设计有层次的活动层次的表现形式如何设计从语言角度出发涉及语言输出不涉及语言输出从认知角度出发知识理解应用分析综合评价如何设计多层次听力活动明确各种层次活动的表现形式1)听懂问路的表现形式在地图上标示行走路线用汉语介绍行走路线示范行走路线将行走路线排序判断行走路线是否正确请先设计理解活动Work in groups and design as many comprehension activities as possible.Lets see which group can design

14、 the most activities.如何设计多层次听力活动2)听懂问路和指路的对话的要求识别语音理解语言所表达的意思掌握基本的听力技巧预测指示语活动的序列知识知识领会领会应用应用识别识别转述转述自由自由表达表达如何保证口语活动的质量您能给出多少口语活动(指路、问路)替换练习(句型、地点的变化)角色扮演问题解决任务您能保证学生在交际中能用到新的语言、新的技巧吗?如何设计多层次阅读理解活动影响阅读的因素有哪些?阅读教学的目标是什么?如何才能达成这些目标?影响因素分析语言图式文化背景优势智能请分析其必要性这些图片能帮助学生建构伦敦的图式吗?能帮助学生了解旅游的景点信息吗?能激发学生的阅读欲望吗

15、?能够制造某种期待吗?有谁会用地图?有谁会对景点进行适当的介绍?有谁会利用视频导入?有谁会设置语境,营造阅读的需求?阅读理解活动的设计What other activities can you design?Possible activitiesArrange the places in orderDraw the route of the tour on the mapTell in Chinese about the route of the tourSuppose you were the tour guide,introduce the tour to the touristsPick

16、 out one place and ask the students to locate it on the route学习策略指导您能给出多少学习策略?管理策略、资源利用策略=元认知策略词汇学习策略语法学习策略听力策略阅读策略策略的培养将策略培养与具体的学习活动相结合听力:预测记笔记选择注意力关注提示语通过反馈引导策略的使用阅读策略您能说出多少阅读策略?Skimming,scanningWord guessingKey words decodingInferring Automatic decodingVisualizationPredictingMapping Case analysis阅读策略教学案

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