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1、Can you.?Yes,I can.No,I cant.Is he.?Yes,he is.No,he isnt.Do you.?Yes,I do.No,I dont.Does.she?Yes she does.No,she doesnt.Did they.?Yes,they did.No,they didnt.Would you.?Yes,I would.No.I wouldnt.Were they.?Yes,they were.No,they werent.Should you.?Yes,I should.No,I shouldnt.二、祈使句二、祈使句无人称、动词开头,无人称、动词开头,

2、带命令色彩的句子。带命令色彩的句子。肯肯定定式式 否否定定式式Open the window,please.Look at here.Please read after me.Dont open the window.Dont look at here.Dont read after me.二、话题二、话题1.1.天气及季节天气及季节2.2.2.2.人的相貌及性人的相貌及性格格3.3.健康健康 4.4.假期假期三、三、句句子子简单句简单句并列句并列句复合句复合句选择问句选择问句特殊疑问句特殊疑问句感叹句感叹句一般疑问句一般疑问句否定句否定句祈使句祈使句简单句简单句并列句并列句复合句复合句选择问

3、句选择问句特殊疑问句特殊疑问句感叹句感叹句This is an orange bike.He knows me and I know him.When I was 5,I could swim.Did you live here or there?What did they learn just now?What a heavy rain it is!Does Tom speak French?I dont understand it.Stand(Dont)up.一般疑问句一般疑问句否定句否定句祈使句祈使句四、句型四、句型(及交际用语及交际用语)1.某人用多长时间做某事某人用多长时间做某事:2

4、.It takes/took sb.+time+to do sth.2.提问时间提问时间:Whats the time?What time is it?What time is it by your watch?3.提问日期提问日期:Whats the date today?What was the date yesterday?4.提问星期几提问星期几:What day is it today?What day was yesterday?5.提问某人的生日提问某人的生日:When is ones birthday?6.提问天气提问天气:What is the weather like to

5、day?(How is the weather today?)What was the weather yesterday?(How was the weather yesterday?7.提问温度提问温度:Whats todays temperature?How about the temperature?8.提问人的相貌提问人的相貌:What does.look like?9.提问人的性格提问人的性格:What询问对方情况询问对方情况:Whats wrong the matter到该做什么事的时候了到该做什么事

6、的时候了。Its time to do sth.Its time for sth.12.提建议用语提建议用语:Why not do sth.?Why dont you do sth.?What about sth./doing sth.?Its best to do sth.Youd better do sth.13.谈论健康问题谈论健康问题:1)用英文叙述自己的病症用英文叙述自己的病症 have a fever have a cold have a pain here have a headache have a sore through have a stomachache.2)就此病症提

7、出合理建议就此病症提出合理建议 Take/Have some/these medicine three times a day.Drink more water and stay in bed for a few days.Its nothing serious.Youll be/get/become OK/well soon/in one or two days.Dont be so tired.五、词类五、词类1.动词动词6.形容词、副词形容词、副词2.系动词系动词7.数词数词3.代词代词8.频率副词频率副词4.不定代词不定代词9.介词介词5.连词连词10.疑问词疑问词1.动词动词(谓语谓

8、语)He watches TV every day.He is watching TV now.He watched TV a moment ago.动词动词(非谓语非谓语)He enjoys watching TV.Jim makes me laugh.I wanted to see it again.2.系动词系动词(+形容词的动词形容词的动词)lookturnsoundbecometastebefeelsmellget1)Jims idea sounds nice.2)Kate looks taller.3)I feel nervous now.4)Beijing becomes big

9、ger.5)The days get long.6)The cake tastes delicious.3.代词代词人人称称代代词词主格主格Iyouhesheitweyouthey宾格宾格 me youhimheritusyoutheir物物主主代代词词形容形容词性词性myyourhisheritsouryourtheir名词名词性性mine yours his hersits ours yours theirs4.不定代词不定代词1.other,others,the other,the others,another,One.,the other.,any,ones,on

10、es 3.somethingsomebody/someone anythinganybody/anyone everythingeverybody/everyone nothingnobody/no one5.连词连词1.and 7.when2.but 8.before3.or 10.as5.though 11.if6.because用用and,when,because,but,or,so,though before,after,if,填空填空1.Jim often helps me with my English _ I often help him with his

11、 Chinese.2._ the question is very difficult,few of us can answer it.3.Mr.Black is over 70 years old,_ he still works 8 hours a day.Becauseandbut4.Everyone must be here _ 6:00 tomorrow.5._it is raining heavily,the farmers are still working in the field.6.I can help you _ I have time.用用and,when,becaus

12、e,but,or,so,though before,after,if,填空填空Thoughbeforeif7._ getting up,I always listen to the radio for a while.8.We must be quick,_ we cant follow them.9.To catch the early bus,_ I got up very early this morning.用用and,when,because,but,or,so,though before,after,if,填空填空soorAfter10._ the teacher came in,

13、I was thinking about the game.11._ you know him,why not go and meet Jim instead of me,Kate?用用and,when,because,but,or,so,though before,after,if,填空填空IfWhen6.形容词、副词形容词、副词形容词形容词与副词与副词的转换的转换在词尾处在词尾处+lyy结尾时结尾时,去去y+ily有的有的e结尾的单词结尾的单词,需去需去y+ly,有的则直接,有的则直接+ly。1.quickquickly 2.easy-easily2.3.terrible-terribly

14、 4.true-truly3.5.brave-bravely 6.careful-carefully形容词、副词的使用形容词、副词的使用形形容容词词副副词词修饰修饰名词名词修饰修饰动词、形容词动词、形容词They are clever boys.I prefer long hair.It really sounds nice.They work very hard.7.数词数词数数词词基数词变序数词基数词变序数词百百,千千,万万,的表达的表达几分之几几分之几用来表达时、分用来表达时、分用来表达年、月、日用来表达年、月、日8.频率副词频率副词 用用How often 对它们进行提问。对它们进行提问。他们体现了动词出现的频率程度。I always have milk for breakfast.I usually have eggs for breakfast.I often have noodles for it.I sometimes have fruits for it.I seldom have rice for it.I never have meat in the morning.9.与与时时间间相相关关的的介介词词for 时间段前时间段前in 某年、某月前某年、某月前on 具体日子、节日、具体日子、节日、生日、星期几前生日、星期几前at 某分,某时前某分

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