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4、rds about friends:lovelyhelpfulquick-minded(思维活跃的思维活跃的)honestbravewiseloyalsmarthandsomeprettykindheartedtalkative(爱说话的爱说话的)silentcarefulgenerous(大方的大方的)unselfish(不自私的不自私的)diligent(勤奋的勤奋的)activecreativethoughtfulhumorousresponsiblefunnykindoutgoing.Brainstorming-I-words (3m)Make sentences about your

5、 own friends,using the given adjectives.Example:My friend Alan is .He once saved the life of a little girl who had fallen into a lake.My friend Bob is .He wouldnt talk to Charles whom I dont like at all.honest braveloyalMy friend Jack is .He never tells lies.My friend David is .He always gives me th

6、e best advice.My friend George is a boy,but he doesnt like to study and always dreams of becoming a model.My friend Harry is a student.He always asks good questions in class.wisehandsomesmart/cleverSay something about your best friend.I have a good friend.He is always dressed neatly and cleanly.He l

7、ooks like Zhou Runfa.He never tells lies,and he is always ready to help.He is not afraid of danger or difficulty.He always has very clever ideas when others do not know what to do.Good friend honestkindfriendlyhelpfulhumorous responsibleloyalpatientThe qualities of a good friendAre you a good friend

8、?Lets do a survey.Areyouagoodfriend?Dothesurveyonpage1.Addupyourscoreaccordingtothescoringsheetafterthesurvey.Youdonthavetotellyourresults,youcankeepitasecret.Scoringsheetforthesurvey1A1B3C22A1B2C33A1B2C34A3B2C15A0B3C047 points:You are not a good friend.You either neglect your friends needs or just

9、do what he/she wants you to do.You should think more about what a good friend needs to do.Values of friendship 812 points:You are a good friend but you sometimes let your friendship become too important,or you fail to show enough concern for your friends needs and feelings.Try to keep a balance betw

10、een your friends needs and your own responsibilities.Values of friendship 13+points:You are an excellent friend who recognizes that to be a good friend you need balance your needs and your friends.Well done.Values of friendship What should we do to become a good friend?Help him/her when he/she is in

11、 trouble.Share each others happiness and pains.Often play and meet together.Respect each other.1.复习本节课内容并写一篇有关 朋友的短文 2.预习任务:Whos Anne Frank?(用英语介绍)Whats her friend?3.预习课文新单词并完成 page4,Ex1练习Pre-readingDoes a friend always have to be a person?What else can be our friend?Do you think a diary can become

12、our friend?Why or why not?Pre-reading-I-questions(2m)Now observe the text carefully to find out:howmanypartsitcontainswhatthetwopartsareaboutItcontainstwoparts.OnepartisthebackgroundknowledgeaboutAnneandherdiaryandtheotherisonepageofAnnesdiary.Pre-readingPart APart B Annes Best FriendDoyouknowhernam

13、e?AnneFrankBackgroundThis is a true story.It took place in This is a true story.It took place in Amsterdam,Holland in the early Amsterdam,Holland in the early 1940s after the German Nazis had 1940s after the German Nazis had occupied most of Europe.The Nazi occupied most of Europe.The Nazi Party rul

14、ed Germany from 1933 to Party ruled Germany from 1933 to 1945.One of their key policies was 1945.One of their key policies was to kill all the Jews in Europe.If any to kill all the Jews in Europe.If any persons known to be Jews were persons known to be Jews were found,they would be sent to found,the

15、y would be sent to concentration camps farther east,concentration camps farther east,mostly in Poland.Families were mostly in Poland.Families were separated and transported inseparated and transported in trains.trains.For many days,they went without For many days,they went without food,water or fres

16、h air.To avoid food,water or fresh air.To avoid this terrible fate,some Jewish this terrible fate,some Jewish families went into hiding,often families went into hiding,often with the help of non-Jewish with the help of non-Jewish friends.This diary was written friends.This diary was written during the time when Anne and during the time when Anne and her family moved to escape from her family moved to escape from bei

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