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1、研究公司過去五年來之聘用水準,進而預測未來需求Ratio analysis:依據某些因果因素(如業務量),與所需員工人數(如銷售人員),來預測員工需求Scatter plot(散佈圖):可判定業務活動與人員水準之間是否相關wManagerial judgment plays a big roleUsing Computers to Forecast Personnel RequirementsComputerized forecastDetermination of future staff needs by projecting sales,volume of production,and

2、personnel required to maintain this volume of output,using software packagesDefinitionForecasting the Supply of Inside CandidatesQualifications inventories(合格之人力庫存)Manual or computerized records listing employees education,career and development interests,languages,special skills,and so on,to be use

3、d in selecting inside candidates for promotionDefinitionManual Systems and Replacement ChartsPersonnel inventory&development record help track employee qualificationsPersonnel replacement charts are often used for filling a companys top positionsForecasting the Supply of Inside CandidatesPersonnel r

4、eplacement chartsCompany records showing present performance and promotability of inside candidates for the most important positionsDefinitionForecasting the Supply of Inside CandidatesPosition replacement cardA card prepared for each position in a company to show possible replacement candidates and

5、 their qualificationsDefinitionComputerized Information SystemsWork experience codesProduct knowledgeIndustry experienceFormal educationTraining coursesForeign language skillsRelocation limitationsCareer interestsPerformance appraisalsSkillsManagement Replacement ChartForecasting the Supply of Outsi

6、de CandidatesMonitoring general economic conditionsBusiness Week,Fortune,Economist and Wall Street Journal U.S.GovernmentEffective Recruiting:The Yield PyramidNew hiresOffers made(2:1)Interviewed(3:2)Invited(4:3)Leads generated(6:1)Internal Sources of CandidatesNo substitute for knowing a candidates

7、 strengths and weaknessesInside candidates may be more committed to the company and can increase moraleCan backfire Can promote inbreedingFinding CandidatesJob posting publicizing the open job to employees and listing its attributes like qualifications,supervisor,work schedule,and pay rateRehiring f

8、ormer employeesan option today due to the tight labor marketFinding Internal CandidatesSuccession planning:ensuring a suitable supply of successors for future senior jobsPlanning includes:Determine projected needAudit current talentPlanning career pathsCareer counselingAccelerated promotionsPerforma

9、nce related trainingPlanned strategic recruitmentFilling Outside Sources of CandidatesAdvertising the advertising media and ad content(AIDA)-attention,interest,desire,actionSelect the best media local paper,WSJ,TV,or internet depending on the positionOutside Sources of CandidatesAmericanPsychologist

10、THE WALL STREET JOURNALEmployment AgenciesTypes of agencies:Public agencies and non profit Private agenciesHow to Avoid Problems With Employment AgenciesProvide full and accurate job descriptionSpecify the screening tools to useReview data on candidates accepted or rejected by your firm and by the a

11、gencyDevelop a long-term relationships with one or more agenciesScreen the agency流程名称招聘计划流程招聘计划流程流程说明从公司内部的人从公司内部的人员需求需求计划到划到实施招聘期施招聘期间的的过程描述程描述流程输入输入计划需求、离缺需求划需求、离缺需求提供部门人力人力资源部源部频率年年/季季流程输出输出需求需求计划、招聘渠道开划、招聘渠道开发计划、招聘行划、招聘行动计划划接受部门人力人力资源部源部频率年年/季季业务流程规则 流程控制/业务需求说明1组织发展的展的战略要求:略要求:根据公司整体的战略规划和人力资源战



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