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1、 LI BEI The Actuality and Development of Coronary Artery surgeryLi Bei MDINTRODUCTIONn nCoronary Artery DiseaseCoronary Artery Disease(CAD)is one of the most CAD)is one of the most common and serious effects of aging.Fatty common and serious effects of aging.Fatty deposits build up in blood vessel w

2、alls and narrow deposits build up in blood vessel walls and narrow the passageway for the movement of blood.The the passageway for the movement of blood.The resulting condition,called atherosclerosis often resulting condition,called atherosclerosis often leads to eventual blockage of the coronary ar

3、teries leads to eventual blockage of the coronary arteries and a“heart attack”.and a“heart attack”.n nSince 1900,CAD has been the No.1 killer Since 1900,CAD has been the No.1 killer in the United States every year but the United States every year but 1918.n nNearly 2,600 Americans die of CAD

4、 each Nearly 2,600 Americans die of CAD each day,an average of 1 death every 33 day,an average of 1 death every 33 seconds.seconds.n nCAD claims more lives each year than the CAD claims more lives each year than the next 5 leading causes of death combined,next 5 leading causes of death combined,whic

5、h are cancer,chronic lower respiratory which are cancer,chronic lower respiratory diseases,accidents,diabetes mellitus,diseases,accidents,diabetes mellitus,influenza and pneumonia.influenza and pneumonia.n nAlmost 150,000 Americans killed by CAD Almost 150,000 Americans killed by CAD each year are u

6、nder age 65.each year are under age 65.IN CHINAn nFrom 19841998From 19841998,the mortality rate has risen.,the mortality rate has risen.CAD has been the CAD has been the No.3 killer in China.No.3 killer in China.n nIn 2003,the prevalence rate of CAD is In 2003,the prevalence rate of CAD is 4.64.6n n

7、In 2004,the mortality rate of CAD isIn 2004,the mortality rate of CAD is 46.27/100thousand.46.27/100thousand.This rate is lower than the rate in 2000 This rate is lower than the rate in 2000n nNew trend:#the patients are become more and New trend:#the patients are become more and more younger,from 1

8、9841998,the more younger,from 19841998,the mortality mortality rate of young mankind has largely risen,the rate of young mankind has largely risen,the extent reach to 154%extent reach to 154%data is come from data is come from The Chinese Cardiovascular Disease report 2005The Chinese Cardiovascular

9、Disease report 2005 These celebrities are all died of CAD.most of them are not very old.These celebrities are all died of CAD.most of them are not very old.There death evoked peoples more attention to CAD There death evoked peoples more attention to CAD THE RISKn nHypertensionHypertensionn nSmokingS

10、mokingn nAbnormity of blood lipidAbnormity of blood lipidn nObesity or overweightObesity or overweightn nAbnormity of blood sugarAbnormity of blood sugarn nUnhealthy lifestyleUnhealthy lifestyleRisk Factors Uncontrollable Uncontrollable UncontrollableSexHereditaryRaceAgeControllableControllableHigh

11、blood pressureHigh blood lipidSmokingPhysical activityObesityDiabetesStress and angerSigns and Symptomsn nNone:#This is referred to as silent None:#This is referred to as silent ischemia.Blood to your heart may ischemia.Blood to your heart may be restricted due to CAD,but you be restricted due to CA

12、D,but you dont feel any effects.dont feel any effects.n nChest pain:#If your coronary arteries Chest pain:#If your coronary arteries cant supply enough blood to meet cant supply enough blood to meet the oxygen demands of your heart,the oxygen demands of your heart,the result may be chest pain called

13、 the result may be chest pain called angina pectorisangina pectorisn nShortness of breath:#Some people Shortness of breath:#Some people may not be aware they have CAD may not be aware they have CAD until they develop symptoms of until they develop symptoms of congestive heart failure-extreme congest

14、ive heart failure-extreme fatigue with exertion,shortness of fatigue with exertion,shortness of breath and swelling in their feet and breath and swelling in their feet and ankles.ankles.n nHeart attack:#Heart attack:#ResultsResults when an artery when an artery to your heart muscle becomes to your h

15、eart muscle becomes completely blocked and the party of completely blocked and the party of your heart muscles fed by that your heart muscles fed by that artery dies.artery dies.Signs&#SymptomsNoneChestPainShortnessOf BreathHeartAttackn nElectrocardiogramElectrocardiogram:#we can see the ECG signs o

16、f we can see the ECG signs of myocardial ischemia or injury.This is valuable for myocardial ischemia or injury.This is valuable for our diagnosesour diagnosesn nCoronary AngiographyCoronary Angiography:#this is a very useful test,:#this is a very useful test,the result would be the king standard for the the result would be the king standard for the diagnoses.It also can definitude the pathological diagnoses.It also can definitude the pathological arteries arteries n nBlood testsBlood tests:#used to evaluate ki

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