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1、A. Stay in touch.4.-Wed be pleased if you could join us for dinner.B. Yes, Id love to.5.-Welcome back, Mr. Smith! How about your business trip in Japan?B. Oh, fantastic! Mr. Mark is so satisfied with our project.二、词汇与结构6.-Each apartment only _ 15 to 30 square meters for one unit.C. takes7.-Can I hel

2、p you, sir?-Id like to have 100 _. I want my students to draw pictures.A. piece of paper8.-You know, this bridge _ Hong Kong, Zhuhai and Macau.C. contacts9.-One day they crossed the _ bridge behind the palace.A. old Chinese stone10.-This box is _ that one.B. as heavy as11.-I hope youll _ working wit

3、h us in the future.C. achieve12.-Lets meet at 7:30 outside the gate of _.A. the Peoples Park13.-I really like that car you _ and I am thinking of buying it.A. recommended14.-Sonia, do you think you are different from Linda?-Yes, Im _ at drawing than her.A. better15.-Id love to _ with you my new kitc

4、henware.A. share16.-People who do not have wood must spend large amounts of money _ cooking fuel.B. on17.-Nick _ a job in a bank, but to our surprise, he didnt take it.A. offered18.-We _ two railway tickets online this Monday.B. booked19.-This article deals with the natural phenomenon which _ mostin

5、teresting to everyone.B. is20.-It was _ who wrote those words on the blackboard.B. him三、阅读理解21.-The best title this passage is _.C. Planning a House22.-The first thing for a person to build a house is _.C. to work out a plan23.-The phrase “draw a plan” in this passage means _.C. working out a plan24

6、.-When the builder starts to build a house, his estimate will have to be corrected and revised because _.C. the prices of building materials and the expenses(费用) of labormay be different from the original prices and expenses.25.-What is the relationship(关系) between the estimate and the plan?C. The e

7、stimate and the plan depend on each other.( T )26. The worlds longest high-speed railway route is from Beijing by Guangzhou.( F )27. It takes only 10 hours from Guangzhou to Beijing by train.( T )28. The opening of the Beijing to Zhengzhou section has linked with the total route.( T )29. The Beijing

8、-Guangzhou line connects one third of Chinas population and more than40 percent of its economic power.( F )30. These 350 kilometer per hour high-speed railway trains have made the countrys vast territory “considerably smaller”, andchanged the country economically.四、翻译31. Thats why tiny little apartm

9、ents with bedroom, a kitchen and abathroom come into being.C. 这就是只有一卧一厨一卫的微型公寓形成的原因。32. Id like you to meet the famous bridge designer Mr. Liu Hua.B. 我想给您介绍下著名的的桥梁设计师刘华先生。33. Its a great example of treading lightly on the bridge.A. 在桥上缓步行走是非常好的体验。34. Solar ovens consist of a system of reflectors and

10、 a cooking pot.A. 太阳能灶是由反射镜及烹饪锅系统组成的。35. Since the earth looks like a ball, the sun can shine on only half of it ata time.B. 由于地球看省区像一个球,太阳一次只能找到它的一半。理工英语1作业2一、交际用语1.-A:Hello, Bill Burton speaking. _-B:Hello, Mr. Burton, Jenny Jenkins of Bradford and Sons returning your callC. Is that Jenny speaking

11、?2.- Is there anything I can do?B. Thanks, but I can manage.3.- We have to stay at home for a whole day. Why not go out and have awalk?B. It sounds like a good idea.4.- Would you like a glass of wine?A. No, thanks.5.- Excuse me, can you tell me where the nearest bus stop is?- Im sorry, I have no ide

12、a. I _.B. am a stranger here.6. My agenda is quite full for the whole week, so I cant _ anappointment with you.C. make7. Jamie wants to speak to me _ private.C. to8. There _ a dolphin show in the zoo tomorrow evening.A. was9. How often _ to the dentist?B. do you go10. For days, smog persisted in man

13、y areas. China is _ to control airpollution.C. taking measures11. Have you filled in the application form _ your passport yet?A. in12. Miss Liu doesnt mind _ your homework as long as it is done byyourself.C. your delaying to hand in13. I suppose you know everything about that event, _?C. do you14. _

14、 you busy with the Singles Day?B. Are15. You know, online shopping has so many _.B. advantage16. You can buy almost everything _ you have access to the Internetand enough money.A. as long as17. The Prize in Economics _ in 1968, that is, more than half acentury ago.A. establish18. The job is great in terms of salary. It has its disadvantages, _.C. even19. His parents are present there _, but their minds are somewhereelse.B. apparently20. It is easy to get the software we need _ the marke

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