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1、)爱好You reading climb climbing play playing draw drawingrun running swim swimming skate skating dance dancing考考你:Can you read?(你会读吗?)动词动名词(动词ing)动词动名词(即动词ing形式的规律):1.一般情况直接+ing 2.以一个元音字母+一个辅音字母结尾,双写后面的字母+ing3.以不发音的e结尾,去e+ingSay your hobbies.说说你的爱好。What do you like doing?你喜欢做什么?I

2、g.You can use these words:(你们可以使用以下单词)drawing/skating/climbing/boating/swimming/running/reading/dancing/playing-What do they like doing?学习小贴士:主语是第三人称时,like后面要加“s”Watch and tick.看动画,勾出你所看到的爱好。()()()()()()()()()()()()What hobbies can you see?playing footballreadingplaying table tennisplayin

3、g basketballswimmingwatching filmsdrawing playing the pianodancing()()()()()()()()()()()()Watch and tick.看动画,勾出你所看到的爱好。What hobbies can you see?a film 一场电影watch a film 看一场电影watch films 看电影Report:_ likes _ing_.MikeYang LingLiu TaoSu Hai Su YangTim dancing drawing reading swimming playing the piano wa

4、tching films playing basketball playing football playing table tennisScan story time and match.快速浏览并连线。I like playing basketball and football.I can play basketball well,but Im not good at football.I like drawing too.I usually draw in the park with my brother Tim.What does Mike like doing?Read and an

5、swerHe likesHe likesHe is good at .He can play well.He is not good at .他不擅长He is good at .他擅长Try to say:试着说一说I like playing _ and_.I can play _ well.Im not good at _.I like _too.I usually _ in the _ with my brother Tim.footballbasketballbasketballfootballLook and try to saydrawingdrawpark1、What does

6、 Liu Tao like doing?Read and answerThis is my friend Liu Tao.He likes playing football too.He is good at it.He also likes playing table tennis.1、He also likes playing table tennis.He likes too.2、She also likes playing the piano.She likes too.also(也)Try to say:playing table tennis playing the piano1、

7、What does Liu Tao like doing?2、What is Liu Tao good at?Read and answerThis is my friend Liu Tao.He likes playing football too.He is good at it.He also likes playing table tennis.HobbieslikesWhat are their hobbies?NamelikesHobbies Read and fill in the form.小组合作,阅读课文,找到他们各自的爱好,将序号填入表格。A.playing footba

8、llB.readingC.playing table tennisE.playing basketballD.swimmingF.watching filmsG.drawing I.playing the pianoH.dancing A.playing footballE.playing basketballG.drawing A.playing footballC.playing table tennisB.reading stories学习要求:1、四人小组合作完成。2、仔细阅读课文,画出个人的爱好。3、小组讨论,填入表格。I.playing the pianoH.dancing F.w

9、atching filmsD.swimmingD.swimmingis a is alsoalso a a ststo a is a ststo oryry,tootoo.也 storiesThey are both .both(两者)都They both like swimming.A:两个都 B:三个都 and both like swimming.Su Yang Su Hai and both like .Hobbiesreading storiesplaying the pianodancingswimmingwatching films(看电影)s

10、wimminglikesWhat are their hobbies?Lets read.Lets read.I can read the story.我能大声朗读课文。我能大声、正确的朗读课文。我能大声、正确并流利地朗读课文。选择你最喜欢的一个人物,介绍一下他(她)的爱好。至少使用两句。This is SheHe likes SheHe can wellSheHe is(not)good at Try to say:Lets talk.Can you talk about your familys hobbies?你能谈谈你家人的爱好吗?I have a happy family.My father likes_.My mother likes_.My grandpa/grandma/sister/brother likes_.And I like_.I love my family.I can talk about hobbies.我能用一句话介绍爱好。我能用两、三句话介绍爱好。我能用三句话以上介绍爱好。Homework1.Listen to the tape and follow the tape 5 times.(听录音,跟读课文5遍。)2.Tell your friends about your familys hobbies.(向你的朋友介绍你家人的爱好。)

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