1、2.2 SIP功能概要52.2.1 用户定位52.2.2 会话能力的协商52.2.3 呼叫参与者管理62.2.4 呼叫建立62.2.5 呼叫处理62.2.6 SIP注册服务62.3 SIP的呼叫过程72.4 协议的优点92.4.1 基本呼叫的建立和拆除92.4.2 呼叫控制业务92.4.3 SIP的第三方控制92.4.4 服务质量102.4.5 实现的难易性102.5 SIP协议和H.323协议的比较102.6 VoIP简介122.7 本章小结14第三章 用户代理153.1 用户代理简介153.1.1 用户代理和应用层的交互163.1.2 事件与呼叫管理信息173.1.3 线程183.1.4
2、状态机183.2 用户代理的应用213.3 用户代理的功能介绍223.3.1 处理SIP消息223.3.2 提供与上层应用程序的接口223.3.3 定时功能223.3.4 其他功能223.4 本章小结23第四章 基于SIP协议的用户代理软件的设计与实现244.1 SIP User Agent的行为244.1.1 主叫发出初始邀请请求244.1.2 被叫发出的响应244.1.3 主叫接收并响应初始化的请求244.1.4 主叫或者被叫产生二级并发请求254.1.5 接收的并发请求254.2 SIP消息机制254.2.1 SIP URL结构254.2.2 SIP消息结构264.3 SIP呼叫控制过程
3、和示例274.4 程序设计思想简介284.5 程序重要模块介绍304.5.1 UAS部分的事件处理304.5.2 UAC部分的事件处理314.6 本章小结34第五章 程序介绍355.1 程序主要功能介绍355.2 程序运行过程介绍355.2.1 登录界面355.2.2 呼叫过程365.2.3 接听过程365.2.4 断开通话以及注销连接375.3 本章小结37第六章 总结与展望38参考文献39鸣 谢40 39摘 要 随着网络技术的飞速发展和下一代网络概念的提出,越来越多的人希望通过网络进行包括话音、视频、数据在内的多媒体通信。SIP(会话初始化协议)就是在这种背景下由IETF提出的用于IP网络
6、作原理进行了详细分析。最后利用VC+6.0开发一个简单的客户端,在Windows环境下自行设计实现了一个SIP用户代理。通过代理服务器分别实现用户的登陆、基本语音测试以及PC到PC之间的通信。关键词 SIP,IP电话,多媒体,用户代理 ABSTRACTWith the quick development of the network technology and the appearance of NGN, more and more people want to communicate with each other in multimedia including voice, video,
7、 and data On the IP network. SIP (Session Initiation Protocol) is just an application layer signaling control protocol used to manage the multimedia communication session created on the IP network.SIP is a control stack over application layer. SIP can be used to call, revise, and stop the conversati
8、on of the multimedia (or the meeting). Recently, a very obvious change has happened during the development of the NGN. A lot of equipment manufacturer favored SIP stack on the agreement standard of networks, including Cisco, North Telecom who have made greater improvement. SIP has great advantage be
9、cause of simple, comparing with H.323 standard. We can create, modify and terminate a session easily using SIP. If we use SIP with other protocol including RTP, SDP, RADIUS, and combine with other mature system such as DNS and email, we can build a multimedia communication system more quickly and at
10、 a very low cost. With SIP, we can easily make our system to support mobility of user, and creat new service quickly. This is why many Co. select SIP. When IP and multimedia have already become the irreversible trend, SIP is got and pursued is the thing in the reason. At the same time SIP has succes
11、sion, compared to operator with traditional network. SIP is undoubtedly a breakthrough point forming a connecting link best while the network develops.SIP call end-user as the user agent, the requesting party is called the user agent client, the requested party as the user agent server. UAC is respo
12、nsible for initiating SIP call request, UAS receiving the request and is responsible for its UAC respond to (accept, reject or redirect).In this thesis, we first introduce the generation, current status, applications and advantages of SIP. Then its basic concepts, architecture and call flows are men
13、tioned. After explaining the SIP transaction, We analyze the logic construction, running principle of SIP proxy. Finally, we apply VC+6.0 platform to complete a simple UA and realize a SIP User Agent under Windows OS. By a proxy, we respectively realize the login/logout, basic sound test and communi
14、cation between PC and PC.KEY WORDS SIP, VoIP, Multimedia, User AgentSIP用户代理软件的设计 第一章 绪 论第一章 绪 论1.1 选题的背景SIP 出现于二十世纪九十年代中期,源于哥伦比亚大学计算机系副教授 Henning Schulzrinne及其研究小组的研究。Schulzrinne教授除与人共同提出通过 Internet传输实时数据的实时传输协议(RTP)外,还与人合作编写了实时流传输协议(RTSP)标准提案,用于控制音频视频内容在Web上的流传输。Schulzrinne本来打算编写多方多媒体会话控制(MMUSIC)标准。1996年,他向IETF提交了一个草案,其中包含了SIP的重要内容。1999年,Schulzrinne在提交的新标准中删除了有关媒体内容方面的无关内容。随后,IETF发布了第一个SIP规范,即RFC2543。虽然一些供应商表示了担忧,认为H.323和MGCP协议可能会大大
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