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1、人教版选修七第五单元词汇学习Unit5 Travelling abroad 词汇学习1. keep up 保持;继续;不低落;跟上,不落后;My parents do their best to keep up the family tradition.我的父母为了保持家庭的传统竭尽全力。You cant keep up the pretence any longer.你不能再假装下去了。I hope the fine weather will keep up.我希望好天气继续下去。I think it important that we keep up with the times.我认为跟

2、上时代是很重要的。She likes to keep up with the latest fashions.她喜欢穿戴入时。2. fit in 相适应;相融和fit in with 与相适应Ill change my timetable to fit in with yours.我将改动我的时间表以适应你的。His good mood fit in with the joyful occasion.他良好的心绪与那欢快的场合很和谐。His ideas did not quite fit in with our aims.他的想法和我们的目标不完全一致。I wasnt sure if she

3、would fit in with my friends. 我不确定她是否与我的朋友合得来。A lot of our new students have a hard time fitting in. 我们的许多新生在融入进来的时候都会遇到困难。 Lonnie doesnt seem to fit in with the other children. 朗尼似乎和其他孩子合不来。 常见的“动词in”的短语还有:bring in引进;带来(收益) cut in打断 check in(住宿)登记 fill in填充 get in收获;收进来 give in 屈服 hand in 上交 lie in

4、在于take in吸收;欺骗 join in加入 settle in(迁入新居、更换工作)安顿下来turn in上交(尤指非法武器、失物)Amy joined a painting group but didnt seem to _,so she left. A. show off B. go upC. fit in D. come over他过去从未干过这种工作, 很难说他是否会与其他人配合得好。 Hes never done this type of work before Im not sure whether hell _. 3. qualification n.资格;证明qualif

5、y v. (使)具有资格,证明合格qualification as当任(职务等)的资格qualification for在(某方面)具有资格取得资格,合格qualify as取得资格qualify for有资格,有权;应得;使合格,使能担任,使适合于qualify sbto do sth使某人有资格做某事1) Whats the qualification as a doctor?取得当一名医生的资格是什么?2) What qualifications have you got to have for this job? 申请这个工作你得要具有的条件是什么?3) Do you qualify

6、for the vote? 你有投票资格吗?4) I hope to qualify as a teacher. 我希望取得教师资格。5) A degree in English does not qualify you to teach English. 你的英语程度教书不够资格。1) After four years studying in college, he managed to get the qualification as a lawyer. 经过大学四年的学习,他终于取得了当律师的资格。2) A college diploma doesnt mean that it can

7、qualify you to take up the job.一纸大学文凭并不意味着能让你有获得这份工作的资格。 3. 3. preparation n.准备;预备prepare vt. & vi预准,筹备,布置,为铺路;配制;调制;使作准备;温习be in preparation (for) 在准备中;作为的准备make preparations against为对付做准备make preparations for为做准备be(well)prepared forto do对有所准备(处于对有所准备的意识)prepare sthAgainst 准备()应付prepare sbFor 让为了作准

8、备prepare the ground for为铺平路;为打下基础1) Mother is now preparing food for dinner妈妈正在为晚餐准备食物。2) The students are now preparing for the exams学生们正为考试做准备。3) The teachers are now preparing their lessons老师们在备课。4) Only in cities can children be well prepared for their future life and keep up with the trend of t

9、he world.只有在城市里孩子们才能为他们未来的生活作好准备并与世界趋势同步。5) Mary was well prepared for the interview, so she left a good impression on the manager.由于Mary对这次面试做了充分的准备,她给经理留下了好印象。6) She buzzed around the kitchen making preparations for the party.她在厨房里忙来忙去为这次聚会作准备。7) Wed better make preparations against a rainy day.我们

10、最好做好准备以备不时之需。1) The chemist is preparing medicine for the disease case(这药剂师正为这病例配制药。) 2) What we are engaged in is to prepare the ground for this aim.(我们现在所从事的就是为这目标铺平道路。)4. recommend v. A劝告;建议B推荐;介绍(1)Doctors strongly recommend that fathers should be present at their babies birth. (2)I recommend th

11、is book to anyone with an interest in chemistry. 1)该词意为“建议”时,注意三种句型:(1) recommend+(sbs)doing;建议做(2) recommend +that(从句) (从句用虚拟,由should+动词原形构成);(3) recommend +sb. to do建议某人做recommend表示“建议”时,还可以接that从句,该从句要用虚拟语气。recommendation 后的同位语从句、表语从句、宾语从句等要用虚拟语气,即should 动词原形, should可以省略。2)该词做“推荐;介绍”时,常用句型是:(1) r

12、ecommend sth. to sb. 向某人推荐(2) recommend sthfor (doing) sth. 推荐作某种用途recommend forrecommend to向推荐;使得到好感;托付,交付recommendation n. 提议;推荐;介绍;推荐信personal recommendation私人介绍on ones recommendation经某人介绍follow sbs recommendations听从某人的劝告recommendation(s) for的推荐writegive sba recommendation为某人写推荐信介绍信The doctor rec

13、ommended that you shouldnt swim after eating a large meal. 医生建议你不应该在饱餐之后游泳。 Therefore I recommend myself to you without hesitation. 因此, 我毫不犹豫地向你推荐我自己。 I recommend the book to all my students. 我向我所有的学生推荐这本书。 It is strongly recommended that the machines should be checked every year. 强烈建议每年一定把机器检修一次。 H

14、e recommended reading the book before seeing the movie. 他建议先看这本书, 再去看这部电影。 1) Can you recommend me a good novel? 能给我推荐一本好小说吗? 2) What would you recommend for the ink stains?有什么办法能除掉墨水汁吗?3) It is recommended in the regulations that you (should) not tell others the password of your e-mail account. 条款有

15、提示,不要将邮箱密码透露给别人。 老师曾建议我们读这本小说。1)The teacher recommended that we (should) read the novel The teacher recommended us to read the novel/ reading the novel. 经你的介绍我去了这家新旅馆。2) I went to the new hotel on your recommendation. 你能给我写一封介绍信以便采访那家公司吗? 3) Would you write me a recommendation so that I can cover the company? (1) I can _ him to you for the job. He is a very good worker. A. suggest

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