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深圳8年级下Unit 2Body LanguageWord格式文档下载.docx

1、she offered him a lift and he accepted it.他请他搭她的便车,他领情了。He asked her to marry him and she accepted.他向她求婚,她同意了。acceptance n.接受;接纳5. reject v. 拒绝接受;不予考虑 rejection n.拒绝;摈弃The chief editor rejected his suggestion.主编拒绝了他的建议。6. meaning n.意义;意思I cannot understand the meanings of these symbols.我无法理解这些符号的含义。

2、mean v.意思是 meaningful adj.有意义的7. gesture n.手势 gesture v. 用手势表示The children were amused at his funny gestures.他滑稽的手势把孩子们都逗乐了。They communicated completely by gesture.他们完全用手势交流。8. message n. (书面或口头的)信息;消息Betty is not in at the moment. Can I take a message for you? 贝蒂现在不在。我能帮你传话吗?Would you like to leave

3、 a message? 您要留言吗?9. bored adj.(对某人、某物)厌倦的;烦闷的 I am getting very bored with this matter.我开始对这件事感到非常厌倦。 比较bored与boring 二者都是形容词,但bored是指人感到厌烦,而boring是指事情本身无趣。当形容人的想法感受是用bored,描述事物给人的感受时用boring.类似于interested与interesting. The book is very boring ,so I feel bored.这本书很无聊,因此我对它毫无兴趣。 bore v.令人厌烦 boredom n.厌

4、烦;无聊10. part-time adj兼职的 Part-time work is generally hard to find.一般来说,兼职工作很难找。 Im part-time. I work three days a week.我做兼职,每周工作三天。11. well-dressed adj.衣着入时的;装着讲究的 As an office lady, she is always well-dressed.作为一名办公室女职员,她总是衣着得体。12. lady n.女子;女士 She is a very kind old lady.她是一位很和蔼的老太太。13. sigh v.叹息;

5、叹气 n. 叹息;叹气; 叹气声 Stop sighing. Its not that bad.别叹气了,事情没那么糟。14. matter n.(询问某人的情况)怎么了 Whats the matter with your office? 你们办公室出了什么事? She told him there was nothing the matter .她告诉他没出什么事。matter v. 有关;要紧;有影响Most of the food dropped on the floor but that doesnt matter.食物大都掉在地板上了,不过也没什么关系。15. expression

6、 n.表情;神色 He said nothing, but his facial expression told us everything.他什么也没说,但他的面部表情却透露了一切。 express v.表达;表示16. appearance n. 外貌;外表 We should not judge people by their appearance.我们不应以貌取人。appear v.出现 17. towards prep.向;朝;对着 I saw her walking towards the bank.我看到她朝银行走去。 towards还有如下用法: (1)将近:we finish

7、ed the work towards noon. 将近中午时我们把工作做完了。 (2)对于;关于: What is your attitude towards the questions? 你对这个问题有何看法?18. hold v. (held ,held)使保持(在某位置) Hold your hands in front of your face.把双手举在面前。 Hold this question for five minutes, and it will exercise your waist.保持这个姿势五分钟,它会锻炼你的腰部。hold还有如下的常见释义和用法:(1)拿着;握

8、住;托住: She is holding her diary and a pen. 她手里拿着日日记本和一支钢笔。(2)进行;举行:The Olympic Games are held every four years.奥运会每四年举办一次。(3)保留;保存We can hold your reservation until next Tuesday.您的预订我们会保留至下周二。(4)能容纳: One CD-ROM can hold over 100,000 pages of text.一张只读光盘可以储存十万多页的文字资料。19. later adv. 以后;后来 He quitted hi

9、s job ten years later.十年后,他辞了职。 I will call you later.我稍后给你电话。 later on后来;以后;过一阵子 Later on Ill speak to Patty alone. 等会儿我会单独跟帕蒂谈话。later adj. 后来的;以后的;后期的A later report said the victims of the fire were in better condition.随后的报道称,火灾受害者的健康状况有好转。20. remind v.使醒;使想起Remind me to buy Grandpa a newspaper on

10、 my way home.提醒我在回家的路上给爷爷买份报纸。 remind是个及物动词它主要有以下几种用法:(1)remind sb of /about sth提醒某人某事。 I wantto remind you of/about the rules for school parties.关于学校聚会,有几项规定我想提醒以下你们(2)remind sb to do sth提醒某人做某事。 Please remind me to post the letter on my way to the school.请提醒我在上学的路上把这封信寄了。remind sb后接that从句表示“提醒某人(去

11、做)某事”。Would you remind him that our meeting has been put off? 请告诉他我们的会议推迟了好吗?21. cross v.使交叉;使重叠 crossing n.十字路口 Dont cross your legs when you sit.别翘着腿坐着。 The boss crossed his arms and watched us.老板交叉着胳膊看着我们。提示:动词cross还有如下常见的释义及用法: (1)穿越;越过;横过;渡过: In 1838 the first iron ship crossed the Atlantic.183

12、8年,第一艘铁制帆船横渡大西洋。 (2)交叉;相交:The roads cross just outside the town.这些道路正好在城外交叉。cross prep. 穿过;在对面 n. 十字形;十字架 adj. 生气的 cross & across作比较22.nod v.点头 n. “Are you Okay?” I asked. She nodded and smiled. “你没事吧?”我问她。她点点头,笑了。23. shake v. (shook ,shaken) (与某人)握手;摇头People often shake hands when they meet.人们见面时常会

13、互相握手。Bob shook his head to show disagreement.鲍勃摇头表示反对。24. sure adj. 确信;肯定 Are you sure about the answer to question 3? 你确定第三题的答案吗?Im sure of his honesty.我肯定他是诚实的。sure adv.一定;当然;没问题-Id like to be alone, ok? -Sure短语1.Read a story about using body language in communication.读一则在交际中运用肢体语言的故事。body languag

14、e意为“肢体语言”。Learning to be aware of your body language is very important.学会了解你的肢体语言很重要。in communication意为“在交际中;在交流中;在沟通中”。As you know, language is a central element in communication.如你所知,语言是交流中的核心因素in communication with表示“与联络;与.沟通”。Ill be in communication with my lawyer about this matter.关于这件事我将会和我律师联系。2. Where does the story take place? 这个故事发生在哪里? take place意为

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