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本文(航院公选课大学英语四六级写作笔记 以09年考研小作文为例Word格式.docx)为本站会员(b****1)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

航院公选课大学英语四六级写作笔记 以09年考研小作文为例Word格式.docx

1、 January 7,2013Dear Editor,Can you imagine what if the restriction on plastic bags ends in failure?Being a faithful reader, I will count it as my own mission to render you a true account of the all-pervasive white pollution.As you may have noticed in our daily life, it is not uncommon for many indiv

2、iduals, to abuse plastic bags and, in turn ,dispose of them at random. There are scores of indications to reveal that all this acted as a trigger to the worsening environmental pollution, badly affecting our equality of life.In the face of this prevailing tendency, undoubtedly,there is an urgent nee

3、d to raise peoples environment awareness-there would be no well-being without an ideal environment.From all vantage points,we are bound to stick to the precept that environmental protection comes before everything.Currently, the biggest obstacle facing us is that the vast majority of people gain no

4、access to the convienient substitutes, with no option but to use the bags. Assuming people are provided with economical and recycled shopping bags,they will inevitably resist disposable plastic bags on their own initiative.At least in one sense, the supervision,coupled with the regulations,is indisp

5、ensable to the restriction on the bags. Whoever violates the rules will pay a heavier price with no exception. In the final analysis, we are not afraid to fight against the improper behaviours.In the long run, how to achieve a proper balance between environment protection and economic development is

6、 consistently a lesson we will have to learn. Under no circumstances can we seize our immediate interests at the expense of the environment. For the sake of our next generations, it is up to all of us to adopt a succession of concrete initiatives to put on end to it.In any event ,I would like your c

7、olumn to keep a closer eye on this tough issue. In spite of hardships at hand, a joint effort is being exerted to attain the ultimate goal of a pollution-free environment.Yours,Li Ming第一周课堂笔记1、书信格式问题。Dear 后面的那个称谓,无论是某某先生,某某小姐,还是某某教授,首字母必须大写。称谓后面可以用逗号,也可以用冒号。信的上方右上角写日期,第二行左边顶格写称谓,第三行空两格开始写正文,尤其注意,日期和

8、开头不能写在同一行。信的结尾,Yours 或者Yours Sincerely 单词首字母都必须大写。2、凡是应用文大概包括几个要点。以本文为例,第一是要阐明一个观点,其次是要给出两到三条建议。因此,改应用文一开始就先注重两点,一是格式,二是是否切中要点。3、这篇文章总共六段,第一段话是引导出本篇文章的话题和主题,接下来的二、三、四段分别给出三个建议,第五段是简单阐述个人观点,第六段是简单的结尾句。第一段的第一句,通过这句话可以看出,无论是应用文还是提纲式作文,第一句话都存在一个如何恰当、规范、顺畅地引出文章话题的问题。本文中的第一句话what if +clause 是一个非常简单、地道的固定表

9、达方式,这个短语的真正含义是what would happened if-clause,意为“如果发生的情况,将会产生的后果。”这样讲的目的是便于理解,用的时候不要用what would happened if-clause,还是要直接用what if+clause。ends in failure字面上意义为“以失败告终”,引申义为“最后失败”,其意义大概相当于be in vain(白费力气,徒劳)。以上两个短语相结合,就有了end in vain(最后徒劳无益,最后无功而返,最后白忙活一场)。Can you imagine what if +clause句型能够恰当地、顺畅地引入话题,这是该

10、句型的基本用法,大概含义是“你能想象得出如果发生情况,会导致产生的后果吗?”根据这个句型可以做以下一些变化:(1)Can you imagine what it is like to do sth(doing sth)?意为“你能想象得到做事是有的体验、滋味、感受、心情、情况、情形的吗?”like后面的动词两种情形,或动名词,或不定式,但是常见的形式是动名词。(2)Can you imagine how much courage it takes us to do sth?意为“你能想象得到做事是花费了我们多少勇气吗?”,其中take表示“花费”之意。句中courage还可以替换为effort

11、(努力、心血、付出、精力),devotion(奉献、贡献、付出),determination(决心、意志),experience(经验、阅历)。将来的研究生英文写作要求的是所用知识高级、丰富、有变化,这个要求在大学英语里面并没有体现。言外之意是你不能再仅仅满足于所用的表达正确,最起码要保证在所用表达正确的基础上争取所用知识高级、丰富,争取有变化。Can you imagine what if +clause有两个同义变化:(1)Have you ever imagined ?,意为“你是否曾经设想过?”。(2)Have you ever thought about ?,意为“你是否曾经考虑过?

12、 Have you ever thought about what it is that leads so many people to do sth?意为“你是否考虑过究竟是什么导致如此多的人都做某事的吗?”句中,lead sb to do sth,表示“使某人做某事”,lead 可以变换为更为简单的cause和make。句子中what it is that 是一个强调句型,表示“究竟是什么”,lead to sb doing sth意为“导致某人做某事”,引申为“促使某人做某事,使得某人做某事”,这里的to是介词,因此后面sb (to) doing sth是动名词做介词宾语。因为lead

13、sb to do sth和lead to sb doing sth基本同义,这个句子还可以简化为 Have you ever thought about what leads so many people to do sth?或者Have you ever thought about what leads to so many people doing sth?Have you ever thought about why it is that quite many people are choosing to do sth?意为“你是否曾经考虑过究竟、到底是为什么许多人都倾向于做某件事?”刚

14、才是对主语进行强调,现在是对原因状语进行强调。Be choosing to do sth 在这里并不翻译为“选择”,而翻译为“决定、打算、计划做某事”。Have you ever thought about how it is that we are better at doing sth?意为“你是否曾经考虑过究竟该如何我们才能更好地做这件事?”刚才第一个是对主语进行强调,第二个是对原因状语进行强调,第三个是对方式状语进行强调。句子还可以做如下三个近义转换:Have you ever thought about how it is that we are better able to do

15、sth?意为“你是否曾经考虑过究竟该如何我们才能更好地胜任事?Have you ever thought about how it is that we manage to do sth?意为“你是否曾经考虑过究竟该如何我们才能成功设法做好某事?Have you ever thought about whether it is appropriate for sb to do sth?意为“你是否曾经考虑过对某人而言做某事是否稳妥、合适、恰当?”句中appropriate 可以用proper来代替。刚才是疑问句,现在我们把疑问句变成陈述句。It is not difficult to imagine that ,双重否定,意为“不难想象”。It is quite difficult to imagine that ,意为“很难想象,无法想象,简直想象不出”因

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