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1、Contract No.: 2012-LKBSellers Code: RW/xxx/FE645Q50KBuyers Code:Sale & Purchase Contract for Iron Ore铁 矿 砂 购 销 合 同Contract No. / 合同号: 2012-LKBContract Date / 合同日期: _The Seller / 卖方( hereinafter known as “Seller” / 以下称为 “卖方” ):Royal World International Ltd. 皇华国际有限公司A company fully registered and addr

2、essed at Unit 202, 2nd Fl., Block B, Chung Mei Centre, 15 Hing Yip Street, Kwun Tung, Kowloon, Hong Kong) represented by its Chairman CEO and full power of attorney Mr. Roger M.T. Chong. 以董事长 Roger M.T. Chong 代表该公司, 并作为卖方, 其注册地址位于香港九龙兴业街, 15号, 中美中心B座, 2 楼202室)。The Buyer/ 买方( hereinafter known as “Bu

3、yer” / 以下称为 “买方” ):XX XXX Limited () A company fully registered and addressed at xxxxxx, represented by its Chairman CEO and full power of attorney Mr. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.以董事长 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 代表该公司, 并作为卖方, 其注册地址位xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx。This Contract ( hereinafter known as “Co

4、ntract” / 以下称为 “合同” ) is made by and between the Seller and the Buyer whereby the Seller agrees to sell and the Buyer agrees to buy the under mentioned Product, on the terms and conditions stated below:买卖双方同意按照本合同下列规定条款和条件交易:Clause-1 Commodity / 条款-1 商品名称Latin American / el Salvador and Honduras iro

5、n ore ( hereinafter known as “Product” / 以下称为 “货物” ) according to the specifications in clause three(3): Iron ore of Fe 63.5% on dry basis.拉丁美洲 / 薩爾瓦多和洪都拉斯 铁矿砂按条款(3)所定之品质规格: 铁矿砂含铁量为63.5%干基。Clause- 2 Order Quantity and Shipment / 条款-2 合同数量和装船Total quantity: 50,000 DMT希望在整个合同里面表述一致 ( Fifty Thousand Dr

6、y Metric Tons +/-5%) 合同总数量: 50,000干公吨 5%。Shipment size: 50,000 DMT per vessel +/- 5%.每船装运: 50,000 干吨 5%。Delivery schedule: 50,000 DMT. The shipment within 30 days after Seller in receipt of Buyers L/C.交货船期: 每月交货建议这四个字删掉50,000干吨. 首月交货在卖方收到买方信用证后30 天内装运。Port of loading: Puerto Cortez. 装货港:Puerto Corte

7、z。Port of discharge: Tianjin New Port, China.卸货港: 中国xxxx与上面的地名不对应新港。Discharge rate at port of discharge: Minimum 20000我们一般的船载量在10000-12000DMT之间 DMT per working day guaranteed by Buyer卸货港之卸货率: 每个工作日至少20000干公吨由买方保证。Clause- 3 Guaranteed Specification / 条款-3 品质规格保证Elements / 元素Guaranteed / 保证Rejection /

8、 拒收Fe63.5%Below 61.5% 以下Al2O31.16% max Above 2% 以上SiO2 5.39% max Above 6.00% 以上P0.01% max Above 0.07% 以上S 0.01% maxAbove 0.09% 以上Moisture / 水分8% max fee moisture at 105C在105C下最多不超过8%Granular size / 粒度Below 2.5cm (70% min) / 2.6cm to 5cm (30% max)2.5cm以下最少70% / 2.6cm至5cm最多30%Clause- 4 Price / 条款- 4 价

9、格Price based on Fe 63.5% dry basis: USD$xxx价格不对应.00/ DMT CIF Tianjin New Port , China.价格以含铁量干基63.5%为基础: 每干吨为128美元CIF中国天津新港(成本加保险加运费)。Remarks: Contracted price will be adjusted every three (3) months according to updated steel index of Shanghai. Second New Price will be fixed on the third months aver

10、age.备注: 合同价格每3个月按上海钢铁业指数调整。Clause- 5 Price Adjustment Relating to Quality / 条款- 5 价格因品质调整The price of iron ore stipulated in the clause number four (4) shall be adjusted by the following bonus and penalties.通过奖罚办法来调整条款(4)所规定的价格。5.1 Iron Content “Fe” / 铁含量:Bonus / 增加价格:For each 1% of Fe above 63.5% (

11、Fe) the price shall be increased by USD3.50 per dry metric ton (fractions prorate). 在铁含量63.5%的基础上, 每增加1% 则每干吨价格增加3. 5 美元(以此方法按比例计算).Penalties减少价格:For each 1% Fe below 63.5% (Fe) the price shall be decreased by USD3.50 per dry metric ton (fractions prorate). 在铁含量63.5%的基础上, 每减少1% 则每干吨价格减少3.5美元(以此方法按比例

12、计算).The Buyer has the right to reject the Product if Fe content is below 63.5%.如铁含量低于61.5%, 买方有权拒收。5.2 Other Elements “impurities” / 其它元素(杂质):If the composition of iron ore in respect of silicon (sio2), aluminum (al2o3), phosphorus (p), sulphur (s), and titanium (tio2) exceeds the respective guarant

13、eed maximum as set forth in clause number three (3), the Buyer shall accept such delivery of iron ore by imposing penalties provided below, fractions prorate. 如卖方所交货的铁矿砂成分含二氧化硅, 氧化铝, 磷, 硫, 超过条款(3)所规定的含量, 买方将会接受交货并接受按以下降价比例计算罚款。5.2(1) Silicon (sio2) / 二氧化硅:USD$0.05 (five US cents) per dry metric ton

14、for each 0.1% in excess of guaranteed 5.39% maximum as set forth in clause three (3).The Buyer may reject the cargo if Sio2 exceeds 6.00%按条款(3)所规定最多不得超过5.39%, 每超过0.1%, 每干吨降价0.05美元。如二氧化硅超过6.00%, 买方有权拒收。5.2(2) Aluminum (Al2o3) / 氧化铝:USD$0.05 (five US cents) per dry metric ton for each 0.1% in excess o

15、f guaranteed 1.16% maximum as set forth in clause three (3).The Buyer may reject the cargo if Al2o3 exceeds 2%按条款(3)所规定最多不得超过1.16%, 每超过0.1%, 每干吨降价0.05美元。如氧化铝超过2%, 买方有权拒收。5.2(3) Phosphorus (p) / 磷:USD$0.05 (five US cents) per dry metric tonne for each 0.01% in excess of guaranteed 0.01% maximum as set forth in clause three (3).The Buyer may reject the cargo if p exceeds 0.07%按条款(3)所规定最多不得超0.01%, 每超过0.01%, 每干吨降价0.05美元。如超过0.07%, 买方有权拒收。5.2(4) Sulphur (s) / 硫:USD$0.05 (

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