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本文(中学英语课堂中教师提问与学生参与度的相关性分析研究Word文档下载推荐.docx)为本站会员(b****2)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、Through this research, the author found the major problems existing in classroom questions in middle school English teaching. The author hopes that this research can help English teachers to apply classroom questions properly and accomplish the teaching tasks more scientifically. At the same time to

2、 improve the students participation in English learning.Key words: English in middle school。 teacher-questioning in class。 students-participation. 摘要教师课堂提问一直被视作外语课堂教案的重要组成部分。本文针对初中英语的课堂提问行为进行研究,其研究内容包括教师的课堂提问行为、学生的参与以及两者之间的相关性。本文主要研究中学英语课堂提问与学生参与的现状及存在问题,然后提出切实可行的课堂提问策略来改善学生在英语学习中的参与。经过研究分析,作者发现初中英语

3、课堂提问主要存在的问题.希望此研究能有助于中学的英语教师更科学、更艺术的运用课堂提问策略,高质量的完成英语教案任务。于此同时提高学生的课堂参与,从而实践以学习者为中心的教案理念。关键词:中学英语。 教师课堂提问。 学生参与I. IntroductionA. Background informationAs the time moves forward, there is a higher claim to the peoples English standard from the society, and to be able to communicate in English fluentl

4、y has become the aim of learning English. How to raise the students interest in classroom teaching and how to improve it in order to cultivate the students ability in thinking and making innovations and to promote their ability to communicate in English will be vital issue to be solved.According to

5、the New Curriculum, the process of teaching should be the one containing a communication and a development between the teachers and students. Teacher should act as an organizer, a guider and a participator. The most important task for a teacher is to build a kind of classroom atmosphere with admit,

6、support and tolerance, and to establish a kind of educational environment in which the students are stimulated and inspired to learn in an atmosphere full of equality, respect, trust and tolerance, while the teachers questions take an essential position in building such classroom atmosphere.“All for

7、 students-For all students-For students all”. This expression has shown the essential features of the quality-oriented education. To give full play to the students and to enable them to be the hosts in the teaching has become an inexorable trend in modern teaching reform.Most teachers involved in la

8、nguage teaching at Chinese institutions, language schools, and other educational foundations would agree that the Chinese learners of English as a foreign language (EFL in general, based on what they achieve in their limited class hours. Looking at the nature of the EFL learning, one will realize th

9、at these learners, as opposed to the ones with a mixed first language and cultural background taught in an English speaking environment (ESL, have considerably few opportunities to use the language communicatively both outside and within the classroom among peers (Richard 1990. This implies that the

10、 teacher is the only source learners expect to communicate with, and as a result she/he is bound to correspond to the learners expectations in terms of questioning. Studies relating to ESL teaching have also pointed out the need for teacher questioning. In second language classrooms, where learners

11、often do not have a great number of tools, teachers questions provide necessary stepping stones to communication. Questioning is reported as one of the most important of all teaching techniques, and in some classrooms, teachers use more than half of the class time exchanging questions and answers. M

12、oreover, in studies exploring the contribution of teachers questions in second language classrooms, these questions play a crucial role in language acquisition, they can be used to allow the learners to keep participating in the discourse and even modify it so that the language used becomes more com

13、prehensible and personally relevant. The act of asking questions helps teachers keep students actively involved in lessons, while answering questions, students have the opportunity to openly express their ideas and thoughts, and asking question can enable other students to hear different explanation

14、s of the material by their peers, evaluate student learning and revise teachers lessons as necessary.Questioning is an excellent aid that can serve a lesson well, and the success of students in answering the question is more often determined by the teachers questioning techniques. This paper focuses on two types of questions, display and referential. And

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