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本文(张林娟 教学反思 PEP小学英语五年级下 Unit 5 A Story of Three PigsWord文档下载推荐.docx)为本站会员(b****2)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

张林娟 教学反思 PEP小学英语五年级下 Unit 5 A Story of Three PigsWord文档下载推荐.docx

1、 swimmers, runners, fliers, jumpers, 以及对这些单词的巩固Koalas are good climbers, kangaroos are good jumpers, 自然过渡到对Part C文化部分的渗透。更有对Part B Lets learn部分单词的巩固和拓展,比如教climbing的时候引导学生They are climbing mountains. The pandas are climbing trees/bamboos。以及对现在进行时态的一个总结,最后的story篇章,涉及的句型有What are you doing? I am What i

2、s it doing? It isWhat are they doing? They are。可是教研员凌老师看了我第一个方案拍成的录像课后却提出了三只小猪这个故事的设想。他说既然用了这么多只小猪,为什么不索性编个三只小猪的故事呢(确实,所有动作的引出我都用了小猪的图片,原本是觉得这样给人的感觉比较比较熟悉,可是猪太多了,到头来却让人觉得无趣)?于是在凌老师的指引和芳芳老师的帮助下便有了第二个方案的诞生。 在这个方案中,我们一起编了一个故事。Three pigs are swinging in the park. They are swinging and swinging and swing

3、ing They are very tired. So the pink pig is sleeping on the grass. And the red pig is drinking juice. The blue pig is drinking water. And the red pig and the blue pig are talking, too.The blue pig: “We have no houses. Lets make some houses.”The red pig: “ Good idea. Pink pig, wake up, wake up. Lets

4、make houses.”So three pig are making houses. The pink pig is making a straw house. The red pig is making a wooden house. The blue pig is making a brick house.One day. The pink is sleeping in his strawberry house. A big wolf is coming. It is blowing the straw house. It is blowing and blowing. The hou

5、se is falling down. So the pink pig and the wolf are fighting . They are fighting and fighting and fighting.The wolf is so too strong. So the pink pig is running to the red pigs house. Just then. The red pig is drinking juice in his wooden house. The wolf is blowing the wooden house. It is blowing a

6、nd blowing and blowing. The house is falling down. So the pink pig and the blue pig are running to the blue pigs house.Just then. The blue pig is drinking water in his brick house. I t is a beautiful and strong house. The wolf is blowing the brick house. It is blowing and blowing and blowing. The ho

7、use is falling down. What a strong house!So the wolf is climbing the house. It is climbing and climbing and climbing. Down! It is falling down.into the hot water. The pigs are very happy. They are singing and dancing in the brick house. And the wolf is singing, too. It is crying: “woooooo.”可以看出在故事呈现

8、的过程中,可以实现对单词swinging, climbing, drinking water, sleeping ,fighting这几个词不断的得到复现和巩固,还有新单词making, blowing, falling down.。以及句型What is it doing? What are they doing? 的渗透。以及最后还要求学生自主输出singing, dancing. 在具体授课时虽然making, blowing, falling down.都是新词,可是学生输出的很好,包括笔头输出。所以这里再一次验证了“授人以鱼,不如授之以渔”。学生的思维是可以被激发的,教师要不断的给他

9、们创造机会,给予机会。所以整合内容固然重要,整合学习方法更是必须!二、教师应该如何有效引导学生进行提问在我们的课堂教学中,似乎教师是习惯性提问学生的,而学生大部分的时间是习惯性的或者说是被动的回答教师的提问的。那么我们究竟该如何引导学生进行主动提问呢?学生不主动提问的原因是什么?教研员凌老师的一语惊醒梦中人:一、是学生没有能力问(即使用相应的句型),说明结构上铺垫不足。二、学生没有领会到需要他们提问了。面对第一种情况,这就需要教师做好充分的铺垫。在笔者的试教过程中,当三只小猪造好了房子。教师引导学生提问What house is the red/blue pig making? 第一次试教时就

10、遇到了情况。因为单词making的铺垫不足,加上句型What house .? 凌老师分析说:其实这也是我们平时教学的关系, 我们教师都习惯性的提问What colour is it? 但很少提问What animal is it? What fruit is it?所以学生对What house .?的提问感觉生疏,加上making的铺垫不足。学生就无法顺利输出句子What house is the red/blue pig making?于是笔者采取了这样的处理方法。首先做好making的铺垫。播放三只小猪造房子的视频。在造的过程中,先提问:Pink Pig:T: This is (Ss:

11、the pink pig). What is it doing?SS: It is sleeping. It is making a house.Red Pig:the red pig). What is it doing?It is drinking water. It is(Ss: making a house), too. Blue Pig: the blue pig). What is it doing?Ss: It is making a house, too. They are making houses. (要求书写)这样的步骤下来making这个词起码复现了4遍。而且又书写了一

12、遍,学生对这个词就认识的比较好了。于是第一次教师做好示范:What house is the pink pig making?学生答。接着让学生提问What house is the red pig making?(把开头What house先给学生),所以一步一步下来,到the blue pig 时,部分学生已经能顺利输出What house is the blue pig making?了。面对第二种情况:即学生没有领会到需要他们提问?那么这就需要教师设置信息沟,引导学生提问。这里倡导的是让学生真实的问,而不是读着问,或者是明知故问。在笔者的试教过程中,曾遇到这样的例子,这是一张图片,教师

13、呈现在了屏幕上,没有遮挡,给学生两条线A: _? B:_.教师提问学生Who can ask?/Who can be A?学生能输出句子:What is it doing? 但是这是一种没有信息沟的提问,就是为了问而问,顶多只能算是操练。凌老师给出了处理意见:教师先示范成A:A(背对屏幕): Whats in the picture?B: There is a pig?A: Whats the pig doing? Its swimming.这就变成了真实的交流。还有一种处理方法就是采用遮挡部分的办法。这里可以露出猪的身体,把四周的水还有动作遮起来。再举个清晰的例子。比如要引导学生提问。而是要问的真实Whats the wolf doing? ,那么就需要教师把狼吹出的气遮起来,如改成以下:这样学生就明白这里老师需要自己提问了,指示明确。在三只小猪的故事教授过程中,笔者好几处都采用了这样的方法去引导学生提问。三、读,并不能培养学生的自主输出,“以读代说”并不能提高学生的语言输出能力。在笔者的试教过程中:不止一次的犯了这样的错误。比如在教案一中,三个chant的呈现,本来笔者想的

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