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1、9月15日4:00 PM最喜欢的放松方式课内学习好还是课外学习好取消学生健康中心错误的共同观念到海外学习还是当学生会主席新引进的植物对当地环境的危害10月8日2:远离家乡时最怀念什么喜欢传统学校教育还是网络教育开设计算机晚间课程有声语言和无声语言忘带课表,去机房查还是挨个教室问艺术中视觉因素的作用10月15日8:00 AM你要达到的一个目标大班上课好还是小班上课好改变面对新生的校园介绍责任扩散现象邀请名人讲座,但担心没人来听气候变化对动物的影响10月21日好领导应具有哪些品质人们是不是总应该讲真话学校应不应该关闭艺术展厅自我实现预言理论停止训练明年再参加还是两学期完成训练量商品价格与供求关系1




5、大学生接受音乐教育是不是必要扩大学校广播覆盖范围心理学中的下意识知觉领奖与考试冲突价格变动对替代产品与互补产品需求的影响12月16日一年中最好的时候忙碌的生活好还是放松的好禁止一年级同学在校园停车报酬消退理论背弄伤了无法背太多书怎么办寻找投资商要准备两文件:商业计划书和摘要2007年3月3日10:10 AM最有挑战性的经历应该为就业学习还是为兴趣学习新的本科学分政策社会角色的自我疏离又作俱乐部主席又选很多课怎么办恐龙灭绝原因的两个理论6月6日让人开心的好消息新生该住专门宿舍还是与其他年级混住学生中心的更新教育对人的塑造又作兼职又要上课怎么办吸引授粉昆虫的两种策略06.9.151. Choose

6、 one of your favorite methods to relax and explain why it is your favorite. Please include specific details in your explanation.2. Some college students prefer to attend classes regularly because they believe that only inthe class atmosphere can they focus on the reading. Others, however, believe th

7、at the best reading can only be done outside the classroom. Which reading method do you think is better and why?3. Reading passage:StudentHealthCenterCancellationThe university has decided to cancel the student health center on campus. The reason is that a new hospital has been opened recently in th

8、e local community. Because the new hospital is very close to the campus end most students can have convenient access to it, and also because the new hospital comes with a lot of first-class medical equipment, which the student health center lacks, the student health centers existence is not justifie

9、d anymore. Also, the money saved by canceling the student health center will be used to amplify the library storage. The woman expresses her opinion of the schools cancellation of the student health center. State her opinion and explain the reasons she gives for holding that opinion. 4. False Consen

10、susSocial-psychologists point out that many people, when acting among others, tend to believe that their thought represents the ideas of the majority in the population, or at least, they feel at ease because their opinions don t contradict those of the mainstream. Ironically, revealed by recent stud

11、ies, this feeling of “consensus” is not true. On the contrary, though many people comfortably assume that their opinion is as common as every others will be, their points sometimes can differ greatly or even oppose each other. This attention-grabbing social-psychological discovery is called “False C

12、onsensus”. The professor takes an example to demonstrate “False Consensus”. Explain how this example is related to the reading passage. 5. The man discusses two possible solutions to the womans problem. Describe the problem and the two solutions. Then state which of the two solutions you prefer and

13、explain why. 6.Now listen to part of a biology lecture.Using the points and examples from the lecture, explain how a newly-brought-in plant can be harmful to the local system. 06.10.81.Everyone has to leave home sometimes. What do you miss the most when you are away from home? Please include specifi

14、c examples and details in your explanation, Some students prefer the internet-based teaching. Others prefer to study in traditional classrooms. Which method of studying do you prefer and why?3.Adding Evening ClassesThe school computer lab has planned to add a few evening classes to its opening schedule. Usually, the computer lab only opens from 9am

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