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1、A项表示“不赞成”时,后面要加上of。22. C。C“角度”。注意A项是今年新增的考纲词汇23. A。24. B。admit“接受(入院)”。A项后面要接on。25.D。根据后面的“calmly”可知。26.D。put away强调“把东西放好”;put aside强调“把东西暂放一边”。根据句意D项最佳。27.B。temporary“暂时的”,根据句意可知。28. C。prime“主要的,首要的”。根据后面的must的语气可知。29. A。potentially“可能地、潜在地”。根据句子中的may可知。30. C。in line with“符合,按照,与一致”。A项和D项搭配不对。第二节3

2、7.D。due to sb欠下,给予,归于。38.B。appoint“指定,任命”。arrange后面要接for。其他词义不符。39.D。根据句意可知“得到了大臣的保证”。40.C。approve“批准”。agree后面要接介词。41. B。offer强调“主动提出”。42.C。根据句意以及后面they were eating out of his hand一句可知。“狗在他手上吃东西”不是“最后那一天才吃”,应该是有几天了。at the end of强调时间点;by the end of强调时间段。43.C。call“召来”。其他不合题意。44. D。根据the same charge以及对

3、比第二段和这一段可知,“对那位大臣的控告”在开始已经宣读多了。这一次是“重述,重复”。45. A。46. D。spared his life“饶了他的命”。根据第二段36空处这一句可知。47. C。shame“羞愧”。根据前面的the masters face turned red可知。48. B。pardon“赦免,宽恕”。49. A。hand over“移交”。50. B。reputation“美誉,名声”。根据文章的第一段spread stories of his dishonesty可知。第三部分51.B、52.D、53.C略54.A。根据文章里Im scared at this po

4、int,” Sammy says now已经最后一句可知Sammy是outspoken,根据The ten-year-old took a few seconds to consider the situation, and then he dived in. In a few seconds可知他calm,而他的举动则说明了他brave。B篇55.C。根据第一段可知A、B、D错误。A句多了not;B句earlier应该是later;D选表述与原文相反。56.B。根据文章第六段的unthinkingly enthusiastic and eager, especially about figh

5、ting可知。注意Gung-ho和下句中的gngh意思是不一样的。57. D。A、B、C与原文的表述有出入。58. A。B、C和D都只是文章的一个侧面。C篇 本文讲述了“中国为何输出不了世界记的CEO”,通过与印度对比,分析了其原因。63. D。根据文章的第三段可知,尤其是最后一句可以推断出选D。64.C。根据文章的第四段,尤其是but,并纵观全文,可以得知self-control并不是天生注定的。65. A。根据文章的第六段的Theres the more primitive brain, which responds immediately and emotionally可知。B、C和D与

6、最后三段的表述不符。此题也正好与第66题呼应。66. B。Minds over matter心胜于物。D选项表述不完整,分别少了now和later。C太过笼统。E篇 本文讲述的是“蜜蜂的生死关乎人类,人类从蜜蜂的大量死亡中吸取的教训是:人类在服用药物的时候,或许每种药是良性的,但多种药物混合后,可能会对人类的健康有害。67. D。根据文章的第二段可知。68. D。根据文章的第三段第一句话可知。69. C。根据文章的第三段和第五段可知。B项后面的by pesticides是错误的。70. C。根据最后一段的第一句话可知。听力材料Text 1W: How long have you been ha

7、ving a terrible headache?M: Only since this morning. Oh, probably youve been working too hard. Maybe you are right. Text 2 Excuse me, but you have some guests at the gate What? Who? Mr Scott Carpenter and his daughter. I remember! Oh Scott! I made a lunch date with him and his daughter weeks ago. Te

8、xt 3 Id like to try some Chinese food today. The Chinese restaurant is on the second floor. What are the hours at the restaurant? Breakfast 7:00 to 9:00; lunch 11:30 to 2: dinner 6:30 to 9:30.Text 4 Do you want a day course or an evening course? Well, it would have to be an evening course since I wo

9、rk during the day. OK. The evening course meets from 7 to 9 and will last for two months. Thats fine.Text 5 Today, Ive never been to Shanghai or Beijing before so Im thinking of going to Shanghai for a visit in the coming winter vacation. Do you think its worth seeing? Yes, definitely! Well, I wish

10、I had been there, Jane Shall we go there together? Id like to, but my family is going to Sanya.Text 6 Excuse me, can you help me please? Yes. What can I do for you? Id like to return this product. What seems to be wrong with it? Nothings wrong with it. I just dont like the color. Can I see your rece

11、ipt, please? I can t find it. I bought it last Friday. You can check your records, cant you? Sorry, we dont keep records of our sales. Really? Well, then Ill look for the receipt and come back. Thank you all the same. Youre welcome.Text 7 I have some problems with this tour. What are they? We are he

12、re to help you. The tour company seems disorganized. No one seems to have a clear picture as to where we are going and when we are going to get there. I will see what I can do about that. How about the accommodations on the tour? So far, we have been staying in really out-of-the-way accommodations. Im sorry to hear that. How about the ho

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