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本文(基于直线伺服驱动的汽车排档器总成测试的研制Word格式.docx)为本站会员(b****1)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、机构采用满足实时监控要求的PLC作为下位机进行控制。与其他方式相比,本文设计制造的汽车排档器测试设备结构简单、操作简便、制造与维护成本较低并且完全可以满足测试精度要求。工控机在数据采集处理和存储方面的优势,使其在测试测量系统中应用广泛,配合PLC下位机的实时监控性能,能够满足更高的要求;采用VISUAL BASIC编程软件可以缩短开发周期,兼容性更强,数据库存储方便,更加直观,易于操作;采用RS232串行通讯,硬件成本低廉,协议简单,传输速度亦能满足要求。本论文首先在第一章中介绍了汽车排挡测试的基本要求,对所要进行测试的参数概念作出详细的解释,指出其作用和关键控制要素;第二章从整体电气结构和机

2、械结构方面入手,介绍了系统使用的元器件及其在使用方法;第三章开始重点介绍直线电机的工作原理和其硬件软件控制方式;第四章从软件流程图入手,着重阐述上位机和下位机的控制流程;第五章对系统研制过程中出现的疑难问题给出了解决方式;第六章总结了技术方面的收获及设备在客户端使用的效果。关键词:直线伺服电机,工控PC机,PLC,RS232,汽车排挡器作 者:张建锋指导教师:陈小平The Development of Gear Assembly Testing System Based on Linear Motor TechnologyAbstractAs the automotive industry c

3、ontinues to develop, manufacture shows more refined division. Shifter has been separated from gear transmission device to make independent specialized production. Assembly and end of test to control this critical process requirements are also becoming more stringent, thus promoting the automobile sh

4、ifter testing equipments research and development. In the development process of this specific equipment, the key issue is to design a reasonable body to simulate the drivers gearshift operation. This paper designed a two-axis linear motor linkage, the device is able to bring shifter to complete two

5、-dimensional movement. Linear motors structure is simple, sight weight, small size, and easy to assemble in the precision measurement industry application. The shifter complete X / Y direction of the two-dimensional movement through servo motor, while in the vertical direction the shifter moves thro

6、ugh bearing movements of freedom-oriented organizations. So we get the linkage effects to reduce costs and increase efficiency. The control system adopts PLC as base control centre to meet the requirements of real-time monitoring. Compared with other methods, the application of this method is simple

7、 and easy to operate. Manufacturing and maintenance costs are lower and the system can also meet the test precision. Industrial computer has more advantages in data storage and processing monitor, so it is widely used in the test and measurement systems. It could meet the higher requirements working

8、 together with PLC. By using Visual Basic software and use data base it also makes the operation easier and compatible for data analyzer; RS232 is a common protocol with low-cost, its transmission speed can also meet the requirements. In this article we introduce the method for the shifter testing s

9、ystem. First chapter makes a detailed explanation of the shifter testings technology standard and requirements, pointing out its role and critical control elements. Second chapter introduces the system components and their application in the testing from the overall electrical structure and the mech

10、anical structure. Third chapters focuses on the working principle of linear motor and its hardware and software control, the programs of computer and PLC will be also introduced in chapter forth. Several major technology problems in the developing progress are discussed and the methods to solve them

11、 are provided. I summarize the gains in technology and effect of equipment used on the client side in the fifth chapter. Refer to the appendix for the electrical drawings and the key programs.Keywords: LINEAR MOTOR, INDUSTRIAL COMPUTOR, PLC, RS232Written by Zhang JianfengSupervised by Chen Xiaoping目

12、 录序 言 1第一章 汽车排挡测试基本要求及分析 31.1选档和换档间隙测量 31.2选档和换档行程测量 41.3选档力和换档力测量 51.4倒档下压的行程测量 51.5倒档未下压时的行程测量 6第二章 排档器总成测试系统组成 72.1 排档器总成测试电气组成 72.2 排档器总成测试机械组成 9第三章 直线电机原理和伺服控制器应用 103.1 直线电机原理及其特点 103.4 伺服控制器基本控制命令说明 15第四章 工控机和PLC的软件设计 194.1 PLC的软件设计 194.2 工控机的软件设计 21第五章 解决实际设计调试中出现的问题 275.1直线电机与排挡器旋转中心一致的解决方法

13、275.2模拟量采集设备的抗干扰解决方法 275.3传感器保护的方式 285.4多种产品识别的简易方法 285.5角度对位移测量影响的消除方法 29第六章 小 结 30主要参考文献 31在校期间发表论文 32附 录 1 33附 录 2 37致 谢 50序 言在汽车行驶中,为适应道路和交通状况的变化而需改变行驶速度,排档器的操作是相当频繁的。汽车排挡器的质量关系到对车辆的平稳控制,甚至于人身段安全。因此,对于排挡器的设计制造有着极高的可靠性要求1。过去汽车制造商通常将排挡器与变速器装配完成后统一测试,但随着制造分工的细化,排挡器与变速器的生产厂商相互独立,排挡器制造专业化,这就提出了对排挡器进行


15、客户端在使用中投诉较多,一直要求进行结构改进和优化。康斯伯格(中国)汽车部件有限公司主要致力于汽车排挡器的设计制造,为一汽大众、上海大众、华晨公司以及国外的整车厂家提供零配件服务,主要产品有PQ34,PQ35 以及PQ46 等排挡器,公司原有一台ABB的机器人测试设备,但无法满足产能需求,并且经常因为维修而中断生产线,严重影响了生产计划。我公司与康斯伯格(中国)汽车部件沈阳有限公司合作,根据排挡器的测试要求,在测试工艺不变的基础上研制出了基于直线电机的汽车排档器总成测试系统。本排档器测试总成系统采用的直线电机可以认为是旋转电机在结构方面的一种变形,它可以看作是一台旋转电机沿其径向剖开,然后拉平演变而成。近年来世界许多国家都在研究、发展和应用直线电机,使得直线电机的应用

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