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1、A.Throw it away. B.Have it checked in. C.Hold it all the way. D.Handle it with care.B 听力原文W: Can I see your hand luggage, please? M: I just have this bag and a laptop. Could you put them on the scales? Im afraid the bag will have to go in the hold.对话中女士要求看对方手提的行李,男士回答说自己只带了一个包和一个笔记本电脑,根据接下来女 士的回答“能把

2、它们放在秤上称一下吗,恐怕这个包得放进舱内了”,由此可知男士会把他的包进行托 运,因此B项正确。2. Why did the man move?A.He needed a larger building.B.He wanted an environmental-friendly place for business. C.He wanted to live downtown.D.He needed convenient transportation.A 听力原文 Have you always been on this site?M: No, we used to be on an indus

3、trial estate on the outskirts of York. W: Why did you move? We needed larger premises so we moved to this greenfield site last year.对话中女士问及男士搬家的原因,根据其回答“We needed larger premises so we moved to this greenfield site last year”,可知男士想要居住在更大的居所,所以进行了搬迁。premises房屋;经营场所。3. What may they have to do to find

4、 the suitable person according to the man?A.Put up ads in newspapers. B.Ask their staff to recommend. C.Rely on head-hunters. D.Advertise on TV.C听力原文 What kind of person are we looking for? We want someone who is already working as a Project Manager in a software house. He or she should have at leas

5、t three years experience. Absolutely. So where can we find this person? I think we should advertise with an online recruitment agency but we may have to use a firm of head- hunters.对话中双方讨论了所需要的人才,最后男士提议在网上招聘机构发布招聘信息,并指出“but we may have to use a firm of head-hunters”,即依靠猎头公司。故C项正确。4. What does the wo

6、man want exactly?A.Similar companies sales in Wessex.B.Contact information of residents in Scandinavia. C.Crime statistics of Scandinavian countries. D.Cases of assault and robbery in Wessex.C 听力原文 Wessex Information. Can I help you? This is Stewart Callaghan, of Coles. We manufacture anti-personnel

7、 devices that can be used in case of assault or robbery. We havent got any agents in Scandinavia, so I wondered if you might have any contacts there? Oh, I see. In fact I do know some people. How do you think my company, Wessex Information, can help you? What Id really like is crime statistics broke

8、n down for each Scandinavian country.该对话的重点为女士最后提到的“What Id really like is crime statistics broken down for each Scandinavian country”,即女士想要获得斯堪的纳维亚半岛每个国家内有关犯罪的数据。故答案选C。5. Why doesnt Sophie feel right?A.She just feels that way without any evidence. B.The money they can earn is quite limited. C.The m

9、arket is gloomy.D.She worries about the big investment. So thats the offer, Sophie. The work is well within our range and abilities. Theres a profit of a million pounds in it for us. It looks too good to miss. What do you think?m not sure. It just doesnt feel right. What exactly doesnt feel right? A

10、 million pounds feels all right to me. I know the profit margin is high, but were the best in the business. Its not the money. Call it gut feeling, whatever. I cant put my finger on it.对话中男士大谈这项工作可以带来的高额利润,而Sophie则不太确定,指出“It just doesnt feel right”, 在男士的追问下,Sophie说并不是钱的问题,“Call it gut feeling, whate

11、ver”(可以说是直觉吧),因此A项 正确。Section BIn this section, you will hear two long conversations. Each conversation will be read only once. At the end of each conversation, there will be a one-minute pause. During the pause, read the questions and the fourchoices marked A, B, C and D, and decide which is the be

12、st answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on the answer sheet with a single line through the centre.Conversation One1. Which of the following is true about Bablake?A.It is completely independent of the government. B.There is no charge for education in Bablake. C.Children have to pass an entry ex

13、am to enter Bablake. D.It is an independent boarding school. In England, there are in effect two types of schools. There is a maintained school run by the local authority, which is responsible to the government, and then there is the independent school, which is really independent of local authority

14、 and to some extent independent of the government, and which is known as the fee-paying sector. So on that basis, Bablake is an independent school. Yes, and were also a selective school, which means that I only take the children if theyve passed an entry exam. And the children have to sit a verbal reasoning paper, an English paper and

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