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1、这是一部专攻萝莉市场的电影。而冰雪奇缘则证明了这一切已有所转变。Loosely based on Danish author Hans Christian Andersens 1845 story The Snow Queen, the film focuses on two princesses, Elsa and Anna, who live in the fictional Scandinavian land of Arendelle. Since the plot is quite simple, we wont give any more spoilers.该片改编自丹麦作家安徒生于

2、1845年创作的童话故事冰雪皇后,主要讲述了来自虚构的北欧阿伦黛尔王国的两位公主艾莎和安娜的经历。由于该片情节简单,我们在这里就不做剧透了。Indeed, Frozen looks like just another Disney princess movie. It has all the glorious settings, the storybook characters, and songs fit for a classic musical. The animation is simply great ice has never looked so good and everythi

3、ng is made with attention to detail.冰雪奇缘看上去的确就是寻常的迪斯尼公主片。炫目场景、童话角色、经典音乐剧配乐一应俱全。动画效果令人称赞冰雪风光叹为观止,片中处处透出对细节的专注。But quite unlike its Disney forerunners, Frozen has characters that are a little more psychologically complex, and is more feminine in its ideas and themes.但与迪斯尼前作相比,冰雪奇缘的最大不同在于角色心理活动变得更为复杂,立

4、意和主题上也更突出女性。This may largely be attributed to co-director and co-writer Jennifer Lee, who is the first female director of a Disney animated feature film. This is a bigger shift than it sounds. After all, Disney is defined by its iconic female-centric fairytale adventures. Who could do a better job t

5、elling a story from a womans perspective than a female director?这很大程度上或许要归功于作为编剧之一的联合导演詹妮弗李,她也是首位执导迪斯尼主题电影的女性导演。这种改变要比听上去更明显。毕竟,迪斯尼最擅长的就是其标志性的女性题材童话冒险。而谁能比一位女导演更擅长从女性角度来讲故事呢?If a part of Frozen still hangs on to 19th century childrens literature, its thenot-so-clear-cut line between good and evil. I

6、n the original story, the title character is evil. Her 21st-century version is just confused and scared.即便冰雪奇缘的一些情节仍忠于写于19世纪的童话原著,但也没有非善即恶的明显界限。在原著中,书中同名角色是邪恶的。而在这部21世纪的翻拍版本中,这一角色则变得困惑而害怕。As always, love is the solution to everything. When it seems as if nothing can melt the icy heart of the frighte

7、ned Elsa, love proves everyone wrong. But in this case, its sisterly loyalty and devotion rather than romance.同往常一样,爱是解决一切的不二法门。当我们以为似乎没有什么能够融化艾莎那颗受到惊吓的冰雪之心时,爱再一次证明所有人都错了。而从这点来看,片中提及到姐妹情深和奉献精神,而非风花雪月。With Frozen, Disney seems to know what kind of movies it should be making, and how to separate itsel

8、f from Pixar, DreamWorks and all the other animation studios. Its both a declaration of the companys renewed cultural relevance and a reaffirmation of its own identity.凭借冰雪奇缘一片,迪斯尼似乎弄清了未来拍片的方向,并懂得如何在皮克斯、梦工厂等一系列对手的竞争中彰显自己的与众不同。这不仅标志着迪斯尼公司在文化关联上的与时俱进,同时也是对迪斯尼自身特色的又一次肯定。As far as animated movies go, it

9、 doesnt get much better.对于动画电影而言,没有什么比这更好了。冰雪奇缘英语台词加翻译Elsa.Psst!喂 艾尔莎Elsa艾尔莎Wake up.wake up.wake up.醒醒 醒醒 快醒醒Anna,go back to sleep.I just cant .The skys awake,so Im awake,我就是睡不着 天上有光 我就是睡不着So we have to play.所以起来玩吧Go play by yourself.你自己去玩吧Do you want to build a snowman?快来陪我堆雪人嘛Come on,come on,come

10、on,come on.快来 快来 快来 快来Do the magic!Do the magic!快用魔法 快用魔法Ready?准备好了吗This is amazing!太神奇了Watch this!看这个Hi,Im Olaf and I like warm hugs.你好 我叫奥洛夫 我喜欢热情的拥抱I love you,Olaf.我喜欢你 奥洛夫Hang on .-Catch me!-Gotcha!-等等-接住我-接住你了Again!-Wait!-再来一次 等等Slow down!慢点儿Anna!安娜Anna?安娜Mama!papa!妈妈 爸爸Youre okay,Anna.I got yo

11、u.我会保护你的Elsa,what have done?This is getting out of hand!艾尔莎 你干了什么 太过分了It was an accident.I am sorry,Anna.这是个意外 我很抱歉 安娜Shes ice cold.她像冰一样冰冷I known where we have to go.- -我知道该去哪儿Ice?冰Faster,Sven chan再快点 斯温!Sven!斯温PleaseHelp!请帮帮我My daughter!我女儿她He is the king!是国王Trolls?地精Shush.Im trying to listen.安静 我

12、正听着呢Cuties,Im gonna keep you.小可爱们,我要把你们都留下Your Majesty!国王陛下Born with the powers or cursed?是生来就有还是中了恶咒Born.And theyre getting stronger.生来就有 而且法力越来越强了You are lucky it wasnt her heart.幸好伤到的不是她的心The heart is not so easily changed,心不容易恢复But the head can be persuaded.头却不难治好Do you what you must请你尽力I recomm

13、end we remove all magic我建议抹去所有和魔法有关的东西even memories of magic to be safe为了保险 有魔法的记忆都不要留 But dont worry,Ill leave the fun.但是别担心 快乐的记忆还在She will be okay.她会没事的But she wont remember I have powers?她不会记得我的魔法吗-Its for the best.-Listen to me,Elsa,-安全起见听我说 艾尔莎Your power is only grow.你的魔法只会日益渐增There is beauty in it虽然是美好的But also great danger.但也有危险You must learn to control it.你必须学会控制Fear is your enemy.恐惧是你的敌人No,Well protect her.She can learn to control it.Im sure. 不 我们会保护她 她肯定能学会控制Until then,不过现在Well lock the gates,well reduce the staff.还是关上城门 遣散仆人Well limit her contact with people.尽量减少她与外人的接触and keep h

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