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1、live in peace and is playing a more and more important role in of my roommates as well as my best friend,isnt good at always borrows our ,we are willingto help him and never judges he always pays back the money as soon ashe has money on honesty is essential to establish our relationship

2、in the other hand,there are many behavious around us showing the lack ofhonesty,such as,cheating in exam,telling lies in order to skip classes and so behaviours reducecollege students moral standard and also damage other peoples trust on the harm is self-evident. in my view,being honest and trustwor

3、thy is the basic modernsociety,people areincreasingly realizing the importance of college students who arereceiving higher education,we should keep the promise that we are never do thingswhich will destroy the national interests or other people alwaysremember:honesty is the best policy. in a world,o

4、ur campus doesnt lack beauty,we should find the beauty,create thebeauty and develop the s build a harmonious campus with our sthe beauty that never fades and lasts forever! my speech ends here,thanks for lisenting!篇二:英语诚信演讲 why integrity is important in business there is an english proverb which say

5、s“integrity is thebest policy”.it signifythe importance of are the benefits of integrityif you are honest toothers,they will be honest to you in you are in trouble, they will helpyou goes without saying that integrity is crucial in business. however,why we raiseintegrity again today y

6、es,that is because there are plenty of horrifying thingsflooding the cigarettes,fake alcohol,fake milk,fake diplomas,fakename,and so on.people may cant help to ask why our life is filled with fake s,theyfeel deeply worried about food key why integrity is important in business good evening,ladies and

7、gentlement,its my great honor to stand here and give you a short startwith, i want to ask a question. have you ever eaten fake goods have you everexperienced network fraud。have you ever heard of fasle accountingi think most ofyou will say ,my speech is why integrity is significant in the two session

8、s period, the most popular topic is not chinas economic development can not be separated from a business will not prosper without sincerity and a person will not succeedwithout is the top policy of life, the basis of government,even,itis the golden rule of the market economy. in the world, the jews

9、is very rich, theyare skilled in secret to their success in their business lies in keepingbusiness ethics the minds of the jews, the contract is sacred and cannot be destroyed. they have benefited a lot from it, which was a great wealth. market economy has two eyes: one is the visible eye, namely th

10、e rule of law; theother is the invisible eye, this is the integrity. like a beautiful girl, no matterwhich eye blind, full of the defects and misery! “狼来了”的故事,想必大家都知道。故事中的放羊娃因撒谎,把信用当游戏,最后被狼吃掉了,付出了生命的代价。小时候,父母就给我讲过“狼来了”的故事,告诫我要做一个诚实守信的人。现在,我又把这个故事讲给我的女儿听。 在今年的全国“两会”期间,最热门的话题不是wto,而是信用问题。“诚信”几乎成为代表、委员


12、的。那我们便要从此刻做起,让自己成为身怀高尚品质的人,正如孔子所说“吾日三省吾身,为人谋而不忠乎与朋友交而不信乎传不习乎”我们应该时刻注意自己的言行举止,对待他人是否做到位,对待长者是否尊重,对待朋友是否真诚。 青春,正是此时。我们在人生的跑到上,追寻着自己的目标,各方面正在无限扩展,老师给予我们的是永不熄灭的启明灯。我们的品德也在渐渐升高,越变越清楚明了。我们要听从老师的教诲,让青春与诚信通行。用这种信念去对人对事,正是我们现在所要领悟,所要学习的。中国英雄雷锋,牺牲了青春挽回了诚信与美好的品德。在诚信与品德之间,在每个中国人的心中,却都得到了永生,这是我们应该学习的榜样。我们要学习这种精神

13、,这种品质,永远徘徊在人与人之间,环环紧扣心弦。诚信是固然重要的,正值青春的我们,更要把“诚信”两字牢牢记在心里。篇二:诚信主题英文演讲稿翻 译 125张 凡If You are Honest, I Will Believe in YouI dont know whether you have noticed a note while you were eating in the dining room. There was a note put up on the vending machine, and the word on the paper really touched me. It

14、 said that, if you are honest, I will believe in you.The word recalls a story kept in my mind, and now I am so glad to share with you. I believe most of you have watched CCTV Spring Festival Gala this year, but who still remember an old man named Wu Hengzhong. (Look)This man, as a representative of “national moral models”, was invited to pa

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