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1、委托人:年 月 日 第二篇:律师函 54700字 如何撰写发给非专业人士的律师函(中英文对照)HOW TO WRITE LETTERS NON-LAWYERS WILL READ作者:译者:胡清平Note: This article is for background purposes only and is not intended as legal advice.作者注:本文仅供参考,并不旨在提供法律意见译者注:翻译本文并未得到原作者同意,故译文仅供学习和研究使用-Why do people hate to get letters from lawyers? They carry bad

2、news. They mean serious business. Theyre hard to understand. They use strange words. They carry the inherent threat of suit.人们为什么讨厌收到律师的来信呢?因为它们不是带来坏消息,就意味着生意上出现了严重的问题。而且,这些信让人理解起来有些难度,因为其中有一些生僻的专业术语,还有,在收到律师的来信之后,往往随之而来的是诉讼的威胁。Why do lawyers send such letters? They mean serious business, and they i

3、ntend to sue.那为什么律师们还要发出这些信件呢?因为交易出现了问题,也因为他们想提起诉讼。But must they use those ancient, strange words and be so hard to understand, or can lawyers express serious business and imminent suit using words everyone knows?是不是在律师函中一定要用一些生僻古怪的术语而让人费解呢?换句话说,律师能不能用大家都熟悉的词语来表述生意上的问题或即将来临的诉讼呢?Whether writing a dem

4、and letter to a contract breacher, an advice letter to a client, or a cover letter to a court clerk, the letter fails if the person receiving it cannot understand what it says.其实,不管是给违约者的正式请求书、给客户的意见书,还是给法院书记员的说明书,只要收信人不能理解其说了些什么,那这样的律师函是不合格的。All of these letters have one thing in common: They are n

5、ot great literature. They will not be read in a hundred years and analyzed for their wit, charm or flowery words. With any luck they will be read just once by a few people, followed quickly by their intended result, whether that be compliance, understanding or agreement.所有的律师函都有一个共同的特点:它们不需要有太强的文学色彩

6、,它们在若干年以后也不可能再被阅读,而且人们也不会对它们所包含的智慧、对它们的吸引力、对其中的华丽词语而给予关注。实际上,不论这些律师函上载明的是默许、意向,还是协议,再幸运的话也只会被少数人为了特定的目的而阅读一次。Lawyers are Letter Factories律师是”信函工厂”Lawyers write many, many letters. An average for me might be five letters a day. This includes advice letters, cover letters, demand letters, all sorts of

7、 letters. Some days have more, some have less, but five is a fairly conservative average, I would think. Five letters a day for five days a week for fifty weeks a year is 1,250 letters a year. This is my 25th year in practice, so it is quite conceivable that I have written 31,250 letters so far.律师会撰

8、写很多很多的信函。拿我来说,平均每天要写5封信函(包括意见书,说明书,正式请求书以及其他各式各样的信函),有时候一天书写得多些,有时候一天书写得少些,不过,我认为每天5封还是一个保守的数字。每天5封,每周5天,每年50周,累计起来,每年就有1250封,不可想象,在我25年的执业生涯中,我撰写的信函达31250封之多。Why do lawyers write so many letters? A primary reason lies within the ethics of our profession. Florida Bar Rules of Professional Conduct Ru

9、le says:”A lawyer shall keep a client reasonably informed about the status of a matter and promptly comply with reasonable requests for information.”A lawyer shall explain a matter to the extent reasonably necessary to permit the client to make informed decisions regarding the representation.”律师们为什么

10、要写这么多的信函呢?答案在我们的职业规范和职业道德中。美国佛罗里达州的律师条例之职业行为规则中第款说道:”一个律师应向客户报告事件的现状并负有根据客户的合理要求而给予通知的义务。” “一个律师应在适当的范围之内向客户解释事由,以便客户对代理事项做出决定。”While clients can be kept informed and given explanations orally, lawyers certainly know the value of the printed word over the spoken word: it is not as easily forgotten o

11、r misunderstood. Letters also create a record of advice given, which is useful to both the lawyer and the client. That is why letters are the preferred method of keeping clients informed and giving clients explanations.既然客户们都知道要保存那些口头上的报告和解释,那律师们就更明白书面文字比口头话语更可靠:它们不容易被忘记或被误解.信函能够保存法律意见的记录,这对律师和其客户都是

12、有利的。所以,我们说信函是保存对客户的报告和向客户解释事由的最好工具。Some Things To Do Before Writing撰写信函之前需要做的事情Before you start writing the letter it makes sense to do some preliminary background work. 在动笔起草信函之前要注意做好一些基础性的准备工作。Find a letter form. Find a similar letter you have sent in the past, or see the Appendix to this article

13、for sample engagement, cover, demand, contract negotiation, contract advice, and fax letters.查找信函范本。您可以在以前起草的信函中寻找类似的范本,也可以参考一下此文附录中所列的范本(包括预约书,说明书,正式请求书,合同谈判备忘录,合同意见书及传真函等)。Review prior letters to this recipient. In a busy world, it is easy to forget. Review prior letters to remind yourself where y

14、ou are in the work process, what has already been said, and what remainsto be said. This will give your letter direction and purpose.参考一下那些以前发给该收信人的信函。在这个繁忙的世界上,好多事情容易忘记。回顾以前的信函可以提醒您在工作流程中走到了哪一步,写了些什么,还需要说些什么,所以说,这样做可以让您把握信函的方向和要旨。Do not send a letter to another lawyers client without that lawyers c

15、onsent. Before sending the letter, find out if the nonlawyer is represented by someone else. Start by asking your client. Florida Bar Rules of Professional Conduct Rule says:”In representing a client, a lawyer shall not communicate about the subject of the representation with a person the lawyer knows to be represented by another lawyer in the matter, unless the lawyer has the consent of the other lawyer.”未经允许,不要

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