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1、B. A satisfying experience within their budgets.C. Its facilities and learning environment.D. Its ranking among similar institutions.二、名词性从句 名词性从句包括主语从句、宾语从句、同位语从句(The fact/ news/ idea/ truth+同位语从句)、表语从句。例1 Telles fears that Mexican-Americans may be fated to follow in the footsteps步入后尘 of American b

2、lacks-that large parts of the community may become mired陷入 in a seemingly permanent state of poverty and underachievement无望的. What does Edward Telles research say about Mexican-Americans?A. They may slowly improve from generation to generation.B. They will do better in terms of educational attainmen

3、t.C. They will melt into the African-American communityD. They may forever remain poor and underachieving.三、非谓语动词结构(-ed, to do, doing)例1 Throughout the season, I noticed similar events all around me. Parents seemed hard pressed to find new thrills 兴奋for indifferent漠不关心的 kids. Surrounded by ever-grea

4、ter stimulation刺激, their young faces were looking disappointed and bored. Q: According to the author, children are bored _.A. unless their parents can find new thrills for them.B. when they dont have any access to stimulating fun games.C. When they are left alone at weekends by their working parents

5、.D. Even if they are exposed to more and more kinds of entertainment.四、 篇首,篇尾,段首,段尾处常考查文章的主题,中心,结论,建议。例1 Ultimately we must get a handle on those issues as well, or a turtle that outlived the dinosaurs will meet its end at the hands of humans, leaving our descendants to wonder how a turtle so ugly c

6、ould have won so much affection. The last sentence of the passage is meant to _.A. persuade human beings to show more affection for turtlesB. stress that even the most ugly species should be protectedC. call for effective measures to ensure sea turtles survivalD. warn our descendants about the extin

7、ction of species五、转折处遇到however, but, yet, nevertheless, while, though, although, indeed, in fact, virtually等转折词来表达作者的真实写作目的,观点或态度。例1 No, in this consumerist age, most buyers arent evaluating college as an investment, but rather as a consumer productlike a car or clothes or a house. And with such pur

8、chases, price is only one of many crucial factors to consider. In this consumerist age, most parents _A. regard college education as a wise investmentB. place a premium诱发 on the prestige声望 of the collegeC. think it crucial to send their children to collegeD. consider college education a consumer pro

9、duct六、观点态度处表达作者对于某人或某事物的观点或态度,当文章中出现say, think of, believe, consider, argue, conclude, contend, determine, doubt, appreciate, hate, against等表达感情色彩的词语,以及一些带有感情色彩的祈使句,感叹句,反问句等。例1 But economists say families about to go into debt to fund four years of partying, as well as studying, console 安慰themselves

10、 with the knowledge that college is an investment that, unlike many bank stocks, should yield=produce产生 huge dividends=bonus红利. Whats the opinion of economists about going to college?A. Huge amounts of money is being wasted on campus socializingB. It doesnt pay to run into debt to receive a college

11、education.C. College education is rewarding in spite of the startling costs.D. Going to college doesnt necessarily bring the expected returns.八、特殊标点处常考 特殊标点符号主要包括:破折号(表示解释说明);括号(解释);冒号(解释或列举);引号(主要表引用或引号内的内容有特殊含义);分号(主要表并列或进一步解释说明)等等。出题人经常会针对这些特殊标点的前后设题考查。 例5 A 2008 study by two Harvard economists n

12、otes that the “labor-market premium to skill”or the amount college graduates earned thats greater than what high-school graduates earneddecreased for much of the 20th century. The two Harvard economists note in their study that, for much of the 20th, century, _.A. enrollment kept decreasing in actua

13、lly all American colleges and universitiesB. the labor market preferred high-school graduates to college graduatesC. competition for university admissions was far more fierce than todayD. the gap between the earnings of college and high-school graduates narrowed九、引言处常考 说明文或议论文中经常引用他人的观点来支持,论证作者的观点。引

14、文有可能是从正面来支持作者的观点,也有可能是作者通过驳斥反面观点从而论证自己的观点。考生需要识别,此时通常会考查考生的推理能力和对作者态度观点的判断能力。 例6 “The threat is from commercial fishing,” says Grifin. Trawlers拖捞船 (which drag拖着 large nets through the water and along the ocean floor) and longline fishers长线捕鱼船 (which can deploy展开 thousands of hooks吊钩 on lines that can stretch延伸 for miles) take a heavy toll捕捞 on turtles. What constitutes构成 a major threat to the survival of turtles according to Elizabeth Griffin?A. Their inadequate food supplyB. Unregulated commercial fishingC. Their lower reproductive abilityD.

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