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1、原本这个系统名为iPhone OS,因为iPad,iPhone,iPod Touch都使用iPhone OS,所以2010WWDC大会上宣布改名为iOS(IOS为美国Cisco公司网络设备操作系统注册商标,苹果改名已获得Cisco公司授权)。iOS 具有简单易用的界面、令人惊叹的功能,以及超强的稳定性,已经成为iPhone、iPad 和iPod touch 的强大基础。尽管其他竞争对手一直努力地追赶, iOS 内置的众多技术和功能让 Apple 设备始终保持着遥遥领先的地位。为了方便好友之间的交互,为了方便好友之间互赠礼物,为了锻炼自身能力,我针对于优集品网,开发了一款iPhone的交互客户端


3、技术特点和数据库技术,随后简要的概述iOS的开发要点,在后台数据管理方面用到jsp技术。并且构建了一个C/S模式的交互购物系统,并对该系统进行了需求分析,总体设计,详细设计,编码与测试。并为后台数据管理做了一个简单的分析。关键词:优集品;交互;iOS;iPhoneAbstractWith the development of 3G networks, mobile phones become more and more popular and the most convenient connection network terminal. Consumers are also increasi

4、ngly focused on the experience of each platform mobile software. And developers are increasingly focusing on mobile client marketing and promotion. For such a convenient environment , should also produce a number of outstanding transported across a variety of platforms for interactive software .Appl

5、e iOS is Apples mobile operating system developed . Apple first announced at Macworld Conference January 9, 2007 on the system , originally designed for use in the iPhone , the iPod touch, iPad and Apple TV , etc. then gradually applied to . iOS and Apples Mac OS X operating system , it is also base

6、d in Darwin , and therefore belong to the same class of commercial Unix operating system . This system was originally called iPhone OS, because the iPad, iPhone, iPod Touch use the iPhone OS, it announced on 2010WWDC Assembly renamed iOS (IOS Ciscos networking equipment for the U.S. registered trade

7、mark operating system , Apple has been renamed Cisco authorized ) .iOS has a simple -to-use interface , amazing features, and superior stability , has become a strong foundation for iPhone, iPad and iPod touch . While other competitors have been trying to catch up , iOS built numerous technical and

8、functional equipment allows Apple has maintained a lead position.In order to facilitate the interaction between friends , in order to facilitate the exchange of gifts between friends , in order to exercise their ability to set me against the superior product on the network , has developed an iPhone

9、client interaction - excellent set of products . UGS products (UGift) is an interactive software , is to facilitate a friend , people of various social relations classmates, family members and other give each other gifts. The system uses C / S architecture.System is based on iOS system development ,

10、 using java server do the background and can be easily extended to develop android client. Developed in the network today, to ensure a unified and flexible real-time data .Technical design and implementation using java server using iOS achieve client software to ensure a good run . My main achieveme

11、nt of the iPhone client , the data I wrote some json file, are some simple test data , some of the features needed to achieve with the server , there are some features can only be achieved on a real machine , can not be achieved on the simulator. Here, I briefly introduced the three frameworks java

12、development (struts spring hibernate) technical features and database technology , development points followed by a brief overview of iOS , jsp technology used in the background data management. And build a C / S mode interactive shopping system , and the system requirements analysis , design, detai

13、led design, coding and testing. And do a simple analysis of background data management.Keywords : UGift; interaction ; iOS; iPhone目 录1 绪论 11.1选题背景 11.2发展现状 11.3论文研究内容 22 技术简介 32.1 C/S架构简介 32.2 JSP技术简介 32.3 MVC框架简介 42.4 Struts+Spring+Hibernate框架简介 42.5数据库技术简介 42.6 android技术简介 52.7 IOS技术简介 53 系统设计 63.

14、1需求分析 63.1.1功能需求 63.1.2性能需求 63.1.3开发环境 63.1.4运行环境 73.2业务流程设计 73.2.1客户端业务流程设计 73.2.2后台业务流程设计 73.3系统结构设计 83.3.1页面结构设计 83.3.2代码结构设计 83.4服务器设计 103.4.1服务器端工具 103.4.2软件包和JAVA源代码文件 103.4.3服务器的整体架构 103.4.4服务器对外交互分析 113.5客户端设计 123.5.1页面布局处理 123.5.2客户端源码结构 123.6后台设计 133.6.1 JSP文件结构 133.6.2 JSTL 134 系统实现 154.1

15、系统工作过程 154.2引导页面和帮助页面展示 164.3首页展示 164.3收送礼物页面展示 17总 结 20参考文献 21致 谢 221 绪论1.1选题背景在互联网高度发展的今天,虽然有不少的购物网站,但购物软件却很少,尤其是手机客户端上的购物软件,赠送礼物的就更少了,像qq等类的赠送礼物都是些虚拟礼物。为了方便大家购物,赠送好友礼物,尤其是过节、过生日等的时候赠送礼物,我设计开发了本系统。只要有网络,大家就可以随时随地,给你想要赠送礼物的人赠送礼物,既可以亲近关系,又可以表达祝福。随着社会的发展,生活环境的改善,生活水平的提高,现在越来越多的人拥有了手机,甚至小学生、初中生都有了手机,iPhone手机也不在少数,并且这款软件也可以在android手机上开发,所以手机移动端软件的市场将会越

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