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1、学习方法、课堂活动、体育、人际关系、讲座、军训等Is a Test of Spoken English Necessary?Reading Selectively or Extensively?A Letter to the University President about the Cafeteria Service on Campus3 最新科技: 电脑、克隆、空间科学、交通工具、海洋资源、能源利用等On the InternetThe Advantages and Disadvantages of Home Computer4个人兴趣:业余爱好、生活方式、时尚、旅游等Why I Pre

2、fer to Live in the CountryThe Films Give Way to TV5青少年问题:代沟、吸烟、理想、职业、减负等Teenage Smoking SoarsOn the Generation GapShalll We be Close Followers of New Concepts?作文题型5大类:立场选择型04, 06, 07, 09, 10观点论证型00, 01, 03, 05, 08解决问题型02,1998优缺点论述型1999, 1995比较对比型1996第一章 立场选择型作文专项训练第一节 写作要领这类题目顾名思义就是要求考生从提供的两个对立观点中选择

3、一个,即同意或者不同意某 个观点,或选择这个还是那个观点, 然后加以阐述论证。其常见的形式为: Yes(agree)or No (disagree) 类; A or B类。例如下列真题都属于此类型: Is It Wise to Make Friends on the Internet? (2007年) Saving Money or Spending Tomorrows Money (2006年) Will Phones Kill Letter Writing? ( 2004年)立场选择型作文的主线是: 某一现象一一其优缺点或正反面的观点一一我的态度或看法。 该类题目一般给出两个截然不同的观点

4、,因此,写这类题目一定要在第一段开头旗帜鲜明 地摆出自己的观点,如同意哪一方的观点或者不同意哪一方的观点。如果不是有十足把握,最好不要在两个观点中游移,模棱两可。这类文章的框架相对固定,三段可以分别这样展开:第一段:引言句开头,引出要评论的事物,说明在这一事物上的不同看法,引出自己的观点;第二段:段首句承上启下,指出原因或理由,分别进行详细论述; 第三段:总结出自己的观点。第二节 黄金模板与解说模板一:Nowadays, it is a heatedly discussed topic. . has become the most popular/.is a popular phenomeno

5、n.(指出新热点,交代争论的背景)I think.(表明自己的观点和态度)Firstly/In the first place/First of all/On one hand. . (阐述一方面理由)Secondly/In the second place/On the other hand/Furthermore. (阐述另一方面理由)In short, . ./To sum up/In one word (再次重申自己的观点)范文1Directions: Nowadays it becomes a hotly debated issue whether old people should

6、 live with their adult children or not. What do you think of this issue?Write on ANSWER SHEET TWO a composition of about 200 words on the following topic: Should the Old People Live with Their Adult Children?You arewrite in three parts. In the first part, state specifically what your opinion is. In

7、the second part, provide one or two reasons to support your opinion. In the last part, bring what you have written to a natural conclusion or a summary. Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriateness. Failure to follow the instructions may result in a loss of marks.Shou

8、ld the old people live with their adult children?Nowadays, it is a heatedly discussed topic to many families that whether or not the old people should live with their adult children. If all the factors are contemplated, I think it is better for them not to.Firstly, it may 1 interfere in adult childr

9、ens independence and freedom. The situation will be worse if the adult children are already married. The new member of the family has no blood relations with the parents. When the relationship between the in-laws and the parents is not harmonious, the sons or daughters of the parents will be 2 in an

10、 embarrassing situation. Secondly, people of different ages have different ways of life. The old people like a quiet, peaceful and regular life; whereas the young love noises, activities, and unrestrained enjoyment. Furthermore, people of different generations have different views and values. When t

11、he old live together with their adult children, they may 3 disagree on matters ranging from minor domestic matters to national or international issues.In short, 4 it would be a better picture if the parents and their adult children do not live together: both the old and the young can enjoy complete

12、independence and freedom, 5 lead a life they like and 6 keep intact their affections for each other. (211 words)范文2Higher Education for All Students 要让每个学生都接受高等教育吗?Some people believe that college or university education should be available to all students. Other people take the view that higher edu

13、cation should be available only to good students.What is your opinion?University Education for All Is a Utopian DreamI think that university education for all is a utopian dream that is not practical or realistic for a country that has a large population like Chinas. I would like to suggest two reas

14、ons why I think this is so.My first point is that we already have too many university students as it is. This has led to problems during college and after graduation. With the rapid increase in student enrolment in recent years, universities are overcrowded and facilities are being stretched to the

15、limits. Libraries and canteens are crowded and class numbers are growing due to the lack of teachers. On graduation where are the extra jobs to come from? At present, 30 percent of graduates fail to find a job. If every student were able to graduate the unemployment rate would be nearly 90 percent. My second point is that a country has only a limited amount of resources. Huge sums would be needed to invest in new buildings and equipment. As ma

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