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1、2015-2016学年度第二届英语歌唱比赛主持稿合:Our honored guests , dear teachers and fellow students , good morning!尊敬的各位嘉宾,敬爱的老师们,亲爱的同学们,大家早上好!男: Im todays host, xxx. Im from Xinzhou School.女:Im todays host. We ushered in the second English singing competition of Heyun in the fruitful season.男:在这硕果累累的季节里,我们迎来了禾云镇第二届英文

2、歌唱比赛。女: First, lets introduce todays honored guests ceremoniously sermnsl.Miss He Yinying, from the Education Bureau bjrof Qingyuan City. Welcome! Mr. Mai Wenfei, from the Education Bureau of Qingxin County. Welcome!男:首先,让我们隆重地介绍到场的嘉宾,(鼓掌)女:Welcome the teachers and students from Heyun No. 1 Middle S

3、chool and Yuba School. Welcome!男:热烈欢迎兄弟学校的领导,老师和同学们!女:Now lets introduce todays judges dd. 男:现在让我们介绍这次比赛的评委。(男:welcome Mr. Mai Wenfei! 女:Mr Zhu Jinbin, welcome!男 Mr Tan Yuejun, welcome! 女:Mr Cheng Zhifeng,welcome! 男:Miss Wangying, welcome! 女:Miss Xu Huilian, welcome! 男:Miss Su Jingyi, welcome!)女:Nex

4、t,welcome our honored headmaster, Mr. Feng to give the welcome speech. Welcome!男:接下来有请我们尊敬的冯校长致欢迎词。大家掌声有请!女:Thank for our headmaster, Mr. Fengs wonderful speech. Next, lets welcome Mr. Liang , from Center School of Heyun to give the opening speech for us. Welcome!男:谢谢冯校长的精彩讲话!接下来有请禾云镇中心校的领导梁主任为这次英文歌

5、唱比赛致开幕词。大家掌声有请!女:Thank for Mr. Liang s wonderful speech. Im sure everyone must be very excited and cant wait to enjoy the wonderful programs, right? So lets get started.男:非常感谢梁主任的精彩讲话!我相信大家肯定是迫不及待地要观赏节目了,是吗?让我们马上开始吧。 女:At first, we will listen to Get down , the song of Backstreet Boys .They are good

6、 singers and their smile is like the sunshine . This song has ever conquered the world quickly .Welcome the students from Heyun No.1 Middle School . The next program Edelweiss, please get ready .男:首先,我们将会听到一首来自原创后街男孩的歌曲Get down,五个能歌善舞的后街男孩,带着阳光般的笑容,唱着欢快动听的Get down迅速征服全球。现在有请禾云一中的学生为我们演唱的歌曲Get down。下

7、一个节目Edelweiss请做准备!掌声有请禾云一中的同学。女:Thank you for your wonderful song . After listening to a lively song ,the next song is a classic song Edelweiss .It shows that we should love our motherland and be proud of our motherland. Its elegant tune and beautiful melody are enjoyed by people all over the world.

8、 Welcome the students from Xinzhou School . . The next program Baby, please get ready .男:谢谢你们的精彩表演。听完一首轻快的歌曲后,下面这一首是经典老歌Edelweiss雪绒花,它告诉我们要热爱自己的祖国,要为我们的祖国而感到骄傲。这首爱国歌曲曲调幽雅,旋律优美,深受全世界人们的喜爱。有请新洲学校的学生为我们演唱的歌曲Edelweiss雪绒花,下一个节目Baby请做准备!掌声有请新洲学校的同学。女:How beautiful the song is! Thank you ! Now lets enjoy a

9、nother song about love -Baby. It is full of love . It tells us our baby should be good to each other and believe in love. Welcome the students from Yuba School.男:多优美的歌声!谢谢!现在请欣赏一首关于大爱的歌曲Baby,它告诉我们的baby 要善良,要相信爱。掌声有请鱼坝学校的同学。女:Sounds beautiful !We believe love can make wonders be true . Love can take

10、me to your heart and soul . Now lets enjoy the song Sailing brought by Miss Wang and Miss Zeng. The next program Seasons in the sun ,please get ready .男:多动人的歌声!我们相信爱会创造奇迹,爱也会把你带进我的内心深处。现在请欣赏由新洲学校王秋艳老师和曾婉婷老师带来的Sailing。下一个节目Seasons in the sun请做准备!掌声有请!女:Wow ,wonderful !Thank the dear teachers! Their s

11、ongs give us with power . We are friends .We havejoy.We havefun . Now lets enjoy the song Seasons in the sun brought by students from Heyun No.1 Middle School . The next program You raise me up,please get ready .男:哇,好精彩的表演!感谢两位老师,她们的歌曲给人以力量。我们都是朋友,我们不分离,我们在一起玩,一起拥有快乐。接下来我们就有请禾云一中的同学们为我们带来歌曲Seasons i

12、n the sun.下一个节目You raise me up请做准备!女:Thank you very much! I see, god is a girl who gives her power to everyone . If we want to overcome every difficulty in our life, encouragement is necessary , too. Encouragement let us brave to face the challenge, even beyond the limits of our original. Now please

13、 listen to the song You raise me up. Welcome the students from Xinzhou School . The next programWe will never be apart,please get ready !男:非常感谢禾云一中的同学带来的表演!哦,原来上帝是一个传播力量的女孩。但是如果我们想要克服我们生活中的每一个困难,振奋人心的鼓励也是必要。鼓励让我们勇敢的重新面對挑站,甚至超越了自己原本的极限。我们希望人与人之间的可以互相鼓励,挑战自我。请欣赏新洲学校的同学带来歌曲You raise me up.下一个节目We will

14、never be apart 请做好准备!女:Thank you ! Encouragement is really important for us . If you are in trouble , we should encourage each other . Because we stay together and we will never be apart. Now the students from Yuba School will sing the song we will never be apart . 男:谢谢你们的美妙歌声!鼓励对于我们每一个来说真的很重要,当你处于困

15、境中时,我们朋友之间就应该互相鼓励,互相帮助。因为我们在一起,我们不分离。现在我们来欣赏歌曲we will never be apart。掌声有请鱼坝学校的学生!女:What a beautiful song!Now I think we should invite Mr Mai to sing a song. Welcome our honored guest Mr. Mai. 男:多动听的歌曲!接下来我们将邀请教研室的麦文飞老师为我们高歌一曲。大家掌声欢迎!女:Wow ,wonderful ! Thank Mr. Mai. In our life , the God gives us po

16、wer at any time, too. Do you want to know whether the god is a girl or a boy ?Now let the students from Heyun No.1 Middle School tell us. The next program Lemon tree,please get ready !男:哇,好精彩的表演!感谢麦文飞老师!在我们生活中,我们也期待着上帝可以赐予我们更强大的力量。那你们知道上帝是男孩还是女孩呢?我也不确定,就让禾云一中的同学们告诉我们答案吧。掌声有请禾云一中的同学。下一个节目Lemon tree 请做好准备!女:Thanks. Now welcom

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