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1、 A. sleepy B. tired C. terrified D. lazy逻辑关系的把握要准确,中考常考逻辑关系: a. 转折关系:but, however, on the other hand,instead b. 让步关系:though, although, even though, even if c. 因果关系:because,since ,for,as,thus, therefore, as a result, d. 条件关系:if, unless, as long as, e. 并列关系:and, besides, first, second, third, next/ th

2、en, finally; in additon f. 总结关系: on the whole, in short, all in all, general, in a word, in conclusion, in closing, in summary: (4) 语法:There will be ten_ prizes. A. another B. more C. the others D. few解题思路:1. 跳过空格,通读全文,把握大意。(跳读)2. 结合选项,综合考虑,瞻前顾后,初定答案。(试填)3. 复读全文,逐一验证,弥补疏漏。(复核)二词汇及短语完形填空(B) 1.rat =mo

3、use 老鼠 ,rat- rats 但,mouse- mice2.a mother rat n + n原则:two shoe shops, two apple trees 变复数时前不变后变,但是当含有man 和 woman时,前后都要变:man teachers3. in the open field = in the open air在户外4.have a wonderful time/ have fun / enjoy oneself 玩得开心愉快5. on the scene = on the spot 辨析:scenery 风景的总称, sight 视线、风景 Scene 场景 vi

4、ew 以一个角度看 6. hidehid - hidden 隐藏 7. crawl v. 平爬 , climb向上爬 , creep 匍匐前进 8. forward adv. 向前地, backward adv.向后地 Inward adj.向内的, outward adj.向外的 9. hear them talk hear听的结果 , listen to 听的动作 , observe 仔细地看 , notice 注意 , See 结果 , look 动作 , watch 观看 10. hiding-place 藏身之地 sitting-room 客厅 parking-lot 停车场 smo

5、king- area 吸烟区 11. flee v.fledfled flee from:摆脱 12. fright n. 惊吓 give sb. a fright 吓某人一跳 frighten v. 吓唬 frighten sb. frightened adj.被吓到的 frightening adj.吓人的 13. close v. 关 closed adj.关着的 closely adv.紧密的 close adj.亲密的 14. stop to do 未发生 , stop doing 已发生 Stop / keep sb. from doing sth.阻止某人做 15. face v

6、.面对 face trouble/ difficulty / frustration n. face to face三 阅读理解特点中考阅读理解共三篇文章,体谅分配为(3+4+4) 2= 22分。题材分为:记叙文,议论文,说明文,应用文。试题类型:1. 具体细节题:考察把握文章事实和细节的能力。提问方式如下:a ,Which of the following is right? B, Which of the following is not mentioned?2. 词语解释题:考察根据上下文猜测生词的含义的能力 提问方式如下: a. The word_ in the passage mea

7、ns_. b. The underlined word in the passage refers to_.3.归纳总结题:要求在阅读和理解全文的基础上对文章的title, main ideas等做出归纳概括和评价。阅读理解(C)1. take some places 带某人去某地drive some places 开车送某人去某地see sp. 送某人去某地Send sp. 派某人去2. be ready for sth. 为做准备get sth. ready 把准备好 3.tired 感到累的, tiring令人感到累的tire v.使感到累

8、 tire sb.out3. get into trouble 陷入困境get out off trouble 摆脱困境4. be on 上演be on business 出差be on duty 执勤be on fire 失火be on holiday 度假be on show 展览5. wear out 穿坏,磨破6. with/ without sbs help 在、没有某人的帮助7. try on试穿 try sth.out 适用8. fall behind落后 catch up with赶上第二天第三天第四天完形(A)1. interview vt. 接见;会见;(记者)访问 n.

9、接见; 会见; 会谈(记者的)访问(记), 采访(对申请工作或报考学校者的)口头审查习惯用语 give an interview to sb. 接见某人 have an interview with sb. 会见某人 job interviews (对申请工作者的)口头审查2. tie sb.up 把捆起来3. set 释放4. allow sb. To do 允许某人做某事5. turn in 自首阅读C1. It is adj. for / of sb. to do sth. It is adj. of sb. to do sth. (形容词修饰人kind/nice/pol

10、ite/rude/honest) It is adj. for sb. to do sth. (形容词修饰物 important/impossible/necessary/surprising)2. be strict with sb. in sth. 在某方面严格要求某人3. let / have / make sb. do sth.让某人做let / have / make sth. done 让某事被做4. instead of 介词短语后街名词或代词instead adv.代替,然而5. be worried aboutworry about 担忧,担心 16. decide to d

11、o / make a decision to do 下决心做 17. happen with =happen to某事发生在某人身上 happen to do sth.碰巧做 18 . punish v. 惩罚 punishment n.惩罚 19.take sb. some time to do sth. 某人花费多久做Take ones time 慢慢来Take ones advice 接受某人的建议Take sth. to some places 把某人带到地方Take sth with sb. 某人带着第五天完形(B)1. invite sb. to sp. 邀请某人去某地invite

12、 oneself不请自到2. make a fool of oneself 出丑make fun of / play jokes on sb. 取笑某人3. manage to do 努力且成功地做了某事4. success n. 胜利 failure n.失败 fail to do sth.successful adj. succeed v. succeed in doing sth.5. feel 感官动词后加形容词6. quite adv. 十分 quiet adj. 安静的 quit v. 停止做,辞职 quilt n. 被褥阅读(A)1. centimeter 厘米millimete

13、r 毫米kilometer 千米meter 米decimeter 分米2. as a matter of fact in factto be frankfrankly speaking3. hold up 阻碍, 拦截, 支撑4. die of ( cancer ) 死于内因die from ( an accident) 死于外因阅读(B)1. by the end of 后面只接时间at the end of 可以接时间和地点in the end = at last 最后2. set out to do 开始做,着手做set aside 把放在一边set up 建立set off / out 出发3. appear v. 出现disappear v. 消失 appearance n. 出现,外表4. 修饰可数名词表许多 a number of Many a great/ good many many a 修饰不可数名词 much A great / good deal of

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