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1、锅炉补给水系统是一个连续的系统,每一步的计算是在上一步的基础上进行的,每一部分的选择都必须考虑后续系统(设备)对其出水水质的要求及本身进水水质两方面的因素。最后根据所选的设备及参数画图。 Abstract Water plant production processes both in the working medium thermal equipment , but also some of the cooling medium , the water quality thermal equipment directly affects the safe operation of the

2、important factors of economic plants , so do the work for the purposes of water treatment plant is important. Water power plant come from the rivers, reservoirs and other water resources, these sources contain organics, colloids, dissolved salts and gases and other harmful substances. Some of these

3、salts ( calcium and magnesium ) into the boiler will form the boiler wall of dirt, pipe burst causing serious accidents ; If the salt into the high-pressure steam turbine , will be deposited on the high-pressure nozzle or a turbine blade affect output and efficiency of the steam turbine, the turbine

4、 blade fracture caused serious accidents . Therefore, in order to ensure thermodynamic system has good water quality , must be appropriate for the purification of water treatment and strict supervision vapor quality . Society continues to progress, the demand for electricity is also increasing , wit

5、h the construction of large-scale fire crew continues to expand the scale , people power plant boiler feed water of a higher quality requirements . Water is the main task is to improve water quality or take other measures to eliminate the hazards caused due to poor water quality .Water treatment sys

6、tem design includes two aspects, one is the reasonable choice of system, two is to perform a systematic process design and calculation. This design finally selected coagulation - clarification - Filtration - a complex bed desalting - mixed bed system. The calculation includes: heating equipment supp

7、ly water quantity calculation, water treatment system equipment selection, ( ion exchange system selection, type selection and the choice of resin bed, ) pretreatment system selection, supply water treatment system in process calculation, calculation, mixed anion bed calculation,In addition to the c

8、alculation of carbon, cation bed filter calculation, secondary clarifier calculation. In the calculation formula according to the data of the scope of the choice is more appropriate data. Each process has to be consistent with the scope, then with the obtained results were compared, checking and cal

9、culation. The boiler water supply system is a continuous system, each step is calculated in the previous step is carried out on the basis of, each part of the selection must consider the follow-up system ( equipment ) of the effluent water quality and water quality two factors. Finally, according to

10、 the selected equipment and parameter drawing.热电厂水处理课程设计目录1.设计任务及基本要求6 1.1设计任务6 1.2设计资料6 1.3设计原则72.补给水量计算及水质校核 2.1热力设备补给水量计算7 2.2水分析资料的校核8 2.2.1阴阳离子的含量的审查9 2.2.2含盐量与溶解固体的校核9 2.2.3 PH的校核9 2.2.4硬度的校核10 2.2.5碱度的校核103.补给水处理系统设备选择10 3.1离子交换系统的选择11 3.2预处理系统的选择124.补给水处理系统工艺计算13 4.1补给水处理系统出力的计算14 4.2混床的计算14

11、 4.3阴床的计算18 4.4除碳器的计算22 4.5阳床的计算26 4.6滤池及澄清池的计算305.箱类选择35 5.1除盐水箱35 5.2清水箱3553除盐水箱356.总结367.平面布置图说明368.系统布置图说明379.设计总结与思考3710.主要参考文献 38一、 设计任务及基本要求1.1 设计任务设计内容:某电厂锅炉补给水处理工艺设计1.2 设计资料(1)机组形式和装机容量为2300MW,锅炉为2台亚临界压力自然循环汽包炉,额定蒸发量:1025吨/时。(2)汽水损失:正常运行时汽水损失及事故状况下汽水损失按规定取值轴承冷却水系统补充水10吨/时吹灰及点火燃油系统汽水损失10吨/时化

12、学及暖通用汽10吨/时(3)原水水质设计水源:地表水提供水源水温:最高25 最低4水质分析数据:见表1表1 水质分析结果水质指标pH值悬浮固体含盐量总硬度全碱度Ca2+单位mg/Lmmol/L数据7.5349.32162.761.8238.03Mg2+Na+K+HCO3-SO42-Cl-9.888.6109.636.0415.6NO3-游离CO2全SiO2活性SiO2(COD)Mn8.559.545.34(4)工程主要气象特征与环境条件多年平均气温:10.3极端最高气温:39.2极端最低气温:-28.2多年平均风速:2.3m/s全年主导风向:西北风年最大冻土深度:90cm多年平均降水量:655.8mm抗震烈度:7度1.3设计原则1、根据需方给定的设计条件,寻求最佳解决方案;2、设备必须具有较好的防腐能力;3、设备技术应该是先进的、可靠的;4、保证稳定的出水水质。 二、 补给水量计算及水质校核2.1 热力设备补给水量计算设计机组对补给水量的要求,除了要能满足正常补给水量外,还要在非正常情况下也能提供足够的合格补给水量。非正常情况是指机组启动或事故状况下对水量的增加的需求。具体的说,参照火力发电厂化学设计技术规程(DLT 5068-2006),设计的补给水水量应满足下列诸方面需要:(1) 厂内正常的汽水损失D1这部分损失不包括排污及生产和非生产用水,

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