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1、陈述句 疑问句 祈使句 感叹句(二)写作文体:正式文体 非正式文体(三)如何写出好的句子(一) 句子的分类:按结构分简单句 简单句中有一个主语和一个谓语动词,但可以有几个宾语、定语或状语。 表达效果:短小精悍,结构简单,表意明确,具有明显的强调功能 局限性:容量小,不易表达复杂细腻的思想或说理过程;过多使用简单句还会使文章显得单调,刺耳。 有些简单句不带有任何修饰语,常用来描述某种动作,产生直达明快,加快节奏的修辞效果。The sails, in that light breeze, made but a faint fluttering noise. It ceased. 连续使用简单句还能

2、产生铿锵有力、干脆利落的表达效果。People think I am foolish and ignorant, but Im not. I listen, I hear, I think, I read. I walk alone by myself.读了这段文字人们会相信,“我”既不“愚蠢”也不“无知”。Night fell. Midnight drew on. Few scouting six pilots went to their bunks. 放在段落和章节末的简单句,既能表现有力的终结,又能消除悬念。I dont mind dying any more. I dont think

3、 deaths very important, not so important as love. And I want you to live and be happy. I dont grudge you anything any more and I dont resent anything. Im glad now its me that must die and not you. I wish for you everything thats good in the world. I love you.省略句结构紧凑,表意突出,言简意赅。 适用范围:常用于日常口语,小说对白及广告文体

4、中。Drive Slow!Construction Site! No Admittance!(施工重地,闲人免进)No Parking!并列句 用连接词或标点符号把意义相关、结构完整的两个或两个以上的简单句连接起来便组成并列句。体现语言均衡美,使文章风格平实大方You dont know about me without you have read a book by the name of the Adventures of Tom Sawyer; but that arent no matter. That book was made by Mr. Mark Twain, and he t

5、old the truth, mainly. There was things which he stretched, but mainly he told the truth.复合句 复合句包含一个主句和一个或多个从句,主句结构独立,从句依附于主句;从句所表达的概念是对主句意义的补充、解释或限定。表达复杂的思想内容。1. This is the house that Jack built.2. This is the malt that lay in the house that Jack built.3. This is the rat that ate the malt that lay

6、 in the house that Jack built.4. This is the cat that killed the rat that ate the malt that lay in the house that Jack built. 在复合句中,从句是为主句服务的,它可以使主句所表达的思想显得突出、有力。主句和从句先后次序上的不同可以产生不同的文体效果。 从句在前,产生悬念:But when vague rumors got abroad, that in this Protestant association a secret power was mustering aga

7、inst the government for undefined and mighty purposes; when the air was filled with whispers.then the mania spread indeed, and the body, still increasing every day, grew forty thousand strong. (Charles Dickens, Barnaby Rudge) 从句在后,使文笔轻松自如,富有口语色彩。并列复合句 并列句和复合句的结合。并列复合句至少要有两个主要从句和一个次要从句。句子结构多样化。按长度分在对

8、书面语进行文体分析时,我们常常根据句子长度看做是构成文体特点的一种因素。长句结构复杂,容量大,表达复杂的思想;叙事具体,说理严谨;烘托动作的连续性。 使用范围:常在政论文体,科技文体 在小说中也常用长句描写一个人物、物体或场面。 一般来说,并列句和复合句都属于长句。我们在写说明文和议论文时,拓展句最好用较长一些的复合句,主题句(topic sentence)用较短的句子,这样就会重点突出,层次分明。范文:I learned how to cooperate with others. Since I am the only daughter in my family, sometimes I d

9、o not know how to set up a harmonious relationship with my friends. During the college life, I knew to think for others, to be warmhearted to others, to be friendly to others, to think about others feeling, to think the opinions in others view. 短句结构简单,明白易懂,使文章生动活泼,干净利落,加快文章结构。下面是一个人如何救活一个快要淹死的女人:He

10、laid her down on the bank. She was quite unconscious and running with water. He made the water come from her mouth. He worked to restore her. He did not have to work very long before he could feel the breathing begin again in her. She was breathing naturally. 短句一般语气重,可陈述重要的事实或想法;长句则适宜于准确表达复杂的思想,可解释观

11、点理论或描写有很多细节的事物。Two years ago, I cheerfully received my university admission and portrayed a splendid picture of my college life: full of happiness, freedom and energy. But now, I have become a junior, and Ive known that life does not seem that easy. There are joys as well as sorrows. For me, two yea

12、rs college life is really a priceless experience which prepared me better for my future. I will treasure the things I have gained forever. 从修辞角度,句子有松散句、圆周句、对偶句和排比句之分。松散句&圆周句 松散句:主要意思放在次要意思之前。使读者在看到最初几个词之后就知道这句活的意思。我们平时使用的句子大多是松散句。明白、简单、自然、直接。 圆周句:重要的意思放在最后面,并且直到最后一个词时句子结构才完整。读者只有看完整句话之后才知道句意。复杂、着重、正

13、式、文雅。She decided to study English though she was interested in music.Although she was interested in music, she finally decided to study English.一个句子如果含有两个或多个的在语法形式和作用上相同的部分,便是有平行结构的句子。排比(parallelism) 排比,就是把结构相同、意义并重、语气一致的词组或句子排列成串,形成一个整体。加强语气,使文章条理清楚,使语言流畅,富有节奏感。范文1. To spend too much time in studie

14、s is sloth; to use them too much for ornament is affectation; to make judgment wholly by their rules, is the humor of a scholar. It brought happiness, bitterness, and surprise to me. I have got a better understanding of friendship, partnership and teacherstudent relationship. 范文2. My subjects are mo

15、re in order. My dresses are taking more space of the wardrobe instead of my sport suits. I have more intimate friends and get more appreciation from my students. 对偶(antithesis) 对偶,就是把意义相对的词语放在对称的结构中形成对照,要求结构匀称整齐,又有意义相反的词语相互衬托。增添语言鲜明性,加强语意。And then with his next words he achieved rank with either the great crowd of the worlds sympathizers or the little crowd of its great financiers.“一大群富有同情心的人”与“一小群金融巨头”构成对偶,给读者极深的

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