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1、论文(设计)题目作 者指导教师学 号职 称工作单位联系电话论文完成时间:指导教师评阅时间:指导教师评定成绩:答辩主席:答辩时间:答辩成绩:综合成绩:申请学位:The Dual Personalities of the Protagonists in Wuthering HeightsbyHuo LimeiSupervisor: Wang ZhixiongA Graduation Thesis Presented as a Partial Fulfillment For the Degree of B.A. in EnglishDepartment of Foreign LanguagesChu

2、xiong Normal University February,201STATEMENTS OF AUTHORSHIPExcept where reference is made in the text of the thesis, this thesis contains no material published elsewhere or extracted in whole or part from a thesis presented by me for another degree or diploma.No other persons work has been used wit

3、hout due acknowledgement in the main text of the thesis.This thesis has not been submitted for the award of any other degree or diploma. Signed: _Dated: _ACKNOWLEDGEMENTSI would like to thank my supervisor Mr. Zhao for his invaluable guidance and support throughout the course of this work. I am also

4、 very grateful to Mr. Zhu for his helpful comments and insightful suggestions during the research and writing of this thesis. I would also like to thank Mr. Li for taking the time to be my external examiner. Many other people have helped and contributed their time to the research of this thesis. I w

5、ould like to thank all my group members for their invaluable comments and suggestions. I would also like to take this opportunity to express my gratitude toward my classmates, for their valuable suggestions and help in these two years of study as well as their friendship. Thanks to all the other fri

6、ends I have made at school for making my stay here an enjoyable period of time. I will always be indebted to my family, especially my parents. I would like to thank them for their support and confidence in me. My gratitude goes to everyone at home. This thesis would not have been possible without al

7、l thir kindness and encouragemABSTRACTWuthering Heights is the Flower of English literature; it is a romantic work which describes a thrilling love story. It started from the wildness and ended as a tragedy, in which we see the long lasting revenge and hatred between the two families. It demonstrate

8、s the seamy side of the society. This novel built two very complex protagonists because of their dual personalities. In order to make the readers have a better understanding of this novel, this thesis analyzes the main characters, i.e. Heathcliff and Catherine, through their growing background, thei

9、r behaviors, their language, and their inner worlds described in the novel written by Emily Bronte. From the detailed analysis, we can understand a truth about this novel more clearly, that is, society shaped the peoples character and their character determined their destiny.Key words: Wuthering Hei

10、ghts; Heathcliff;Catherine;Dual personalities摘 要呼啸山庄是英国文学史上的一朵奇葩。它是一部描写惊心动魄爱情故事的浪漫主义文学作品。小说以荒原开始,以悲剧收场,在这期间我们不仅可以看到持续了半个多世纪的仇恨与报复,还可以理解到当时社会的阴暗面。这部小说的主要人物,以及他们的双重性格,都反映了环境对人物性格的影响,同时他们的爱情悲剧反映了人物性格决定了人物的命运。本文主要通过主人公成长的生活环境、行为、语言以及内心世界分析了其主要性格特征,以及该性格特征对其爱情悲剧的影响。关键词:呼啸山庄;希斯克利夫;凯瑟琳; 双重性格Contents PageSt

11、atement of Authorship iiiAcknowledgements ivAbstract vContents vi 1. Introduction 12. The brief introduction about Wuthering Heights 13. Heathcliffs dual personalities 33.1 His extreme hatred 33.2 His profound love 44. Catherines dual personalities 55.The influence of their dual personalities on the

12、ir love tragedy 76. Conclusion 8Bibliography 9The Dual Personalities of the Protagonists in1. Introduction it is a romantic work which describes a thrilling love story. The story started from the wildness and ended as a tragedy, in which we see the long lasting revenge and hatred between the two fam

13、ilies. It demonstrates the seamy side of the society. The main characters, their dual personalities and their love tragedy in this novel show us that the social environment shapes the character of the people, and the character leads to the peoples destiny. The protagonists in this novel have been ex

14、tensively studied in recent years by eastern and western scholars. But most of their articles are so professional, to some degree, that there are some difficulties for general readers to understand. In fact, lots of obvious descriptions the author has given are the most powerful evidence to the protagonists unique characters. This thesis focuses on the dual personalities of Heathclif and Catherine, and analyzes the formation of the

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