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2、低设置,且可以根据玉米棒的大小不同调节两辊间的距离。这避免了传统设计方法中采用铸铁辊对玉米籽粒的损坏,而且在结构上比传统设计方法更为合理。经计算、校核,该机符合设计要求,并且在剥皮装置与传统方式上较传统设计有所改进,更适于在广大农村的推广应用。【关键词】 玉米剥皮机 剥皮辊 传动系统 动力源 1Title: Corns Clothes Takes-Off Machine Abstract At the devided harvest time, the labor force of corns clothes take-off by hard is to strong. It wastes t

3、ime and decreases the quantity of the corn. To solve the problem of corns clothes take-off in our country, we designed the corns clothes take-off machine including the structure and the technical parameter design. It is a machine that take off the corns clothes. It has four types, respectively for s

4、ingle, union of several and big harvest. The machine instead of the traditional handed labor, reduce the peoples labor strength, raise the efficiency and prevent the corns damage. The structure of the machine is simple. The machine is easily adopted, reiable and efficiency. The power of the machine

5、can use electric motor、diesel engine and the power of agricultural car.This machine adoption list mutually the alternate current motive makes the motive. Peel to equip to win to peel the son of to have the spiral iron casting son of and the rubber son of to constitute generally, cast iron the son of

6、 to have severity to the seed grain to hurt, so this machine adoption the whole rubber son of. Designed under premise that must be get go 95% of take-off rate and efficiency required no less than 1500kg/h, power no more than or equality 3kw. For get to these requirements, main take-off part makes us

7、e of rubber cylinder, and they are installed up-down. It is more reasonable than orthodox way. The transmission system makes use of binary level decreasing velocity. Via computed and checked, the machine is right. Specially, it is better than forming designing. Worthwhile, it is widely applied in ru

8、ral.Key words: Corns clothes、 Take-off Machine、 Cylinder、 transmission system、 Power resource 摘要-1Abstract-2引 言-11 题目来源及技术要求-11.1 任务来源-11.2 剥皮机的设计要求如下-21.3 玉米剥皮机结构简介-22 总体方案的分析-32.1 剥皮的工艺过程-32.2 方案的选择-32.3 主要工作部件形式的选择-33 总体配置的确定-43.1 机架的配置-43.2 传动系统配置-54 剥皮装置的确定-6 4.1 剥皮辊长度确定-6 4.2 剥皮辊生产能力的确定-6 4.3 剥皮部件的设计-75 执行部件及机架设计-8 5.1 果穗料斗的设计-8 5.2机架、连接架的设计-96 传动部分设计-10 6.1 玉米果穗在剥皮辊间的受力分析-10 6.2 皮带传动的设计计算及校核-11 6.3 齿轮的设计-13 6.4 轴的强度校核与设计计算-20 6.5 键的选择-22 6.6 轴承的选择-22 6.7 电动机的选择-227 6YBJ4型玉米剥皮机的保养、使用、调整及修复-23 7.1 每日技术保养-23 7.2 传动装置的使用和调整-23 7.3 机器的保管-24 7.4 工作部件损坏的修复和调整-24总结-

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